Friday, July 21, 2017

In which the pond celebrates the reptiles' ongoing war with the ABC ...

Ah, the good old days of the whiteboard, now apparently revived, though anyone googling the most recent revival of this style of government won't find News Corp high in the serried rank exploring the new whiteboard news ...

The SEOs in the ether tell the pond that if you're not on the front page, you may as well not exist, so it was pleasing to see BandT made the cut here...

But why does the pond keep banging on about it? Well it provides a nicely Germanic and expressionist contrast to the valiant ongoing work of the Catholic Boys' Daily business plan ...

Hang on, there below the offer of a tablet for mug punters, in the business review section of the rag, is that a tale about the churches and the ABC, and its filthy, vile, secularist atheist crusade against Xianity, and even worse, by a Baird?

Indeed it is, and the pond would like to pay homage to Ean Higgins on a slow reptile day where things were truly desperate, and the pond contemplated rifling through fish heads in the bin, and assorted reptile columns ...

Oh no, not the drudgery of a trudge through the deepest thoughts of the Tudge, though the pond does appreciate that as a latter-day Pravda, it's important for the reptiles to keep up a daily record of ministerial thoughts ...especially when delivered to think tanks, and maintaining a sharp eye on the guilt of all those dropkick welfare bludgers that litter the country like sheep droppings, leading to a superabundance of dags, making life incredibly difficult for the government ... remembering there are many more important duties, like attending to the whiteboard and splashing the cash on Foxtel ...

As for the Sexton, his service was exceedingly dull, and besides he had a book to plug, and he really only cranked into gear in the third act ...

Leftist swine in control of literary groups?! Will their fiendish politically correct cleverness never end?

No, the pond had to turn to the war on the ABC, with google providing yet another poignant juxtaposition ...

Yes, it's a mixture of fear, loathing and resentment, and that's why reptile Higgins' piece ended up in the business review, because at the same time as pocketing a cool $30 million, its essential to the reptile business plan to degut the ABC at every opportunity, no matter how pifling or trifling ... while any chance to entrance fundamentalist Xians is a double bonus ...

The pond finds it amazing that Lynn Arnold should routinely turn up to celebrate the reptiles and bag the ABC, but then he went off to believe in, and talk to, imaginary friends, so anything is possible and perhaps the pond shouldn't be surprised ...

Speaking about being selective, out of dozens of abusive reader comments, howling at the atheist ABC and the moon, the pond enjoyed this comment most of all ...

Well played, Tom of Spring Hill, for capturing the essence of reptile readership. There's nothing more intrinsically amusing than lesbian domestic violence ... unless its domestic violence in general, always a guaranteed comedy winner in reptile la la land.

Oh and well played reptile Higgins, for maintaining the rage and the business plan ...

That offering from the angry Sydney Anglicans, celebrated for their complimentary role and for playing a key role in encouraging the demonisation of homosexuals in Africa is something of a capper to reptile Higgins' valiant efforts ...

And his work clearly helped the business plan no end ... with any number of commentators rushing in to give the ABC and its lavishly paid minions a what for and a paddy whack (don't expect the reptiles to be rushing to reveal what their top brass get paid, it might cause the readership to indulge in a collective faint):

Paul Murray at Sky? Is there a cash in the paw government grant in that somewhere? Should the pond get out the whiteboard? If Paul Murray is first prize, is root canal therapy the second prize?

Never mind, the pond could have gone on and on with the reader comments, with the readership rushing to explain how it's all the fault of women ... ...

... and so on and on and on at exceptional length ...

But enough is enough to verify that reptile Higgins had scored a palpable hit, getting all the crocodiles excited in the reptile swamp, and besides, David Rowe this day had done a splendid cartoon of the Donald in his swamp, and what better way to end the week, unless it's to head off for more Rowe here ...


  1. Hmmm, now according to the Catty Boys Dilly, the ABC pays out $437m per annum to staff with the top 20 per cent totalling up $124m. Now let's see: 124/437 = 28.37. In short the top 20 per cent of ABC employees take home 28.37 per cent of the ABC's total remuneration payout.

    Oh yes, that's just dreadful, isn't it. I wonder what the numbers are for the Murdoch pack.

  2. If the ABC is so biased against the power-and-control-seeking cult of christian-ISM then why are at least 90% (or even more) of the essays posted on the ABC Religion & Ethics website by right-wing christian propaganda hacks?

  3. The reptile commenters really do get worked up into keyboard-smashing rage so easily, don't they? Poor little snowflakes. They couldn't even contain themselves when it came to the Australian's article on the Archibald Prize entrants - all because one entry depicted that she-devil and traitor to her race and class, Gillian Triggs. Even a portrait competition is a leftist conspiracy!

  4. Eh? "the church and it's god has been our conscience and inquisitor so it's fall from grace has been accompanied by all the spite and hatred of a witch trial"

    Is this meant to be ironic - references to witch trials & the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

    These people are the victims of a vast (& imaginary) conspiracies - probably should grow up & start making there own decisions rather than rely on some bronze age claptrap.


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