Thursday, August 12, 2021

In which the pond is repeatedly trolled by Murdochian experts at the game ...





It goes without saying that it was an epic reptile troll, and the pond felt fully, epically trolled ... but as with all trolling, the only sensible thing to do was to ignore it and move on, and see what was top of the reptile digital edition this day ... 



Oh dear, petulant Peta at the top of the page again, surely another part of the reptiles' grand trolling design, bringing back to the pond haunting memories of the onion muncher and his great deeds and great stands ...



Our greatest asset? Gee, thanks petulant Peta, thanks onion muncher, how the pond treasures the memories on this, the day that used to be savvy Savva day ...


Enough already, his ministers were liars? What about the onion muncher himself?

Never mind, time to move along, and what better way to do it than to get a little Hillsongy with ancient Troy ...



This is a reptile EXCLUSIVE?

Well the pond understands that it's much better than the common, sordid stories currently swirling in the ether ... take your Hillsongy 'clap happy, talking in tongues to imaginary friends' pick, because these are just a few of them ...



And so on and so clap happy forth, but what of ancient Troy? 

Well it turns out it's just a chance for the reptiles to run a few click bait videos of Scotty from rapture marketing and flog a new book about Ming the Merciless, aka Pig Iron Bob, aka Hitler is a great man and a tireless worker ... (oh and Troy's book gets a mention too, because fair dibs) ...



Sorry, the pond can never get enough of great men and tireless workers, and religion ...



Uh huh ... but if Scotty from marketing and Hillsong can consign the pond to eternal damnation and hellfire, then sure as hell the pond can mock SloMo's batty religious beliefs ...

But note that coy line, "in a foreword to a new book". What new book? Could this EXCLUSIVE be as shameless as it seems? It can, it can ...




Yep, there's the shameless plug for a Connor Court publication and another click bait clip, and yet - in the cause of more trolling - it seems now that faith should be public and discussed in a multicultural society. 

Apparently the pond should be mocking Islamics as much as Xians. Consider it done ... but meanwhile ...



Ah, the robust Judaeo-Xian tradition that celebrated Herr Hitler as a great man and a tireless worker. 

Waiter, send another round of pig iron to the Emperor with the compliments of Ming the merciless ... and don't forget the note mentioning our robust Judaeo-Xian traditions ...

It seems to be the day for the reptiles to troll the pond because the bouffant one came up with another fine trolling ...



Luckily it's short, so it won't take up much of the pond's time ... you see, it's a simple riff...

SloMo has all the climate science talking points because SloMo is really big on climate science ...


Indeed, indeed, and it comes naturally, because everyone yearns for pie in the sky in the bye and bye ...

It would be rude and unseemly for the pond to interrupt at this point, and insert a message from the infallible Pope ...



Jesus wept and a chook's arse to the reptiles indeed, reminding the pond of the importance of faith, reminding the pond that Shanners is a true believer, and an expert hagiographer and troller, and what better way to celebrate the plan than to deplore Labor ...



Ah yes, the world burns, but he's better prepared for the debate ... which brings the pond to the bromancer.

Unfortunately pressure of space prevents the pond from spending time with the bromancer today, waging the reptile war on China, celebrating Hindu fundamentalist nationalists - so much in common, including a love of Herr Hitler - but the pond just had to spare a moment for the bromancer's closer ...



Climate wind-baggery? By golly the spirit of climate science do nothing denialism runs strong in the reptiles, up there with denouncing the NBN as a gigantic hoax and fraud and complete waste of money ...

Oh wait ...

But why was there pressure on the pond's space that prevented the pond from celebrating fundamentalist Hindu nationalism with the bromancer?

Well in the spirit of trolling, the reptiles rolled out our Henry, not on a Friday, but an actual Thursday, some kind of weird attempt to replace the savvy Savva, and even more bizarrely, the topic was sport ...



Luckily, it won't take long, and the pond is sure it will be full of references to the ancient Olympics, and celebrate all the y'artz in the hole in the bucket man way ...





Why in its own homo-erotic way that's up there with Herr Hitler and Leni Riefenstahl doing Olympia

Such a great man, and such a tireless worker for his people, but do go on ...



Say what? The pond has been trolled again? Consider the statistical improbability of the pond being trolled into fourth place on a Thursday ... consider that the pond passed up on Hindu nationalism for this sort of weird time with our Henry, senility in the wings, and beckoning to the pond ...


What a fatuous fop, and the pond is betting that our Henry hasn't the foggiest idea what he's blathering about, whether it comes to dealing with a pandemic or playing a sport ... but if he does want to show his desperately needed courage, the pond encourages him to get infected, so he can join the pond's new genre offering horror stories from right wing commentators ...



And now because the pond can never get enough reptile trolling, a blare of trumpets please, as the lizard Oz editorialist enters for a final flourish ...




Fucketty fuck, it's the Terry McCrann show all over again. What a trolling of the pond ... and yet, and yet, surely it's possible to remember the grand days when the reptiles were at one with the world of technology and futurist thinking...



Thank you venerable Meade, thank you Graudian, the pond wasn't a butterfly dreaming that it was a butterfly, it did actually happen ...


Oh indeed, indeed, innovation and risk-taking, the very first things the pond thinks about when it thinks of the Murdochians ...




Oh wait, that's Betoota Advocate comedy ...

Trolled again ... okay lizard Oz editorialist, sock it to the pond with a couple more technology pars celebrating the wit and wisdom of technology wise Murdochians and clap happy futurist climate science folk ...


It must be really weird to be a reptile. The ability to do all that flipping, why it's harder than being a short order cook ...

And so to wrap up in the usual way with a Rowe, and a reminder of where we actually are at the moment in NSW thanks to fool's gold standard Gladys, with questions you won't find being asked by the Murdochians ...





Sorry, that's a paywall ... or perhaps behind a stone wall ...


...The conflict of interest is obvious. If she didn’t disclose it, that is scandalous.  Unless the documentary evidence is flat wrong (that is, the references in the correspondence to “the premier” were mistaken, because she actually knew nothing about any of it), then Berejiklian’s actions may have been a flagrant breach of the most basic standards of ministerial conduct.
As to whether it was corrupt, the ICAC Act defines corrupt conduct very widely. If Berejiklian did intervene in the ACTA grant process without disclosing her personal interest, then that becomes a very real question.
That is for ICAC to consider if it takes this matter on. Berejiklian’s response so far has been dismissive, telling the ABC’s Paul Farrell (who broke the story) that “firstly, the proposition you’re putting is absolutely ridiculous, and secondly, all proper processes were followed, and that’s all I’ll say on the matter thank you”.
When Farrell pressed the question again, the premier said, “I refer to my previous answer, and please respect this press conference”.
Showing some respect to the people of NSW by answering the valid questions the premier is being asked would be nice.


If only the pond could remember if NSW actually had an opposition. Is there a leader? Does she have a name?

Never mind, there's more Rowe reminders of our situation here ... and this will do as a way to get into the trolling maze ...





  1. "Enough already, his ministers were liars? What about the onion muncher himself?"

    A damn good question. Not only was the Muncher against the NBN "video" investment, he was all in favour of the Lomborg "Consensus" foundation - remember the $4Million offered to set it up at UWA ? Lomborg had favoured standing with Abbott and Petulant Peta. And Morrison was a "respected" minister in the Abbott government right from the start (Immigration and Border Protection, you may recall).

    So I'm just waiting for somebody to notice, and state the bleedin' bloody obvious openly, that SloMo is just enacting the Lomborg ploy: talk big about technology research and do nothing - except put lots of "taxpayer's money" into never-will-be stuff such as CCS. Do you reckon anybody has actually noticed ?

  2. Ah, Dorothy - mention of 'Connor Court' is a great saver of time, isn't it? As soon as it flashes up - time to move the eyes on.

  3. Yes, yes, the Judeo-Christian tradition is a wonderful thing but what about the Greeks, eh? What about the Greeks? And weren't the Babylonians dab hands at maths and the building of Arks?

  4. From the desk and the buttoned-down mind of "The Editorialist": "What is needed is a critical mass of creative ventures that can provide a necessary hub of opportunity. It will also require a political and business culture that remains open to the world."

    In response to that, I have but one word: Cremorne. And to remind people that: "MYOB is an Australian multinational corporation" that was "founded in the early 1980s by a team of developers at Teleware, Inc., who developed accounting software."

    The early 1980s, right - long before Atlassian in 2002. But now, unfortunately the private property of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. And that's how it works out here: anything worth a buck or three is snapped up by the Americans and ceases to be Australian other than in name. See Afterpay. Though MYOB started off American and later "migrated" to the land of plenty which is just a bit unusual.

    Personally, I used Quicken, later Quickbooks, from Intuit.

  5. I suspect the wastepaper basket just got kicked into the wall in Promo's office.

    I can see a lot of potential points of failure in this but it does look like a plan rather than the rolling omnishambles of Australian politics.

    1. Hmm. The best laid plans ...

      Anyway, NZ hasn't "completely stamped out the coronavirus", it's simply held it at bay for a while. So, the 'grand opening' should be interesting to watch.

      But talking about plans, SloMo keeps insisting on (1) having "a plan" to get to a stable state, that (2) is based on technology, not taxes. So, I innocently ask, does this mean that SloMo thinks he will have a planned and deterministic path to exactly what technology will be developed in what order over what timeframe.

      Or have I completely misunderstood the concept of having a plan ?

    2. Well - - it's more a plan to have a plan. The detail will be something like "the plan will be released when the plan is released, not before, not after, but when it is released" smirks broadly and waddles off stage left.

      As often observed here, there's plenty of mature technology available, it's just not technology they want to back. The only tech they can point at is CCS which doesn't stack up commercially. Their backers think they can wet their beaks on gas and blue hydrogen under the cover of transition fuels but that fraud seems to have been largely exposed.


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