Friday, August 20, 2021

In which the pond forgot to add a header, but thought it wouldn't be missed ...





A couple of notes before embarking on the onerous chore of the day, which is to say, reading the hole in the bucket man, elevated to the top of the digital page ...

First, please note how the reptiles love that shot - they've put it top of the digital page again - proving that even in a time of crisis, you can't stop the reptiles from treasuring the sales potential of a pretty face ...

Secondly, please note that NSW, having given up its gold standard, has now embraced "freedumb" ... and the reptiles are peddling "freedumb" to save Gladys's hide ...



Oh well, dark times, dark humour, and Gladys as Budgie can only bring memories and a smile to the face ...



And so to the picking up of the burden ...

A couple of technical notes before proceeding ... the reptiles have loaded up the hole in the bucket man's words with an assortment of click bait video clips this day. 
Sometimes the pond would excise them, but something of the tone is lost. So they have been defanged by screen capture and left in ...

Also, the pond must show pieces in their entirety and so the mournful rubbish of "Having lost its way, the West lost the war" must stand as a warning that we're about to embark on the usual monumental stupidity ...

Now it's possible to see why the pond left in those screen snaps of the click bait videos. Why there's our very own Erica mourning that we didn't get the chance to exploit Afghanistan, and now China might get to do it, and how fair is that? Surely we have the right to exploit a country to the fullest? Oh well, perhaps another order of heroin will set things right ... now please, do go on, hole in the bucket man ...

Actually George W. tended to forget about Afghanistan, so he could rush off and start another war, based entirely on specious intelligence ... sexed up though it was in fine style. Never mind, thanks to The Shovel, it can be said he's turned into a fine painter ...

 Ah, but which poodle is which lapdog ... always a tricky business ... sorry, do go on ...


Note the easy way that our Henry slipped past the orange one, making only a cameo appearance in that click bait video ... but there's yet another video to come, along with a history lesson ...


A clickbait video about the strange delusions about the Taliban? Who knows where those strange delusions came from?


And let's not talk about all that complimentary women shit, the pond got enough of that from angry Sydney Anglicans ...

And so we enter the coulda, woulda, shoulda phase of the journey, and truth to tell, George W. coulda settled the war long ago, and that was the only time when it was feasible without generating the unholy mess we see today ... and then comes our Henry's most startling insight of them all. 

The wonder and joy of that Doha deal, which our Henry dubs "scarcely perfect", thereby introducing the pond to the notion that it can hardly be said that our Henry is scarcely stupid ... why he has stupidity in abundance ...

Scarcely perfect? It was the start of all that followed, though jolly Joe's administration deserves full credit for not having the first clue how to extricate themselves from the mess, and instead foolishly dreamed of the glory that would be heaped upon them on 9/11 day ...

In the meantime, there has been a great deal of revisionism going down amongst the lapdogs and poodles, most notably the one noted by the BBC here ...

Ah yes, hindsight is a wondrous thing ... and thank the long absent lord our Henry also possesses it in abundance ... scarcely perfect analyst that he is ...
And now the pond should note that the reptiles decided that they'd cram in yet another video, keeping up the habit right to the bitter end ...



 Even die-hard Democrats are having trouble defending Biden?

Well, it's not for getting out of the war, it's for the incompetence of not even having the remotest notion of a plan ...

In the same spirit, would that even the most die-hard dunderheads had some trouble defending the scarcely perfect doings of the orange one ... the man whose scarcely perfect treaty, and his fawning over the Taliban, led directly to recent events, and no, you can't get past "Go", collect cash and get out of the country ... that's not how it works in the world of American exceptionalism ...

And so to the rest of the reptiles this day ...

What an uninspiring lot. It seems that Josh has given up his day job, and now moonlights as a columnist for the lizard Oz, the Swiss bank account man isn't to taste as usual, and two lizard Oz editorials fill the void ...

The rant against jolly Joe is predictable ... but the other one held some hope of a lighter racist note in readiness for the weekend...


What's the real problem here? Yes, it's August 20th, and the lizard Oz is attempting to defend a wretched, thoroughly offensive cartoon published on 14th August the previous year ...

There's the entire uselessness of the APC in a nutshell.

There's absolutely no point in it existing, even if there's a belated pleasure in listening to the lizard Oz editorialist plead and howl and whine ...

Fuck the pond dead, what a crock of crap. For those who came in late to the story, this was what caused the ruckus, and the pond can only bear to insert it in the guise of a tweet ...

How do the reptiles justify the grossness? This is their final risible word ...


Hurt feelings? Invite vilification? A professional cartoonist just doing his job to the highest standard and in the finest traditions of his craft?

Sorry, nope, no. It was a shitty racist cartoon by a really crappy cartoonist, who in the daily course of events is never noted by the pond, because amazing to contemplate, he's worse than his father, even allowing that his father went a little dotty in the racist noggin after taking that unfortunate fall...

The defence offered at the time was pathetic, verging on the insulting, as noted at The Conversation here ...

When Johannes used those words, expressed in a tweet by Biden yesterday, he was highlighting Biden’s language and apparent attitudes, not his own,” Dore told Guardian Australia. “The intention of the commentary in the cartoon was to ridicule racism, not perpetuate it.”
I think Dore’s explanation is unconvincing. Biden’s tweet is clearly referring to girls who look up to Harris. It’s a massive sidestep to say Biden is talking down to his recent vice-presidential pick. The contexts are totally different.

Ridicule racism? Oh  so war is peace, and black is white?

Yes, pull the other one, deplorable Dore. Are you trying to make the Major seem like a better editor? Or do you want to give a new angle to the reptiles' reliance on Orwellian to describe twisting and distorting language?

Of course all this was noted at the time, including by the venerable Meade ...





And so on and so forth, which brings the pond to the ruling that the reptiles reluctantly published ...


It's over a year on, you useless cackling geese.

If only we could have media regulation the way New York hands out helpful suggestions ...



You know, how about some timely suggestions ... like get a new fucking cartoonist, and while you're at it, a new fucking editor wouldn't hurt, and how pleased we are to make these suggestions in September 2020 ... rather than sitting on our arses trying to hatch a golden egg and coming up with this instead ...



Yes, in the usual way, the cardigan wearers spend an inordinate time contemplating the wretched arguments of the guilty.

Oh, we're getting freedumb in New South Wales too ... which is way better than inept failure ... now carry on with the case for the defence, nonsense though it might be ...



Uh huh, we had to wait for over a year for that? So what's the conclusion?


Uh huh. Over a year to arrive at the point of the bleeding obvious ...


Lordy lordy, over a year to work out that calling a woman a little brown girl might be deemed racist. What a marvel, what a wonder ... and such a quick marvel too ...

Never mind, what a relief it is not to have to worry about any Leak developing in these pages, the pond will leave the Leaky boat and its hurt feelings to the reptiles, and instead turn to the immortal Rowe, with more Rowe as usual here ...



  1. "Even the most 'die-hard Democrats' are having trouble defending Biden "

    Oh my, is that really Nick "Flood waters run free" Cater's "beautiful Daisy" ?

    1. yeezus!

      can't unsee that creepiness GB - I owe you one :)

    2. GB - have just rolled up your link to ‘BuzzFeed’, and trying not to imagine having to contact Daisy and Rowan in a spirit of fair dealing - offering them the opportunity to respond. That the offer was not taken up would be of little comfort, I suppose. I had not realised that Daisy was an actual person.

      As we know, Rowan Dean has good reason (potentially, a few hundred thousand good reasons) to be careful with anything the Cater types, or says.

      Such an attitude would be reinforced by a tantalising little item in the ‘Legal Affairs’ section of this day’s ‘Financial Review’ headed ‘Bias inquiry censors Liberal think tank’.

      Briefly - last year, the Australian Law Reform Commission was ordered to review Judicial Impartiality, because of some procedures in the Family Court. The order was issued by the then Attorney-General, Christian Porter.

      The Law Reform Commission put out a consultation paper, and invited responses. It received 48, including one from - the Menzies Research Centre. Usually, the Commission puts such responses on its website, but, in this case, has told the Menzies Research Centre it will not put the MRC submission up in its present form because the Commission has ‘formed the view’ that their submission contains material that is defamatory.

      The Executive Director of the MRC has taken some degree of dudgeon (no doubt he is quite familiar with the intricacies of ‘Macbeth’) apparently saying that he is ‘mystified’ by the Commission’s ruling, because his submission had been ‘vetted by lawyers.’ Oh, and the MRC would not be revising its submission. Apparently the submission is strengthened mightily by the results of a, er - ‘survey’ by - yep - ‘True North’.

      Will be interesting to see if, and how, all of this is covered in the Flagship. All in the name of free speech, of course. With extensive backing by the two Dames.

    3. Update - the MRC document appears to be available from the MRC website, and at no cost. I refrained from asking for one, because you have to provide all manner of identity and contact details, and that is one organization I am unlikely to give that information.

    4. Hmm, 'dudgeon' - a wood used especially for dagger hilts. Now I did not know that. Live a little, learn a lot in the land of the loons.

      But as to the very well known ED of the MRC, it's just "riveting" how much some bares of very small brain can live a lifetime in a world of their own.

    5. Ripper link, GB, not in the sense of the original Ripper, but in the sense of ripping yarns of massive stupidity ... what a flash in the pan old Daisy was ... it seems she now witters on Twitter and fancies herself a YouTuber ...

    6. Oh yeah, that's "Beautiful" Daisy, DP. And I noted on the page that link brings up that there's a link for "the Real Mark Latham". Don't hear much at all from or about him these days - even less than about Daisy. So good to see that one of the "men" who ruined the Labor Party and contributed to the myth of the greatness of "Little Johnny" is still around and living in total obscurity.

  2. "...the reptiles have loaded up the hole in the bucket man's words with an assortment of click bait video clips this day." Well of course they have, DP, they couldn't rely on the Holely One to say anything much worth reading, could they ?

    It's one of those 'messages' that has really come to the fore in these modern days of tv and "social media" - for after all, Fox Noose is really just a big audience "social media" - so it really doesn't matter all that much what you say, your base will love it, your opponents will hate it and hate you for it, and the majority will never even notice it.

    After all, even in the good ol' USA, how many actually spend any time watching Fox ? Or listening to whoever has replaced Limbaugh ? Consider this:
    "In July 2021, Fox News was the most-watched cable news network in the United States and continues to do well in terms of its prime-time audience, with 2.12 million prime-time viewers in that period."

    Wau, all of 2.12 million prime-time viewers, or 2.12/335 = 0.6% of the American population or 0.75% of the American population 20 or over years of age. Or, all of 2.84% of the American population of 60yo and over.

    But here goes the Holely One quoting Teddy Roosevelt: " If we drove out a medieval tyranny only to make room for savage anarchy we had better not have begun the task at all." However, this is the Roosevelt who also said: "The most ultimately righteous of all wars is a war with savages, though it is apt to be also the most terrible and inhuman… American and Indian, Boer and Zulu, Cossack and Tartar, New Zealander and Maori – in each case the victor, horrible though many of his deeds are, has laid deep the foundations for the future greatness of a mighty people.

    So now we know why the "war with savages" was continued in Afghanistan until America had "laid deep the foundations for the future greatness of a mighty people."

    The only question I have is whether Joe Biden thought that Trump had actually made a deal with the Taliban. Is he really that simple-mindedly naive ? If so, it doesn't bode well for America's future in a Chinese world.

  3. I think the Henry is not really trying for this day at least. No reference to the Peloponnesian War? Why - there are so many good parallels of this week in Afghanistan with the Sicilian Expedition, and over 2400 years to emphasise ‘I toldya’.

    Of course, it would be just too trite to use anything about Alexander of Macedon and his complicated military and political manoeuvres in what became Afghanistan and, eventually, Pakistan; particularly when there is so much that could be mined from the Peloponnesian events, with tricky Greek names to go.

    1. Aw c'mon Chad, the chance to quote the one and only Teddy Roosevelt, and he jumped into it with both feet.

    2. No, no, GB, Chadders is right on the money, and our hole in the bucket man could also have slipped in a mention of how cut David Wenham looked in 300, and then moved on to the real battle of Themopylae and perhaps the hundred years war (though that's really for medievalists and did the pond mention being made to study it by a Scottish lecturer with a hatred of low landers peddling Edouard Perroy's The Hundred Years War).

      He really wasn't trying, perhaps he might even have realised in a gloomy moment that his entire life scribbling has been a monumental waste of portentous time ...

    3. I note that the Anglo-Froggie "100 Years War" actually lasted 116 years; just a teensy bit of inflation there.

      But the Yanqui-Students "Forever War" lasted just 20 years. Helluva lot of deflation there.


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