Alarming news for dog owners who like to give their pooches table scraps, but the pond these days is grateful for whatever scraps the reptiles let outside the paywall.
One week there's no Oreo, the next there's a glut of her, and the pond has to think about going for a lengthy lunch-time walk.
Sadly today's Oreo is old and stale, crumbly and mouldy, blathering on about the Folau matter yet again … and right from the get-go the pond had a problem …
The pond realises that the Oreo might not do the headers for her wastes of time, but really freedom of speech doesn't support anything, except the freedom to speak.
So when the Oreo is being monstrously silly, some might freely tweet back at her …
So when the Oreo is being monstrously silly, some might freely tweet back at her …
Yes, freedom of speech supports the right of Folau to be a bigot and the Oreo to be a fool, and for others to note that Folau is a fool and that the Oreo supports bigots, and the pond is all for it … and if Folau and the Oreo want to consign people to hell, they should feel free to do it …
After all, what if you score purgatory instead and the Catholic prayer machine kicks into action, and you're out of there by the time the universe collapses?
After all, what if you score purgatory instead and the Catholic prayer machine kicks into action, and you're out of there by the time the universe collapses?
But enough of theology, it's on with the dull Oreo snack ...
Of course it goes without saying that as a heretic, Folau himself is destined for hell. Just ask any Catholic theologian … well anyone except Pope Francis, who got the reptiles agitated by completely missing the point about hell ...
Not only did the Savior command that all nations should enter the Church, but He also decreed the Church to be a means of salvation without which no one can enter the kingdom of eternal glory. (and a lot more piffle and nonsense here).
And if you can't enter the kingdom of eternal glory, there's not too many alternatives in the afterlife, what with the Catholics having abandoned limbo, and your average fundie evangelical dissing the notion of purgatory on the extraordinary basis that Christ never said peek boo about the idea.
Yes pack your bags Folau, you're off to hell too, you damnable heretic, and you can take the Oreo with you for supporting you in your heretical thinking, unless of course the Catholics happen to be wrong, and your schismatic version is correct, though the pond will admit to the possibility of the Jews, the Islamics, the Hindus or dozens of other variants might be right, and everybody else will be off to hell, or perhaps returning to a Sydney kitchen as a cockroach ...
Sheesh, the pond loves its theological heresies and damnations, but it's time to finish off the pack of Oreos for the day ...

Um, actually, it seems to the pond that we're talking here more about the right to hate openly, but that's okay, feel free to hate away, just as sponsors can feel free to walk away …and the pond can feel free to damn everyone to an eternity of hellfire, as atheists are wont to do ...
At the end of it, the pond felt like walking the chunnel might be just too much of an effort, and turned to Shanners for a little light relief.
The bankers are much on the reptile minds at the moment, and the pond was delighted to see that Shanners' relatively straight piece was preceded by an advertisement for the NAB ...

If the pond might interrupt, it was wondrous stuff, a NAB ad setting the tone, up there with Malware's pathetic attempt to justify himself ...

But here's the thing … the prolific Shanners had also written a commentary to go with his more newsy report …
And what do you know? Yep, it also had an ad for the NAB at the top of it …
The pond loves its irony but this was more self-reflexive than a French structuralist … or Roland Barthes writing about wrestling ...

The pond really doesn't have anything to say about the Shanners' piece.
Malware and the reptiles might be celebrating at the way Newspoll has done a slight shift, but all the pond wanted to do was celebrate the way the NAB had seized on the logarithms, and made sure that anyone wanting to read about the fatuous Malware in the lizard Oz copped an ad about the glories of Australian banks …
More than money? Well yes, there's also greed and Malware trying to save the hapless banks, and then having to cover up about his attempted cover-up ...

Oh dear, the more he tries to explain, the deeper the hole, he digs, and clearly there's far too much free speech if even the bouffant one is allowed to take down Malware ...
And so to a celebration of free speech by Cathy Wilcox, with more free speech options here …
Oh the dark irony.
ReplyDeleteThe oreo writes that free speech empowers the flowering of public reason. Free speech also empowers the flowering of ignorance, stupidity and superstition. And of course fake "news" most of which is generated by those on the alt-right side of the Western culture wars divide.
Never mind that the enlightenment concept of free speech presupposes that ones opinions and therefore speech should be based on verifiable empirical evidence.
The title of her essay and the claim that christians need to hide their "love of god" in the closet is completely irrational. As of course is the hapless Folau's claim that gays will definitely go to hell.
Never mind too that if anyone seriously engaged enlightenment reason they could not in any sense be a christian.
On the same topic there was also an item in todays reptile rag promoting the christian based Accelerated Learning "educational" system. Never mind that that system is root-stock-and-branch a system of systematic brain-washing - quite literally so. A system in which the exercise of open-ended reason is completely VERBOTEN.
Oh - evidence! I knew something was missing. You see, if you don't require proof or at least some sort of rationale, everything just becomes a matter of opinion & debate just becomes a yelling match - pretty much what you get at the Oz.
DeleteIt does intrigue me that they feel they should be able to place religion in a black box marked "faith" & we should have to respect that but at the same time they attempt to bully everyone else into conforming to their beliefs - a big double standard.
"He is the embodiment of modern Christianity: young, black and evangelical".
ReplyDeleteLike many on the reptile oppo page, the Oreo gives it away in Par 1 - something some mind-numblingly dim, specious and unsupportable as to render what follows a simple distraction.
Comically, Cut & Paste in dead tree edition today has a justifiable giggle at young Gruhpenstaffer Senator Patterson for making comically dumb tweet about RC into banks two years ago. Sadly, the far dumber comment from Chris Kenny didn't get a gurnsey. Editor! Editor!!
JenniO: "There is no freedom of religion unless there is freedom to exercise it."
ReplyDeleteOk JenniO, what if I claim to be a Christian who wants the freedom to exercise my religion.. The bit I'm looking at today is this:
Exodus 31:14 (KJV): "Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people."
And Folau works on the sabbath (and that applies whether you think the sabbath is Sunday or Saturday). So I claim my right, as asserted by you, to exercise my religion by obeying God's commands and therefore putting Folau to death. Ok ?
And you'll defend my right to the death (ie yours), won't you. Because "If you ask what God's plan is, be prepared for the answer."
PS. How did the Easter lamb sacrifice work for you this year ?