Wednesday, August 18, 2021

For nattering "Ned" specialists only ...



In these gloomy times, the pond always searches for uplifting signs of hope, a fortress against despair ...



What's that, you say?

The pond's offering a dose of "Ned", when surely SloMo's stunning press conference and Gladys's ongoing triumphal gold standard should be enough for anyone?

Well it's true that the pond was mightily impressed ...





26 passengers!

A whole 26! Along with a strident warning to illegals and people smugglers and all the rest of the claptrap about this being our country and we will decide who comes here, and buggered if it's going to be many of those Afghanis ...

Talk about a Samaritan. There was a Xian truly after Jesus's heart (WaPo, paywall)...



But the pond digresses ... you see this is a late breaking edition for devotees of "Ned".

The pond knows they're out there, seeking relief through tedium and boredom ...




Well yes, all that, but look on the bright side. The pond was totally wrong to mock "Ned" and the reptiles for the disappearing podcast.

It's alive, it's alive and well, in a monsterish sort of way, the pond tells ya ...



Indeed, indeed, and already there are some rags which will remain nameless celebrating the new face of the Taliban ...



Hmm, a female at a press conference. 

What a pity they had to ruin it with that minor story about beheadings, sex slaves, eyes gouged out, hundreds executed and other petty trifles ... 

Put a pretty face at the top of the lizard Oz and all will be well ...



Exactly ... better to pander to the eyes than gouge them out ... there's nothing like a dash of reassurance about Islamic fundamentalists to placate despairing souls. Why, and who knows, SloMo might manage to get another hundred out by plane and spend an hour boasting about it ... not by boat mind you, nothing illegal, none of that carry on, we'll have none of that nonsense ...


The pond left that click bait video in, rendered harmless by screen capture, and pausing only to wonder if, in his podcast, "Ned" also read a transcript of the video clip?

Just asking for a friend ... carry on ... 


Indeed, indeed ... and hasn't Fox been helpful ...




Meanwhile, the reptiles inserted another click bait video into "Ned's" piece, and in the interests of completeness the pond always includes them, albeit defanged as a screen capture ...



And so to the last gobbet ...


Put down your glasses, "Ned. Biden might have finished it in a fucked up way, but it began with your chairman and his pet orange loon, and even now, the record is being cleansed and sanitised so that the next bit of history can be rewritten or erased ...


Never mind, the good thing for "Ned" lovers is that the pond was wrong. Confronted by a great disaster? Unable to cope with SloMo's callous indifference, an echo of Biden's? Not inclined to yell at desperate civilians that they can look after themselves, while cruelly ignoring the casualty count of the many who died in this bit of adventurism?

Not to worry, "Ned" is still on hand, ready to send you safely off to slumber land ...


 Oh did that screen cap stop those links from working? The pond is ever so sorry ... perhaps you could get on the next flight instead ...

And for those late afternoon "Ned" specialists, please, don't go away empty-handed, have a Wilcox ...



  1. 26. I tried to follow ScoMo's announcements this day, but it all got to be too much. I did see/hear him emphasize that we could not be too careful in screening Afghans who were trying to get into Australia. I guess we were also being extra careful not to overload the C-130s with people. With a likely capacity of 93, a total of 26 would allow plenty of margin. Ya can't be tooooo careful with these matters.

  2. "The pond knows they're out there, seeking relief through tedium and boredom ..."

    Oh right on, DP, right on. Now I'll have to read the Ned since the only alternative in this curfew plagued town, is to go to bed and sleep my life away.

    [Some time later] Oh my, substantial agreement - at least in principal - with the nullified Nullius Ned. How can I ever live with myself now ?


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