Old jungle saying: "To defeat a Nazi, one must become a Nazi" …
The defeated:

Silly old dodderer - probably grew up in a time when the Poms downplayed all that Nazi stuff and promoted the idea that they were different and more civilised ...

Where did that get them? And besides there was Dresden, so why not just get on with some decent Nazi imagery?
Say what? Only the opportunity to "seek exemptions" when everyone knows that to defeat the Nazi, it is essential to become the Nazi … eye of the tiger etc etc, yadda yadda …
The victors:
Fearing nothing, not even the fury and dint of battle, the reptiles flung themselves against the barbed wire …

The pond hesitates to list the entirety of reptile Mark Day's record as a war hero … it's almost as long as the pond's, but what a ripper image he led with, and how admirable it is …
Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds …
There's the path towards democracy, and then there's bombing the shit out of countries, as a way of bringing them to peace and civilisation …
The choice is clear enough. Do it in a mealy-mouthed, milk soppish, foppish way, or do it with style, and decent blacks and proper leathers ...
The choice is clear enough. Do it in a mealy-mouthed, milk soppish, foppish way, or do it with style, and decent blacks and proper leathers ...
Oh they always had the best iconography, and that's why Melburnians still wear black as the old guard head to Mario's for food poisoning ...

Silly old Pom lover with all that rah rah stuff …
Get with Marvel comics, or get over it …
Mark Day understands that to defeat a Nazi, it is wise to become one … and as for Isis, well, we all share some fundamental values, or at least Xian evangelicals do, and if that's not a good enough reason to introduce death imagery, what is?
Now the artist behind "Death Smackdown" might sound like some sort of wimp ...
The central character of the Medic was chosen to represent an easily identifiable figure in the Defence Force as someone who saves lives. His call sign PK, Pahpah Kilo, Kilo is the generic call sign for all medics. As Dickie commented "it captures what Medics in the Australian Defence Force try and achieve every day. Sometimes they must possess 'godlike' skills and deliver them swiftly in order to save lives." (Greg Hunt it here, if you've gotten over the shame of the hunter's last outing).
There's death in the imagery, and we all know what that means ...

Naturally the reptiles were on hand with some images to put female flight crew at ease …
Let's face it, showing a saucy woman in a provocative pose goes towards fostering camaraderie and bonding ...
Wait a second, there are women flying planes in the military?
Where did we go wrong?
Dammit the next thing you know they'll be talking up the way a female pilot with the US navy brought a crippled bird down to land …
Come on reptiles, show Tammy some inspiring imagery ...

Indeed, indeed… perhaps a little more nose art to keep the good ladies on side?
There's nothing like a little inter-species mating, or pillaging or raping, to evoke the essence of civilisation … and why not a little ball-crushing as well?

Dammit, it's all the fault of political correctness, when killing and destruction is what it's all about.
Forget that blather about bringing democracy and peace, why not celebrate the bringing of death and destruction, and killing and bombing and slaughter, and the more massive the better …
And what a relief that the reptiles are riding to iconographic victory … and righteous slaughter ...

And now, for those who missed the pond's last effort celebrating the reptile warrior spirit, the Game of Thrones of Australian tree-killing endeavour, here's a couple of Mitchell and Webb sketches celebrating the joys of being Nazi ...
It kinda reminds me of a cartoon I saw many years (a couple of decades, probably) ago of a little old lady in the company of a large, bemedalled general on an army base 'open day'. To the general she says: "Yes, general, I fully understand how you toughen the men up for war, but how do you gentle them down again afterwards so they can live with ordinary people ?".
ReplyDeleteI find it sickening when we have these self-righteous fools from Murdochracy trying to turn the community into war loving followers of the capitalistic murders from the USA.The yanks and the Brits have invaded and pillaged under developed countries into sickening war torn morass.
ReplyDeleteIf any of them had grow up without father to guide them through then to watch an older brother come back from Korea a broken man left with his alcoholism for company. We have the acolytes of Murdoch skirting across history and leaving the damage the USA have inflicted in particular the middle east with America insisting on having the European Jews confiscating Palestine. We now see the unrest just that action alone has bought to the existing Palestinians. There is just so much damage that has been inflicted on different cultures and societies by both of these marauding powerful countries.
It is also interesting to read the completely different responses to the jingoism and anzackery on the Pearls & Irritations and the Honest History websites, and Paul Daley at the Guardian, as compared to the bullshit-all-the-way-down on the Quadrant online website which is even worse than the stuff featured on the Murdochcracy (murderocracy)
ReplyDeleteI'm just worried about how awkies its going to be in Tamworth, when 12th/16th Hunter River Lancers (who have plenty of members who have toured all the hotspots) host visitors from their British affiliated unit, the Queen's Royal Lancers.
ReplyDeleteWill they need to get a papal dispensation to allow their guests to wear their caps? Can't have people walking into the mess bare-headed!