Point of order m'lud. While the pond deeply appreciates the poodle's attempt to introduce North Korea and Godwin's Law into the conversation, as everyone knows the real comedy heat is going down in the United States ...
The Mooch has been a stunning coup, and made poor old Spicey seem like a good riddance warm-up act. The only downside? That bloody song the pond has always disliked keeps running through the pond's head, and the thunder and the lightning is very, very frightening ...
There's nothing for the pond in that fertile ground. The best professionals are to hand and every night a parade of stand-up comedy and cable news delights and entertains the pond. Sure the United States and the world is going to hell by way of handcart and the Donald, but what fun getting there ...
For those outside the US showbiz loop, recent Variety front page stories might have zipped off into the ether, but the pond honours Stephen Colbert's 'Russia Week' Lifts 'Late Show' to Biggest Weekly Win Ever ... well with a mad Russian axe-throwing billionaire oligarch, a crazy late night show talk host, a visit to the pee pee bed, and sundry street performances, how could it go wrong?
And that was followed by the news this day in Variety Donald Trump Animated Series from Stephen Colbert Headed to Showtime ...
But the pond had to ankle this fun ... the competition's too strong.
Now the reptiles of Oz did attempt a few high comedy routines, of the standard Xian kind ...
And they had the arm-breaker to hand in case a few Eastern suburbs or Mosman arms needed breaking ...
Sure it would be funnier to get poked in the eye with a sharp Donald stick, but the pond freely acknowledges that it doesn't spend nearly enough time with the cawing Crowe ...
Attention should be paid ... who knows, one day, instead of stoning the Crowe, the pond might be celebrating the way he became a serious contender for a Kenny ...
This day he made a good start by briefly being at the top of the digital opinion page, with old favourites like the bromancer and the dog botherer nowhere to be seen ...
Won't someone think of the children, the pond could hear Helen Lovejoy cry ...
Did someone mention Tamworth?
Oh lost wasted days of youth. That produce store became a tyre store, with the smell coating the Jaffas in the darkened theatre, and the miracle is that the pond grew up a leather fetishist rather than a rubber lover ...
But hang on, how did the pond get there?
Well to tell you the truth, the pond quite drifted off. The cawing Crowe has got a long way to go to score a Kenny, and the reptiles are on the back foot, what with the guv'nor having gone feral ...
Well to tell you the truth, the pond quite drifted off. The cawing Crowe has got a long way to go to score a Kenny, and the reptiles are on the back foot, what with the guv'nor having gone feral ...
Strewth, a bloody socialist commie Jeremy-lover in charge of the big bank? Why he would have been drummed out of Tamworth in a barrel of finest Barners' lard ...
It is cold comfort for Australians who are out of work, struggling to get pay rises and secure jobs, eking out an existence on poverty-level welfare, and trying to keep pace with house prices and power bills.
The anger at Mr Morrison and Mr Tudge rivalled the moment Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce dismissed the housing affordability crisis as “bullsh*t”. Social media and online comments sections have branded them “arrogant” or worse. (New Daily, here).
Point of order m'lud, the pond knows how to spell bullshit, and it knows how to pivot to another serve of the cawing Crowe ... as he proves that paranoia is now the state of mind at the lizard Oz ...

Say what? All the work of the lizard Oz undone? All the Kennys competed for, and hard won, and yet boardsurfing Comrade Bill is riding the wave of reality and actual inequality to the election?
How unfair is that?
Who'd have guessed it?
Well certainly not the Oz editorialist, in a desperate rearguard action this day...
Who'd have guessed it?
Well certainly not the Oz editorialist, in a desperate rearguard action this day...

Yes, the reptiles have got the Corbyn fear ... and Comrade Bill is looming ... and only the French clock lover is on hand to save them.
The paranoia's now palpable, and infests the broadsheet like leeches in the Peel river, and about the only interesting thing to take away from these two efforts is the way they can sense all their valiant work and Kenny awards have been in vain ...
The paranoia's now palpable, and infests the broadsheet like leeches in the Peel river, and about the only interesting thing to take away from these two efforts is the way they can sense all their valiant work and Kenny awards have been in vain ...
It's a shame really, and after all the good work their American cousins at Fox did for the cause of comedy, as celebrated by Rowe, with more Rowe here ...
Oh, DP, you dislike "Bohemian Rhapsody" ? Dear me, until this your musical taste has been absolutely impeccable and an inspiration to us all.
ReplyDeleteThen again, I noted the other day that Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon' was the third highest selling album of all time based on music company claims of sales (after Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' as No 1 and AC/DC's 'Back in Black' as No 2).
But 'Wish You Were Here' was Floyd's all time best: the delightful symphonic rock of the the title plus two brilliant tracks in 'Welcome to the Machine' and 'Have a Cigar'.
So how good is my taste - especially since I have come to prefer 'I Shall Marry the Miller's Son' to 'Send in the Clowns'. Such is life.
The pond makes no excuse for its fear and loathing ... and yet it loves Send in the Clowns, especially when sung by Krusty ...
DeleteWell, I do still love 'Send in the Clowns' DP, of course I do (but Krusty ?)
DeleteBut 'I Shall Marry the Miller's Son', that all time great 'unisex' lament at the smallness of life for the underclass of whichever gender ? From the same chap who also gave us the lyrics to 'Gee, Officer Krupke!' and the music and lyrics to 'There Are Giants in the Sky' and 'The Ladies Who Lunch' ?
Then again, I always had a huge soft spot for Peggy Lee's performance of 'Fever' and 'Is That All There Is ?' - not to forget Jo Stafford's rendition of 'You Belong To Me' - as well as Ronnie Gilbert's loud and proud lead vocals in 'Kisses Sweeter Than Wine', so what would I know.
La Mer ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXQh9jTwwoA
I love the way the reptiles,and especially the editorialist love to regularly drag out the Hawke-Keating aromatic sizzling sausage when the going gets a bit iffy.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling they are all in for a few home truths in the very near future as it appears the good'ol USA has gone the full ferret.
Today was not a normal day.....even by Rupert's standards.
Axe-throwing oligarchs notwithstanding, my favourite bit of Russia Week was a vox-pop, where Stephen wanted to shake hands like the Trumpsterfire. His mark said (insert Russian accent): "So you are Donald Trump? Okay... and I am Justin Trudeau".
ReplyDeleteColbert looked like he just wanted to kiss the guy... :)