Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The dog botherer and Killer Creighton, need the pond say more?



The reptiles were curiously subdued in their response to the second Four Corners account of the lunacy of Faux Noise ... they were more excited to put in the boot in defence of "Nifty" Neville ...

Suddenly Chris Masters shifted from being the Devil incarnate to the new Messiah ...
And the reptiles also had to do their best to reconcile their plea for the killing fields to begin, and the dismal vaccination effort out west by gold standard Gladys and the feds, which has produced its first Aboriginal casualty ...
The pond knew that Four Corners had missed the mark when the reptiles thought it enough to send out a lightweight dickhead of the dog bothering kind to offer a defence ...

The pond for once actually watched the show at issue - it never bothered with the Ghost Train saga, which, as noted on Media Watch, has had conspiracy circles going around in circles for decades - and it reminded the pond why it gave up on the ABC.

The show ended in very Sydney style, with a flurry of fireworks, which pretty much had nothing to do with anything, even as a metaphor for the state of the disunited States ...

And having got Sidney Powell in front of the camera, they managed to score a walk-off, but failed to land a meaningful blow.

They might have started by asking her about her comical defence ... which turned up in all sorts of places, because all kinds of folks loved the sublime surreal absurdity of it all ...

Only when you join Alice in the looking glass or down the rabbit hole ... which Four Corners failed to do ...

But there's no point in the pond going on about how Four Corners failed to land much of a blow, even when punching at obvious targets and the behaviour of Fox News pundits, which has verged on the fascist ...

Instead the pond must report on the dog botherer's attempts to defend the fascism ...


There's some weird Sidney Powell shit right there ...  voting for the Donald was getting it right? But then the dog botherer has always had a sort of fanatical proto-fascist air about him ... so naturally he'd think voting for a poor person's strutting peackock of a frequently bankrupt con artist dumbass Mussolini was the right thing to do ...



Oh dear, they had to interrupt the dog botherer ranting about TDS and Murdochophobia with a clip featuring digital editor Jack Houghton?

Talk about moving from the risible to the tiresome ...

Meanwhile, with the odd exception as feeble cover, it's clear enough to most that Faux Noise long ago got into bed with the Donald, and back in April, there was this report that suggested just how many Donald rats had joined the Faux Noise ship ...

Donald Trump's Top Diplomat Mike Pompeo Joins Fox News As "Contributor"
Fox has hired other members of the Trump orbit in recent months, including his daughter-in-law and campaign advisor Lara Trump and former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. (here)

The pond favours the suggestion that the Murdochians in charge became terrified of their audience, or more to the point, terrified of losing ratings and so power, money, and a place at the table, and so willingly pawned their souls ... if such a concept as a soul is allowed in conjunction with the Chairman and his preferred spawn ...  and then, what do you know, the dog botherer himself joins in blather about the big lie and election fraud and "legitimate investigation", just to show how expendable souls are in reptile la la land ...

Send in the ninjas, the pond says ...

Indeed, indeed, it's all to do with social media, and nothing to do with Fox and the sundry lunatics who infest it, and if you can swallow that the pond has a TV network to sell you at a bargain basement price, because nobody watches it, and it has absolutely no influence ...

As for the insurrection, the real point is that it was a manifestation of the Donald's desire to bung on a coup, which were real, even if as inept as a wannabe tinpot dictator and his henchmen might manage ... and yet the insurrection continues, and the insurrectionists continue to carry on and live in hope, and so who knows ...

Meanwhile, the dog botherer resorts to a desperate form of both siderism - much as the pond has little time for the Clintons, there's no evidence that Hillary as loser carried on the way that the Donald did, even more alarming because his psychosis remained armed with the powers of the presidency - but do go on, the pond senses that the reptiles sense that the dog botherer will need another clip to help out ...



Ah it had to be, they sent out the Flint to strike a match ... but luckily the pond refuses to bother with anything other than screen caps ...

How desperate is this? The new Flinty one, and the dog botherer, and jolly Jack, and that's the best they've got?

And so to the last gobbet of pathetic defence, dog botherer style ...



You know, the pond doesn't break Godwin's Law that often, but that defence of the rednecks, fools and dupes reminded the pond, in a decidedly eerie way, of the time when establishment folk and a compliant media decided to side with Herr Hitler, on the peculiar notion that they could control him and use him to deliver what they wanted ...

At the time Herr Hitler managed only 43.9% per cent of the vote, and yet it was enough for what was to follow ... thanks to the enablers and lickspittle fellow travellers ...

Who knows? The big lie might still come to rule the roost, and it'll be thanks to Faux Noise and the GOP and liars of the Murdochian kind ...

As for Sidney Powell? No self-awareness in the dog botherer, no self-awareness at all, and not even a shred of irony from an obviously stupid man bereft of a sensa huma ...


The pond wishes that the dog botherer would get back to some decent climate science denialism, for which he is justly famous, just so the pond could run with some relevant cartoons ...




Ah, the infallible Pope, always being cruel to be kind ...

And speaking of caves, and being locked down, the pond just couldn't resist Killer Creighton's latest offering, not for what Killer had to scribble, but for the chance it offered the pond to run a few interstitials ...





Only the reptiles could think that a good poster for someone as dumb as the Killer, but here we are talking of freedumb ...



That was at the Graudian.

But how about this in the name of freedumb at the Daily Beast?



There's a hearty serve of your freedumb right there ... but on with the Killer, though the pond hopes he manages to keep his deep Freudian fear of masks under control ...



Oh fucketty fuck, the dog botherer couldn't help himself, he just had to bring up his deep Freudian fear of masks ...

As for the rest, of course Killer is right. If we want the killing fields, and the comedy that goes with it, we should emulate the United States ...




C and L here, and also here for this one ...




But with the Darwin awards already overwhelmed by too many entries from the United States, and the pond's own Herman Cain awards struggling to keep up (just how many conservative radio DJs have carked it while denouncing vaccines and embracing crackpot theories?), the pond could spend a long time away from the Killer ...



Indeed, indeed, the pond enthusiastically supports anyone not wanting to move back. Surely they'd be better off in Florida or Texas, or come to think of it, any southern state where god-fearing Mericuns are showing off their wicked sensa huma (and pandering to Killer's deep Freudian fear of masks) ...




Yes another one from C and L, keen collectors of American comedy, and with a link to the Daily Memphian, for those who, Starship Troopers style, would like to know more...

Meanwhile, perhaps a little sympathy for Wajahat Ali, who embarked on a rant, Don't Negotiate with Trump's Disease-Spreading Zombie Army ... inter alia ...

Hmm, it seems zombies are all the go at the moment.

Alas, the zombies are too late for the Killer death cult ...


He laughed at Killer? What a sensible response. Of course he could have said "I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you," and with a bit of luck, Killer still might manage to emulate a conservative radio DJ ...

Well the pond can live in hope, knowing that if it isn't Killer, then some conservative radio DJ or Kid Rocker will rock up to enter the Herman Cain awards ...

And so to a couple of Wilcox cartoons to end on an up note, with more Wilcox here ...





  1. Epistemological puzzle of the day: how can it be that a position put forward at length by The Oz in 2017 (documented here https://twitter.com/caromeldrum/status/1432294149621907456) is so problematic when put forward by the ABC (and based on the same sources)?

    1. "If I don't ever mention it again, then it never really happened." Or: "Those who have no memory, have no shame."

    2. Anonymous - many thanks for the Caro Meldrum-Hanna material, particularly because it is of such recent date (so current reptiles cannot easily claim ‘’twas before my time’.)

      GB - while I am here, but apropos your comment on ‘older post’ about Cater paying the Wagners what the court told him to pay - I cannot find any reference to that being settled. The Wagners are not given to saying much about anything, and the media in Toowoomba are well aware that the area is LNP territory - state and federal.

      The Cater might have presented his payment as a contribution to the advancement of the nation out of those ‘draconian’ Covid controls. Had the Wagners been given approval by the Feds when they first offered a quarantine facility at Wellcamp - it would have been operating for the last 5 months. That family doesn’t say much - they just DO.

      The Toowoomba LNP - and they are well out on the ratbaggy fringe of that chimaera - fell into line behind ScoMo when Wagners first suggested the facility. Local MPs who regularly use Wellcamp airport - including on international ‘trade’ junkets - had no problem nodding to ScoMo’s ignorance about how it was set up and operated. Although they would have seen pictures in the ‘Chronicle’ of some of the larges aircraft in regular operation using Wellcamp (there is ‘YouTube’ of Antonov 124 for example) they did not seek to educate the Mighty One about its capacity.

      With the most recent announcement of the Queensland government ‘going it alone’, the same local LNP types got all a fluster because they were not told in advance. They kinda brought that on themselves - they were given the advance notice of the earlier announcement, with implicit embargo, but fell over themselves to get to the local media, in advance of the formal announcement, to say what a dreadful thing the whole proposal would be for Toowoomba; people would be dropping in the streets in the hundreds - . So - break embargo once, don’t expect to be so favoured again.

      At the Federal level - local member, and Minister for Agriculture, Littlejoh (borrowed form Tony Windsor, with acknowledgement) drones on about the need for workers in rural industry, and how he is having discussions. Right now there seems little prospect of seeing any such workers, even from island states with minimal or no incidence of Covid, being available for this season. Part of the problem is simply lack of facilities to process workers in the necessary numbers. Yet - here is a proposal, right on the edge of his electorate, that could put thousands of such workers onto the ground, and there is no sign of his support for that.

      And the locals will continue to vote LNP, because, well - ‘dad always voted Country Party.’ LNP has purloined the spirit and traditions of the Country Party, while retaining its voters, and those voters have yet to realise that they have been done.

    3. Ah, well thanks for that detailed update, Chad; I had previously noted the Wellcamp quarantine facility proposal, but have not kept up with all the comings and goings.

      Anyway, with the "Country" in the hands of "Littlejoh" (heh) et al, what can be expected ? Idiocy and ignorance on about the level approved of by Killer C, I reckon.

      Still curious as to who will be paying Cater's 'damages' though, so if you hear anything ...

    4. What a great link Anon. The pond dips its lid to the herpetological expertise of the tweeter. As GB noted, those who have no memory have no shame, and according to scientific studies, reptilian spatial memory mainly exists so they can find their way to Chairman Rupert and a food reward...

  2. "so naturally he'd think voting for a poor person's strutting peackock of a frequently bankrupt con artist dumbass Mussolini was the right thing to do ..."

    Couldn't have put it better myself, DP. In fact, couldn't have put it nearly so well. But it does clearly indicate that showing any amount of informed and rational intelligence gets one nowhere.

    So not at all surprising that like so many you have basically abandoned the ABC; it's really a lot like the kids books we read when young: entertaining and even informative for a while, but fairly soon grown out of. But then comes the big, unanswerable question: is there anything to put in their place ?

    To which the answer sadly is: no, not really. Because even the other 'nearly half of the human race [aka the American populace]' that doesn't fall for Trump isn't all that much better.

    And no, Doggy Bov, Howard never did earn an election victory, just consider how much of a victory he "earned" in 2007 after a term in which the LNP controlled both houses. Just to remind: lost 22 Reps seats in a landslide defeat, including losing his own safe Liberal seat. Yep, that's an achievement to be proud of.

  3. "there's no evidence that Hillary as loser carried on the way that the Donald did..."

    "When we do it, it is good; when you do it, it is evil" Even if what "we" do is a hundred times worse than anything you or yours ever even contemplated. As you say, DP: "the dog botherer resorts to a desperate form of both siderism"

  4. Do you think we could persuade Killer C to stay in America ? "To die: to sleep: nor more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to; ‘tis a consummation devoutly to be wished."

    BTW Kez, thanks for bringing Dolores and the Cranberries to my attention. Just finished listening to their MPR Tiny Desk concert.

    1. Just some news that Killer C and his freedumb loving Americans would really enjoy:

      "More than 100,000 Americans were in hospitals receiving treatment for covid-19 on Wednesday. About 25,000 of them were in intensive care units, fighting for their lives. More than 1,000 Americans lost that fight."

      Don't need no more liburty so just gimme death !

    2. Cheers GB, I'll have to check that concert out.

  5. Hi Dorothy,

    How fortuitous it is that ‘Danny the Doorman’ was able to correctly identify an Australian accent. It’s not a common skill in the United States where only a third of the population possess a passport.

    Even more fortunate was the fact that ‘Danny the Doorman’ was so keen to share his disbelief in what was occurring in Australia (a country a large number of his compatriots would be hard pressed to find on a map).

    The Killer’s three dinner party friends were also quite unusual in having such an intense interest in Covid regulations Down-Under. The US media is intensely insular and rarely pays much attention to events overseas, unless of course its somewhere the US military is currently dropping bombs on.

    It’s helpful that Creighton was able to identify them as Democrats instead of just being anti-vaxxers, conspiracy addled theorists and Trumpsters, in other words Republicans. How did he know they were Democrats? Were they wearing badges? Did they have tattoos? Did they preface every statement with “Whilst I’m a Democrat I was still shocked by…”

    I suppose I’m just continually surprised by how random strangers abroad seem desperate to approach our beloved Reptiles and tell them what they think about the politics and social mores in Australia. Maybe they are attracted to the tough, irreverent larrikin spirit that exudes from each and every reptilian pore.

    Albrechtsen is a good example of the phenomena. Here I think most people would find her an unsympathetic character, a hard faced harridan, an authoritarian with an unseemly interest in corporal punishment. A screeching harpy who most sensible people would cross the road to avoid.

    However send Janet abroad and she is inundated by legions of complete strangers who wish to engage with her. However they are not interested in a discourse about banal subjects such as the weather or do you think this queue is moving rather slowly. No they wish to discuss some vital political point that The Dame is also intensely absorbed by and will in the not too distant future write a column about in The Australian.

    Remarkably, each and every time, these random people’s thoughts about the subject in question are always in complete agreement with what The Slap believes.

    How lucky is that?


    1. Oh my, DW, and I thought I was a cynical unbeliever ...

      But Danny the Doorman would surely have been able to identify an Aussie accent: he'd have seen Crocodile Dundee several times, wouldn't he ?

    2. Yes, DW, the pond vividly remembers being asked a number of times what life in Austria was like when traveling across that insular, inward looking, sequestered country ...
      But then we Austrians are happy go lucky larrikins. How good is that?

    3. Hi GB,

      And instead of a mythical crocodile hunter Danny the Doorman gets a right wing economist who has a severe phobia about masks.


    4. "Austrian larrikins", huh?
      Frau Parker, youse people speak pretty good American for foreigners.
      Anonymous, you hit it right on the head.
      1 - No way in hell will a doorman go up to a guest and offer his unsolicited opinion.
      That way lies lesser tips at check out time.
      2 - A native New Yorker doesn't give a shit.
      They won't even acknowledge there are any people worthy of attention
      past the Lincoln Tunnel to Jersey, much less being vaguely aware of Australia's
      internal politics or being able to identify the Oz accent.
      Rather they would assume you are English and therefore probably have a suit of armor
      in your closet.
      Yes it's crazy, especially when we know all actual Aussies grow up having pet
      kangaroos for pets that can fly helicopters, play piano and go on rides at Luna
      Okay that last bit only applied to me and my wing man Brian at age 10, both devoted Skippy viewers.

    5. Too right JM. Why the pond once even sat through a Morning Joe session about baseball. Of course there's no fixing the brain damage, but at least some Afghani refugees might help with an uptake of cricket ... (sssh, don't talk about the paws, those infallible, ineluctable always expert paws)...


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