Monday, August 16, 2021

In which the Oreo and the cardinal join together in prayer ...



The pond usually restricts its dose of loonery to once a day, but given the way the Oreo was sounding off this morning in the lizard Oz, the pond found this note in The Daily Beast irresistible ...



He spoke out against vaccine mandates? Who would have thought that the recovering, reformed feminist would be channeling the same ether as a cardinal inclined to believe in transubstantiation, virgin births, talking shrubs and such like?

It's another entry in what is becoming a favourite genre in the United States, loons who speak out and then end up on a ventilator ...

If you follow the Beast's source, because that bit about vaccines and microchips is a bit wild even for the Oreo, you'll find he's a bit Killer Creighton when it comes to masks and you'll also find this ...

The cardinal also said that “it is never morally justified to develop a vaccine through the use of the cell lines of aborted fetuses,” adding that the state “is not the ultimate provider of health. God is.”

... which rather renders the point of Catholic hospitals moot, and suggests that the cardinal's god might have decided that his payment for healthcare by way of prayer didn't result in sufficient funds for use in a private healthcare scheme ...

Then if you head off to the National Catholic Reporter, still intrigued by talk of vaccines and microchips, you find the cardinal boldly talking, in a Trumpian way, of the Wuhan virus, and this ...



If you follow that link to the virtual Rome Life Forum, you find that the cardinal was in reality a bit cagey about linking vaccines and microchips, but you'll still find this ...



This is a classic dog whistle, a co-joining of talk of vaccination and the need for a kind of microchip, implying that they're doing the same wicked secularist conspiratorial work, but not quite coming out and saying it ...

Still, there came this serve of wisdom and insight ...

...Here, it must be noted that Our Lord has entrusted the sacred realities of His presence with us to the care of our pastors. It is they who have received the grace to safeguard those realities and to provide access to them for the faithful. Their knowledge and experience must always be conformed to the truths of the faith, handed down to us through the unbroken line of Apostolic Tradition. In a time of health crisis, public health experts may make recommendations about how best to protect the health of those who have access to churches and chapels, but it is the Bishops and priests who must implement such recommendations in a manner that respects the divine reality of the faith itself and of the Sacraments. For instance, to suggest that a priest distribute Holy Communion while wearing a mask and plastic gloves, and sanitize his hands at various times after he has consecrated the Sacred Host may, from a medical perspective be the most sanitary practice, but it does not respect the truth that it is Christ Who is giving Himself to us in the Sacred Host. At the same time, the prohibition of receiving the Sacred Host on the tongue and the mandate to receive Holy Communion in the hand, while it may be more sanitary, although that is debated, could only be justified by a grave reason.
It is true that historically the Church has used different sacred instruments to give Holy Communion to someone who was highly contagious, but these methods of reception of Holy Communion were not used for the Holy Communion of the faithful, in general. It was not assumed that the priest and the faithful, in general, were all infected, as seems to be the assumption today, and, therefore, could not receive Holy Communion in the most devout manner possible. Medical experts and public health officials can make recommendations to the Church, but it is the Church herself who must decide regarding practices touching upon the most sacred realities of our faith.

His Grace's extraordinary defiance of his physicians, his tearing off of his ventilator, his righteous assertion that only the church can decide practices touching on faith, will be an inspiration to all.

Say what? He's still on the ventilator, and doing well?

God's a ventilator? Who knew ...

Never mind, with the greatest respect, when it comes to dealing with a virus, the pond would prefer the advice of almost anyone other than the Cardinal and the Oreo ...

Now everyone get out their phone and stare mindlessly at it with Sheneman ...


1 comment:

  1. "God's a ventilator? Who knew ..."

    I've always wondered why people like Raymond Burke can't just accept that whatever happens, it is the will of God. So the God who gave us Noah's flood and all but wiped us out is the same God who gave us SARS-CoV-2 and who also gave us medicos and ICUs and ventilators and rubber gloves and ...

    Does aught befall you? It is good. It is part of the destiny of the Universe ordained for you from the beginning. All that befalls you is part of the great web.

    So if God gives you chips in your vaccines, just shut up and accept His magnanimity.


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