Saturday, August 28, 2021

In which the pond celebrates a win, and also spends quality time with Dame Slap, Polonius and a dog bothering zombie ...





The pond was exceptionally pleased to see news of NSW winning again. 

So much winning and we never tire of it.  Tiresome Victorians - and hopeful reptiles - keep on telling the pond how comrade Dan is leading them to victory, as if he had a chance up against gold standard Gladys ... 

Why this very day there was Gemma, a gemma of a reptile scribbler, celebrating gold standard Gladys ...


Yes, it's time for guts and glory, and celebration of gold standard Gladys, but then a sudden fatigue overwhelmed the pond, and it thought  now might be the right time to take a pass on gibbering Gemma and instead turn to something more interesting than idle boasting. After all, winners can't sit on the laurels.

What better day to start the weekend than a round or two with Dame Slap, bashing the ABC? 

This is the best reptile parlour game of all, way better than snake-bashing season, and every one can play ...

The pond should note from the get go that Dame Slap has no burning zeal for 'justice'. 
In fact Dame Slap has no time for 'justice' at all. Dame Slap thinks so little of 'justice' that she likes to put the whole contemptible notion behind inverted commas ...

But as we're started with a shot of the Satanic one herself, the pond should point out that this can only be round one ... as noted by the Weekly Beast here ... with the real game resuming early next week ...


Eek, two snaps of Satan herself, and we haven't even got started. Suffice to say that the venerable Meade has assembled some essential reading for amateur herpetologists, but the pond must move on to contemptible notions of 'justice' ...

It must hurt Dame Slap. The pond can't count the number of times it's told the legendary tale of how Dame Slap donned her MAGA cap and slipped out into the night air in New York, to celebrate the elevation of the Donald ...

As for defending Faux Noise, sure, sure, here dear, have another sip of bleach, it'll help wash down the goodly doses of hydroxy and Ivermectin ... and then we can broaden the rant into the usual Dame Slap litany ...


At this point, the pond must pause to ask whether attacking the ABC is enough for Dame Slap? Surely it's the fault of bloody women, always complaining and whining and carrying-on, unlike Dame Slap, who is totally stoic ...

Women must be believed? Why would you believe the hideous hussies, the lying little minxes?

Indeed, indeed, in today's febrile climate, it's not enough just to refuse to believe women. They must be called mentally ill, it's the only logical conclusion ... off their collective rockers, loony tunes ...

Perhaps an historic parallel? Perhaps the Stasi, or the SS ... no, wait the Spanish Inquisition surely suits Dame Slap's purpose ... (please, it is important not to have a first clue as to what the Inquisition actually did for an extended period of time, it would quite ruin the metaphor, and lead to charges of Slappian exaggeration and stupidity) ...

Indeed, indeed, but if you can't believe women, who can you believe? And here Dame Slap produces an impeccable solution ...

Keep believing in the Donald...

Talk of the Donald having a one stand with a porn star? Nonsense, believe the Donald. Talk of the Donald sexually harassing a number of women, perhaps raping at least one? Nonsense, believe the Donald ... he's a beacon of 'justice', a shining light, a teller of truth, why not one bald-faced lie has ever passed his lips, as compared to those wretched story-telling, fibber hussies ...


You see? You might have thought the pond was joking, but Dame Slap, faithful devoted MAGA cap wearer waited to produce that zinger "it's bad enough that the ABC treats Trump as so monstrous ..."

Because in Dame Slap's world, Trump isn't a monster, he's just a kindly old dodderer down at Mar-a-Lago acting as a door greeter for the wedding guests ... he's just a gentle giant of a man, spreading truth and 'justice' and warm humanity around the world ... and if you believe that, then surely you have found the only woman you can believe, and if you believe in Dame Slap, the pond also has a golf resort or three to sell you ...

Inspired, the pond was up for anything, and decided it should get in early with prattling Polonius. 

After all, bashing the ABC is a sport at which Polonius excels, and surely today, he'd be excited by the triumph in Afghanistan ...

For years, Polonius dedicated himself to the notion that the US achieved a considerable victory in Vietnam. Not on the surface, admittedly, but in the shaping of the entirety of Asia against communism, and what a triumph it was, with emperor Xi quivering in his boots as the very moment the pond pounds the keyboard ... 

Say what? There was something awry in the fall of Saigon, even if Kabul is worse? That can't be so ...

...Certainly the Vietnam war was lost by the Saigon government. However, the 521 Australians who fell in the conflict did not die in vain. As Edwards acknowledges, the US-led Vietnam commitment delayed a communist victory by 10 years — much to the benefit of nations such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. This was also to Australia’s advantage.
Long-time Singapore leader Lee Kuan Yew (1923-2015) once pointed out that Southeast Asia was better able to withstand a communist victory in Vietnam in 1975 than it would have been a decade earlier when the non-communist nations of Southeast Asia were not so well established. That’s not a myth. (warning, it's at the Sydney Institute).

Much relieved that perhaps in a decade Polonius might be explaining how the fall of Kabul was something of a triumph, the pond plunged in ...


Indeed, indeed, there are ways of departing a war without leaving a situation of complete chaos. Look at the splendid shape that armchair warriors of the Polonial kind left countries like Cambodia and Vietnam in after the war ...

And how wrong of Polonius to try to pin some of the blame on the Donald ... Dame Slap will have words with him ...

At this point the pond should note that the reptiles inserted a snap, just to break up Polonius for a moment ...

The pond likes to honour such interruptions, before returning to the ranting ...

Ah yes, General Petraeus, what an inspiration. Didn't he know how to fuck around as well as fuck a country ...

How lucky that Polonius got distracted and suddenly wandered back to the days of 'Nam and commie spotting ... glory days for your dedicated tyke ...

Indeed, indeed. The pond was incredibly moved and cheered by that Polonial talk of  an all hands on deck approach to Afghan refugees, even if they're a bunch of deviant, shifty-looking security risks ... or so the pond is reliably informed ...


And so to the bonus for the day, it being the weekend and all, and the pond has to confess it simply couldn't take a dose of nattering "Ned" this day ...

Perhaps tomorrow, but never mind, the good news is that the dog botherer has gone really fucking weird, out of his zombie gourd, and that is surely enough for an entertaining bonus ...



Look, that talk of badge on chest or tattoo on their forehead is as close as the dog botherer can get to his American cousins ...

These days you never know what might happen to a reptile referencing yellow badges or drawing tattoo parallels ...



So please, bear in mind that the dog botherer is acting with great restraint by turning to zombies as his theme for the day ... it's safer turf than the Nazis ... but not to worry, he can still rant away and howl and bark at the moon, in patented barking mad dog botherer style ...


Yes, not for the dog botherer the dull mundanity of city and suburban life. You're all bloody zombies, while the dog botherer likes to run wild and free. When asked what he's protesting, the dog botherer does his best Marlon impersonation, sneering "whatta ya got?"

Why for his thrills the dog botherer likes to spend time on the ground in Kabul, or perhaps go on rollercoaster rides. Anything other than the daily grind of an unimaginative and conformist existence...

Yet here we are, with the dog botherer grinding out another unimaginative piece conforming to Sky New after dark theology ...

Is that not fucking weird, is that not evidence that indeed there are zombies among us?

For clarity, the pond didn't really mean the reptiles are zombies - they might be the aliens in league with Soros and Gates - and Covid might kill a few people and vaccines might be handy, but just remember that NSW is the winner, you sore losing Victorians, as on we go ...

Yes, it's a minuscule to children and young adults, except when it isn't, and how pleasing it is to see a meaningless figure about Australian cases, when you might read of multiple deaths of young people by way of virus in the United States and elsewhere ...

How soon can we get on with the killing fields? Why NSW is already the leader of the pack, and could show us the way ... 

Trust the dog botherer who, it goes without saying, has the same fear of masks as Killer Creighton...



Lack of empathy from the dog botherer? Not really, he shows all the care and compassion and empathy you might expect from a standard Murdochian sociopath, keen on opening up for business ...

Poor lads, the empire is struggling at the moment, as noted in Crikey ...





Sorry, the pond couldn't resist a little unseemly gloating, and besides, is it just the pond's imagination, or is the dog botherer's rant this day extremely long and wretchedly predictable?



Ah yes, that wretched Mark McGowan ... what would he know? The great rapture is upon us, as a voice booms from the telly ...

What a waste of an infallible Pope, but all the same, cry freedumb with the dog botherer!


Ah yes, Shaun of the Dead, though the pond was more inspired by talk of SloMo having a plan ...


And so to the final dog bothering gobbet ...

Yes from Pauline Hanson to badges on chest and tattoo on forehead, it's been the dog botherer at his most humane, compassionate and caring, much like your average reptile sociopath ... but how clever of him not to explicitly break Godwin's Law ...

How clever of him just to hint that he himself might be some kind of weird News Corp zombie, sent out to terrify the masses into conforming ... why, with a bit of luck, soon they might be healing by laying on hands, and relieving suburban monotony by shouting in tongues to imaginary friends in the sky ...

And now, speaking of the thought police, some wag sent the pond the image below, found on the full to overflowing internet, knowing the pond was from Tamworth, and inordinately fond of the town's symbol ...




 Forget the zombies, get with the real action ...


  1. Slap: 'That way barbarism lies' and 'that way danger lies'; what is she, a fricken pirate?

  2. "It must hurt Dame Slap. The pond can't count the number of times it's told the legendary tale of how Dame Slap donned her MAGA cap ..."

    Ah, well once a MAGA floozy, always a MAGA floozy. But she did come perilously close to breaking the reptile rule: "If I don't ever say it again ...".

    So here we come to the eternal core of all matters: "The sad fact is that some women do lie. Or make mistakes or simply forget what really happened.
    In matters unrelated to sexual assault, lived experience suggests that women lie, or make mistakes, just about as frequently as men. ... Where is there empirical or any other evidence that the recollection of women in non-sexual matters are any more reliable that those of men.

    Ok, so there it is, out and open now: Dame Slap is forgetful, mistaken or lying at least as often as men. Therefore, unless Dame Slap can produce certified evidence to at least the standard of a civil court, and preferably to the standard of a criminal court, then she is simply not to be trusted or believed about anything, because the high probability is that she is as mistaken, forgetful, or just plain lying as the men she approves of - men such as Trump.

  3. Just a little point re the Polonial Prattler: In the 9/11 attacks, 2977 people were killed. In the invasion of Afghanistan and its aftermath, the USA alone lost 2298 troops with many wounded as well - with 1145 allied troops, 3904 contractors and 72,253 Afghani military and police also killed.

    It has been estimated that: "About 241,000 people have been killed in the Afghanistan and Pakistan war zone since 2001. More than 71,000 of those killed have been civilians."

    Isn't that enough ? Do the killings have to go on endlessly ? Or will the US have to stage even more "invasions" in order to take revenge on ISIS-K ?

  4. Oh what a sad fate for a once mighty yellow rag: the Hairoiled Scum down to "146,026 subscribers across its print and digital products." At its peak - back in the pre-internet days - it used to claim more than 1 million copies sold daily, and that with a Victorian population about 1/2 what it is today.

    And I notice that the Doggy Bov has posted that: "This country lost more than 1000 people to the flu in 2017 and again in 2019 ..." Something of a rapid turnaround from his previous claim to the effect that "Yet would we suggest imposing these lockdown measures every year at these costs, to save 150 lives or so from flu?" 150 versus 1000 ? Hmmm.

    Do you think the D. Boverer has been reading Dame Slap and has decided - at least where some empirical evidence does exist and can be readily googled or binged - to stop forgetting, misremembering and lying ?

    1. Perhaps it's time to have a good look at non-medical interventions in dealing with influenza as well. Why is 1000 an acceptable figure? Mainly because of Slomo syndrome
      where you try not to do anything until you are dragged kicking and screaming to take some action.

      Clearly there are a lot of infrastructure and behavioural changes could be made to reduce transmission - building ventilation standards, capacity limits, testing and mask wearing whenever you have any symptoms (this seems to be largely accepted in Asian counties post-SARS).

      Regarding the reptiles desire to kill us all, an alternate opinion on what the Doherty modelling might mean

    2. The article that your link points to contains the statement: "It doesn’t look like anyone has actually read the report." Well, if Barrie has either "Gold standard Gladys" or "ScottyfromMarketing" in mind then of course they haven't read it. It's obviously too long and too technical for them; but that's why they have a public service which employs and/or contracts specialists to do such reading for them.

      After all, SloMo has a Minister of Health, and a Department of Health (for which I once worked) to do all that for him. Similarly Gladys. So what can we say: that nobody from any of the Health Departments read the report either ? Or did they just misunderstand it because they are public servants ? Or did SloMo and Gladys misunderstand their health departments because they are just politicians ?

      Or all of the above. I guess SloMo and Gladys just want to be the heroes of the liberation of the nation and let's not let any miserable facts, that hardly any voters will ever read or understand either, get in the way of their magnificent achievement.

      Otherwise, yeah, I visit (and occasionally shop at) two major shopping malls (Chadstone and The Glen) that both have a disproportionate percentage of 'east Asian' customers (ie a noticeably higher percentage than of the general population) and even before Covid, a noticeably higher percentage of east Asians than the general population wore masks. Quite possibly, as you say, because of prior SARS experience.

      Strangely, though, because there's just about as many of them in Australia as east Asians, I see few south Asians. I wonder where they go to shop.

    3. My work involved a bit of low-level forecasting and the pattern was that it would generally be ignored unless it suited the inclinations of management. If it did, it would be embraced as justification for whatever they wanted to do. If subsequent revisions didn't support the proposals, well, they would be overlooked.

      One way of looking at all of this is to consider the implications of being wrong. If being wrong involves a knock to some corporate balance sheets or the early demise of some small businesses (a lot fail in the first couple of years anyway) that's one thing, if the consequence is hundreds or thousands of unnecessary deaths as well as long term health complications, that's another thing entirely.

      One of the family works in ICU and suggests that more beds are easy, ventilators more problematic, vent-trained nurses and intensivists insoluble. IF the assumptions are wrong or new problems arrive this could be a disaster.

      Looking at the media, most of what is reported is the sort of trivial whingeing that libertarians specialise in. Minor inconveniences treated as being equivalent to threats to life.

      Can you tell that this shits me to tears?

    4. "thousands of unnecessary deaths", Bef ? Even Australia basically outdoes that every year as about 170,000 of us die. Even if we lost 2/3rds of humanity overnight there'd still be nearly 2 billion of us, and in just a few decades, we'd be back to square one - especially since that would be one hell of an efficient way of cutting emissions drastically.

      Some have said that those of us born more or less at the same time as me (just after 1940) have enjoyed a near paradise compared with what the vast majority of the approximately 105 billion (uncertain guesstimate) of us that have been born on Planet Terra (including the nearly 8 billion of us alive now) have lived in. A short but relatively sweet interval in which the human population grew from around 2.3 billion to about 7.9 billion now and there was education and science and even a semblance of democracy.

      But it's all coming to an end quite quickly and I'm kinda relieved that I don't have too many more years to go. And the kind of scenarios you paint - and with which I too am familiar - are largely the reason: Homo saps saps has just never learned how to govern itself and manage its world, has it.

  5. Can't argue, we are all dead in the long run. It's just that the things the reptiles obsess about always seem utterly trivial to me and the stupidity is really irritating.

    Why would you risk any lives so Flight Centre could open up? Coal mining jobs? Sure, run a retraining program but recognise that industries shut down all the time. I worked in the steel industry at one time and all a site closure meant for me was that I had to find a better job.

    But yes, the species has "form".

    1. For a while there, Bef, especially in the USA and to an extent the UK, people could spend a lifetime, from teenage to "retirement" working for just one company in just one industry. I guess lots of people thought that was the way it was meant to be.

      As to the reptiles: selfish little kids staging tantrums is basically all I can see.

  6. Apologies to Dolores and The Cranberries for this effort but it’s all the dog botherer’s fault.


    To Chris Kenny
    We’re a
    Herd of zombies

    If Covid
    Kills some people
    He says
    That’s no problem

    But you see
    Chris Kenny
    This is not
    A movie
    And your head
    Should be read
    Not your writing

    It is crap
    What you write
    But you write
    It in spite
    In your head
    In your head
    There is nothing

    In your head
    It’s just dead


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