The careening train wreck formerly known as the United States remains a reliable source of fascination for the pond, with colourful characters of the Pruitt kind turning up regularly, as in an extended profile in The New Yorker, here, and currently outside the paywall, with this sort of salient insight:
The corrupt Pruitt has climate denialism as just one ingredient in a rich brew of ignorance as he goes about the business of fucking over the E.P.A …
But it would be wrong to ignore the great climate scientists assembled by the lizard Oz, who routinely debate the matter for the benefit of domestic punters and coal lovers.
Apart from Moorice, is there a better climate scientist than the dog botherer? After helping fix Iraq, he's gone on to a spectacular career as a climate scientist and he was at it again in the lizard Oz…
Of course this is just another shot in an extended war, with recalcitrant AGL refusing to come to the reptile cry of heel …
The damnable AGL is reprehensibly obstinate, so naturally the dog botherer must insist that the perverse pooch be made to sit and contemplate the error of its ways … and all the pooch does is piss on the lawn …(like they all do in Camperdown Park) ...
The pond regrets that it uses screen captures for its contents … so lazy, and so much lost … who wouldn't want a tour of the Liddell Power Station as a treat, with children offered a free lump of coal at the end of the tour?
Oh children, give a hearty cheer for dinkum Oz clean coal, oi, oi, oi …and remember if you keep your lump of coal on the bedside table it will cure whatever ails you and give you a tremendous surge of energy at the start of day ...
Now let us be clear. Anyone with half a brain realises that the dog botherer is a climate denialist of the old school, and while he purports to be a realist, he's just an old-fashioned luddite ...
There's that mention of Liddell again, and how it torments the reptiles so …
It's yet another reminder of just how perverse and difficult AGL has been, and how they keep on keeping on being difficult.
It's simply too much for the reptiles to bear ...
Oh there'll be more to come, no doubt about it. When the reptiles go on a crusade, they're very reluctant to give up … even to this day, Major Mitchell keeps searching for those fabled Order of Lenins tucked somewhere under someone's bed …
And the crusading reptiles will certainly maintain the rage when it's all about the sweetest, dearest objection of their affection - children, a cheer for dinkum clean Oz coal, oi, oi, oi …
Oh, there'll be more to come, including more from the dog botherer on the pointlessness of this damned climate change nonsense.
What could poor little Oz possibly do? Sure the dog botherer helped fix Iraq - but must we now join in useless attempts to fix the planet?
As always the dog botherer can be relied upon to deliver a classic line.
This time the pond nominates "If you have any respect for science, economics and facts", a ripper of a line for a man who clearly hasn't the slightest respect for any of that nonsense …
But how kind of him to remind us that not only did he fix Iraq with Lord Downer, he also fixed Malware's early ambitions ...
Enough already, the pond feels blessed by the visitation, and luckily, so the pond can continue to celebrate, the celebrated David Rowe also visited the US swamp this day, with more Rowe here ...
Andy (White) and Matt (Chambers): "Last week the Australian Energy Regulator said the Hazelwood closure had been largely responsible for 2017's doubling of power prices in NSW and Victoria."
ReplyDeleteNow don't you just love the way they use the term "power prices" - which might reasonably be misinterpreted as meaning "price of power to the consumer" - when talking only about wholesale power prices for some periods.
But anyway, here's what the Australian Energy Regulator actually said on its website:
“The impact of the Hazelwood closure has been, and continues to be, significant right across the NEM. In Victoria, average spot prices for 2017 were up 85 per cent on 2016 and up 32 per cent in South Australia for the same period. New South Wales and Queensland were up 63 per cent and 53 per cent respectively.
“High wholesale prices in the NEM are not unprecedented and indeed have been higher in the past, but the 2017 increases were sustained over the year and occurred simultaneously across the NEM,” Ms Conboy said.
The report found that price increases associated with the need to replace Hazelwood’s output aligned with expectations.
So, you be the judge: is the AER actually talking about a "doubling of power prices in NSW and Victoria" or not ?