Wednesday, August 18, 2021

In which the pond keeps its occasional intake of irony alive ...



Continuing the pond's irregular, short lived compilation of ironies, hereinafter known as the Herman Cain awards ... with a hot contender featured at the Daily Beast ...



Of course it's no lay down misère, there have been a number of hot contenders this month, as per the Daily Beast ...



And then there was the Texas guv, showing how to mingle and spread ...

Over at Huff Post ...



Regeneron? Oh that's handy, and the pond is sure that everyone on the United States universal health care system will share the guv's personal level of comfort ...




The pond thinks of this new genre as roughly equivalent to that ghostly thriller The Others, where it takes Nicole and her brood some time into the show to realise that they might be the ghosts in the house. 

Along the way, they demonstrate the classic Victorian enthusiasm for books of the dead, the memorialising of those who've passed on ...



It was quite a business ...



Well we don't need that any more. We have digital records and digital cartoons as a reminder of how it should be done ...





  1. Abbott has been snookered by a school board which has made masks part of the required dress code.

    1. :)³ Very droll, what a strange pair of loons DeSantis and Abbott make, knowing they're killing people, but deeming their political ambitions more important than keeping alive the suckers that might vote for them ...

  2. So sayeth Sarah: "Abbott ... will continue to be tested daily while receiving Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment."

    Ah well, as far as I know, catching Covid does absolutely nothing to fix up the brain's idiot centre, though some apparently do decide, just as they go off to sing God's praises for eternity, that maybe they should have been vaccinated after all. But hey, they are now, as they warble joyfully, totally glad that they didn't.

  3. The Herman Cain Award is brilliant, this is definitely your "A" material. Perhaps they sang
    Eric Idle's "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life" at his funereal. It is the number one
    song sung at such occasions in the "Western World", I shit you not.
    As for "The Other" flick, I knew the twin stars, Martin and Chris Udvarnoky. Our grade
    school had the most number of twins in NJ.Jersey papers and NY ones as well ran a shot
    of us all gathered together. A Hollywood producer saw the photo and picked Martin and Chris
    to star in his movie.
    We had a would be bully, Chipper, who mercilessly hit/picked on them because they were both short and scrawny and going off to be "stars" as soon as arrangements were made.
    A classmate apprised me of Chip's shenanigans.
    Long story short, I abhor violence as I didn't like it when done to me, so I merely cornered
    Chipper on the way home from school and stripped off all his clothes in front of half the
    6th grade. From then on he was called Chipper the Stripper and left the Udvarnoky boys
    Don't feel bad for him, in later years he appeared on the front page of the Newark Star-Ledger for selling home made silencers to the IRA. He was a rotten kid.
    I think I shall hie off to You Tube to hear Eric Idle's masterpiece, it's been that kind
    of week.

    1. What a fine anecdote, though the pond should note it was talking about The Others rather than Robert Mulligan's 1972 The Other, but if the pond goes back to check that one out - it's been given the high def treatment - the pond will carry that story of Chipper the Stripper through the screening ...

  4. Hi DP,
    Color me red, I should have noted the "s" on The Others. On the other hand you would not have known of Chipper the Stripper if I had. Thanks and a tip of the hat - tip tip - for your kind


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