Monday, August 07, 2017

In which the pond, abandoned by the Major Mitchell, is compelled to observe the onion muncher and the Terrorist editorialist in action ...

It's a toss-up between the Terror and the lizard Oz as to which can produce the best joke on any given day ...

This day the competition was fierce, and the pond was still adrift at sea, lost without the comfort of the Major Mitchell explaining how great he was ... and how tremendous the lizard Oz was ... and how very soon, it would be making money ...

Without the august Major Mitchell, the reptiles turned to the blow-fly still feasting on the cow pat mess he made ...

Now the pond has already looked at the Oreo explaining why consensus may forever elude the Liberal party ... remarkably done without mentioning the deep Freudian anger that drives the onion muncher, as if he thinks he's an anti-hero in a Greek tragedy, at war with the gods and anyone else who dares support the quisling jellyback Malware ... but it was the google splash that caught the true whiff of the onion muncher at play ...

It was wholly admirable that the real villain in the same-sex marriage imbroglio - the onion muncher himself, who contrived and enacted the farce now playing out - should seek to blame comrade Bill, a routine up there with the dog eating his wholemeal bread sandwich ... but what profound cheek and chutzpah then to accuse comrade Bill of hypocrisy writ large ...

Speaking of hypocrisy writ large, and the real motive for this entire fuss ...

Or as that ancient poster had it ...

Here for that story at the ABC with working links, as the pond finally gets around to the onion muncher's latest opus - courtesy the reptiles, natch - as he's still feeling threatened seven years or so on ...

Oh please miss, please, the pond knows the answer to all that talk of individual positions being taken prior to an election ...

The trouble, of course, is that he's incapable of crawling into a hole because he's driven by a profound bitterness, anger and resentment, not to mention a considerable chunk of self-confessed homophobia ...

As for the hypocrisy, it's rampant ...

For some strange reason, it reminded the pond of an old First Dog, which can be found here ...

And speaking of Murdochian hacks of the woeful kind, it was the Terror editorialist who tried to dislodge the reptiles of Oz in the pond's esteem by producing a pungent editorial...

Having run with Akker Dakker yesterday - as noted by the pond, he was apparently complaining about reality TV star the Donald ruling the United States - the pond had to marvel at the way that the Terrorists this day compared gay marriage to the carbon tax ...

Actually you cackling geese, this was the carbon tax ...

Yes, the man who fucked up almost everything he touched - including, but not limited to, climate science, energy policy, the copper-clad NBN, and the Murray Darling Basin - was at the heart of that nattering negativity about the carbon tax ...

And now, somehow SSM is the same as the carbon tax, when in reality we've had to pay all sorts of de facto prices for a de facto price on carbon?

Oh okay, you're insisting, and maybe it is the same thing all over again ...

There's more, and fresher Pope here of course, but enough reminders that it's the same as it ever was, let's get down wit the Terrorists ...

Indeed, indeed, thanks in part to the Terrorists, and in no small part to the onion muncher's tribe of delusionals, we now have a completely confused and very expensive set of energy policies which neither serve users nor the planet ...

And now, with a breathtaking insouciance, the Terrorists seek to compare, conflate and confuse a matter of private lives and social policy with energy policy ...

Can misleading metaphors ever be taken to a higher level of confusion? Why not compare gay marriage to a GST?

They didn't mention SSM in their maiden speeches?

WTF? Is that an indicator of anything? And what the fuck is that talk about Australians being denied their say because parliament voted on this or any other issue?

Does that mean that all parliamentary votes are a denial of representation, a denial of having a say?

If that's the case, why on earth do we bother with parliamentary representation? Why not just call back chairman Rupert to run the show?

How much simpler it would be if the reptiles just admitted it, as the onion muncher did - look, I'm a bigoted, threatened, homophobic prick, and I'm agin it ... and being a Dobbin, this stubborn horse isn't for turning ... 

How strange. That reminded the pond of Cory marrying a pig ...

You see, it's not about the GST or about questioning the very nature of parliamentary representation or the carbon tax, it's about something else, as explained by Rowe ...

Oh okay, there might be a whiff of climate science in it too, but Rowe's got that covered as well, with more recent and older Rowe here ...

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