The pond isn't for the faint-hearted, the weak-kneed snivelling types who can't stay the course ... and what better way to sort out the stayers from the lazybones than a hearty dose of nattering "Ned" ...
Put it another way ...
If there's one thing better than an ordinary nattering "Ned" on a Saturday, it's "Ned" in full flight having an anxiety attack over the battle for the Liberal soul, if only because that's based on the weird premise that the party has a soul ...
Dammit, the Catholic Boys' Daily will find a soul in just about anything... have they shifted from fundie tyke to animist?
What next, the ritual cannibalistic eating of flesh and blood handily pressed into wafers? Lay on, McNattering "Ned", and damned be him that first cries 'Hold, enough'... the pond is not going to surrender and have to kiss the ground in front of Malware, and be baited by the reptile curse, though Birnam Wood come to Camperdown ...
What next, the ritual cannibalistic eating of flesh and blood handily pressed into wafers? Lay on, McNattering "Ned", and damned be him that first cries 'Hold, enough'... the pond is not going to surrender and have to kiss the ground in front of Malware, and be baited by the reptile curse, though Birnam Wood come to Camperdown ...

Well it wouldn't be a nattering "Ned" worrywarts piece of Chicken Little hysteria if it didn't start off with unions, double class warfare, the sky falling, activist legions on the march, the suffering of the 'better-off' (code for filthy rich, but please, no class warfare on the pond), and so on ...
And then having a natural tendency to being a grammar Nazi (just to match contributing readers), the pond became seriously alarmed at the use of "thugging", as in "thugging working people", but this is now likely to be the third reference that can be googled, with the Sally McManus original turning up in her speech here ...

But for all the opening thugging excitement in the opening of this gobbet, the pond began to wilt and develop a sense of déjà vu ennui ... as if the pond had been caught catnapping or watching the paint dry yet again...
And yet the pond was only at the second gobbet, with many gobbets to go ... with nattering "Ned" blathering on about SSM - so easily solved in the German way - and the dreadful socialism of Gonski, and so on ...

Pragmatism and rationality being urged by a reptile?
Is the Catholic Boys' Daily on the turn?
No, not at all, and so it's time for one of the pond's most fiendish devices, a certain way to sort out the wheat from the chaff, to test the innocent, to check out those who can endure, and beat Cliff Young, and those who falter at the jump ... wheel in not the Kraken, but the dog botherer ...
Yes, just when the faint-hearted and the foolish were thinking they were doing it in a doddle, it's time to add more weight to the bar with one of the pond's infamous tributes to cut and paste William Burroughs in an epic Eisenstein-ian montage...
Nattering "Ned" in a smackdown fight for the soul of the Liberal party with the charcoal-clad fiendish form of the dog botherer ...
Hah, straight away that put that bleeding heart nattering "Ned" in his place. Back in to your box you blubbering wimp ...
Oh alright, a gobbet of equivocation and tedious piety must be allowed for the sake of cross-cutting ...

Hah. Pure unadulterated gibberish.
Why nattering "Ned" himself can't manage the pungent point-making of the dog botherer, fetid with rage and right wing hysteria, blessed as his gobbet is with a lovely portrait of a statesmanlike onion muncher poised to save the nation, or at least hurl it to the right of Genghis Khan ...
What's that in the back row? Shameless, pathetic whimpering? A pleading to stop the pain and make it go away?
The pond never said it was going to be easy. Suck in that oxygen, put one foot after another, climb that mountain until dizziness heralds the arrival of oxygen deprivation, and then you're in the right state of mind to return to nattering "Ned", while praying this gobbet is a a short round, a brief rebuttal of the dog botherer ...

Talk about pathetic. What a flop. Why the dog botherer has only just got on to climate science and Gonski, and is barely warming up, and nattering "Ned" is blathering about transactional politics as a closer ...
But with nattering "Ned" having given up the ghost and a gobbet of dog botherer to go, the pond is desperately in need of relevant reptile material to provide a final cross-cutting point.
Perhaps a slice of cartoon?
Ah that's better, that sets the tone for the final gobbet of dog botherer ...
This government can succeed only with a mix of transactional and conviction politics?
That's nattering Ned, while the dog botherer presents the drivel of little Timmie Bleagh as a fact-driven solution to the situation?
Conservatives are driven by facts? Orwell turns up to be abused yet again?
It's beginning to dawn on the pond that if the Liberal party has a soul, then the dog botherer is the winner.
Fundamentalism and extremism will always ride roughshod over blatherers.
Sure it means that the soul ends up black and dirty with specks of coal all over it, as Sister Mary patiently used to explain to the pond ...
And now anyone who managed to make it to the end of this almighty smackdown between nattering "Ned" and the dog botherer contending for the soul of the Liberal party, and consigning Malware to hell - because that's his choice, that's what he wanted for himself, the country and the NBN - deserves another nugget of First Dog, though for a real First Dog treat, follow the link to here ...
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDeleteDesperate stuff from the Dog Botherer and his reptilian colleagues in trying to spin the paper "Why troposphere warming differs between models and satellite data" as proving the science is not "settled".
Quite a good explanation of the findings here;
What is still evident is that temperatures are still increasing, only the speed of increase isn't as fast as the modelling predicted.
Standard stuff to play up sometimes small differences between experts to make it appear there is some sort of fundamental problem with the model. It relies on the reader not doing any sort of investigation of their own.
DeleteIt's also relevant to appreciate that it's only the troposphere that's being talked about. But then those who, as the reptiles are, can neither read attentively nor comprehendingly, don't understand that the troposphere is just one part of the planet and that elsewhere (land surface, sea surface, ocean depths etc) warming is proceeding on, or a little ahead of, the modelled schedule.
DeleteThey would also have no idea how difficult it is to effectively and continually measure atmospheric temperature, nor how much nor how fast it can change (eg the rapid changes in the northern hemisphere when the Arctic jet stream spills over onto northern America).
And none of it means that there is any problem with the basic physics - that really is well and truly settled - but that there is a process of continuous refinement and improvement in both detailed understanding of geophysics and in accuracy and timeliness of measurement.
But as the Orange Caesar shows repeatedly, any lie any time is good enough for the 'true believers'.
The reptiles who can read neither attentively nor comprehendingly have no idea how difficult it is to effectively and continually measure atmospheric temperature, nor how much nor how fast it can change (eg the rapid changes in the northern hemisphere when the Arctic jet stream spills over onto northern America).
DeleteAnd they also have absolutely no comprehension of the process of continual improvement applied to using the results of science that is quite settled.
So, for some enlightenment, read this:
It contains this observation:
"After correcting for problems caused by the decaying orbit of satellites, as well as other factors, they have produced a new record showing 36% faster warming since 1979 and nearly 140% faster (i.e. 2.4 times larger) warming since 1998. This is in comparison to the previous version 3 of the lower tropospheric temperature (TLT) data published in 2009.
Climate sceptics have long claimed that satellite data shows global warming to be less pronounced than observational data collected on the Earth’s surface. This new correction to the RSS data substantially undermines that argument. The new data actually shows more warming than has been observed on the surface, though still slightly less than projected in most climate models."
Don't tell the reptiles, but George Orwell wrote "The Spanish war and other events in 1936-37 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it."
ReplyDeleteThat was pretty epic.