Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Dear diary, spent a quiet day with Killer and Dame Groan, helping spread a little fear, hate and loathing in the garden, so much better than compost ...

Dammit, there's the Killer, all set to roll, and yet, and yet ... the pond was ever so keen to talk of other matters, not least the ongoing international fame of the Murdochians ...

Yes suddenly WaPo was amongst those paying attention (paywall affected) and quoting Chairman Rudd and noting Jack's legendary contribution ...

Good on ya Jack, nothing like conflating Sky News bullshit with genocide, and providing the perfect reason for Sky News logic to be banned from the entire known universe, and perhaps beyond that ...

And of course last night Media Watch had a dig at the way that Sky News had relentlessly featured the moronic medical views of a furniture salesman ... with the parrot doing the hard yards, and then of all things, the dog botherer chipping in to talk of being censored by a foreign owned multi-national giant ... apparently quite unaware, in inimitable moronic dog botherer way, that he was actually at that moment getting a paycheck from a foreign owned multi-national giant.

Oh perhaps a minnow of a giant from a big tech giant perspective, but not the sort of leech you'd want sucking out your blood, or your brain cells, or perhaps your precious bodily fluids ...

Meanwhile, the pond had these past few days wanted to pay tribute to another reptile watcher, this time over at The Conversation ...

The pond always welcomes fellow reptile devotees, but thinks that reference by Dennis Muller to Kremlinology is seriously misleading.

What we have here is a cult, and rather than think of Kremlin or perhaps Catholic church intrigue, we're better off thinking of Charlie Manson, or other famous cult leaders of the Jonestown kind...

It helps explain how Chairman Rupert's minions have fostered, and continue to foster, the cult of the orange one ... and how in the United States, people are needlessly dying through the cult of misinformation, with Faux Noise as the fountainhead of folly ...

Never mind, the pond is just excited to see others join in herpetological studies, though it's disappointing to report that today Killer Creighton has abandoned the killing fields to deal with other matters ...


Ignoring the meaningless mumbo jumbo recital of data as if that were the killer answer, the pond prefers to dwell on the way that the presence of News Corp in the world routinely cranks up the festering level of fear, hate and loathing, a trend that has been discernible for some time ... as noted in The Monthly here back in May 2019 ...



And so on, and there's a lot more - as you'd expect from a piece with a sub-heading "denialism, nihilism and the Murdoch propaganda machine ..."

How many times have the reptiles launched an assault on the woke, and berated the different and the other, and stoked fear and hate? Nobody bothers to count, and in any case, can you assign a number to the infinite?

Leaving philosophical questions aside, in his own modest way, Killer Creighton has made some noble contributions to the cult, and its willingness to cause physical and mental injury to its followers (as cult leaders do) ...


But why is Killer downplaying all this talk of hate crime? Well would your average bank robber want to talk up a successful raid on a vault?

“Stoking hatred against racial and religious minorities is at the core of businesses like News Corp, they will not give up their profits and their status for something so trivial as the lives as safety of the people they target,” McKinnnon said.

Indeed, indeed, and more here, and generally it might be said that taking a look at News Corp is roughly equivalent to bathing eyeballs in slime ...

A nuanced read of the Killer's effort will see that even in the downplaying, the desire to sneer and mock is strong in this one: "The number of races you can be hated for has doubled since those naive times."

Actually the number of bigotries celebrated by News Corp haven't grown. It's just that people have started to notice and speak out, and head to the window and shout out that they're mad as hell at Murdochian dumbfuckery and they aren't going to take it any more ....

And so to the ultimate deflection ...


Pot meet kettle. The let her rip, Freudian mask fearing man is suddenly tut tutting about the damage being done by left-wing politics, when News Corp has, by definition, been a money-making machine profiting by the division of people along the lines of race, sex and sexuality ... and whatever other festering form of fear, hate mongering and division the quislings and cult followers can devise ...

Of course Killer is still a baby when it comes to the real power players, of the Tucker kind ... as celebrated here ...

And so on, but enough of the killing fields, and the downplaying of hate, fear and loathing, while busily elevating these activities in every platform available to the company ...

Instead, it's time for a wind down and so the pond went looking for a second piece ...



Oh dear, the pond must update its browser at some time, but that ad disrupting the layout seemed to be something of a metaphor ... all the usual whining and moaning, but with ads ... (perhaps they could start running MyPillow guy ads now he's fussing and feuding with Fox).

Never mind, it seemed that only a dose of Dame Groan groaning away would match the tasty flavour of that disruptive ad ...


It's always pleasing to see Dame Groan shift from groaning about pesky, difficult migrants and furriners ruining things to a more general groaning .... and it seems that this week it's the turn of Josh and the cardigan wearers at Treasury ...

Well the pond doesn't have any fight in this groaning, but realises that the Groaner has a devoted, if minuscule fan club, and so presenting the whining and the moaning is a pond community service ...



It's everything the pond admires in the groaner ... sniping at inclusion and diversity (well, you can't let migrants off the hook entirely), an air of rich, satisfied complacency, and a firm sense that so long as I'm alright, everything is right in the world, so why don't you just all sloan off ... yes, you, you bloody Keynesians ... wanting to give a little cash in the paw to those on struggle street, when in Dame Groan's day she was up at four to go down coal mine after munching on cardboard to quell the hunger ...



It's pleasing to see Dame Groan bring to heel these wretches. There's been a lot of bringing to heel of late, as celebrated by Kudelka here ...



As for empathy for those doing it tough in these troubled times, there's just time for a last dose of it from Dame Groan, and if you're left feeling a little hungry or perhaps even dispossessed, don't come whining to the pond ... the entire point of the reptiles is to spread misery, unhappiness, fear and loathing, and in her own humble way, Dame Groan is doing her bit ...



And with that done and dusted, there's nothing left for the pond but to join the immortal Rowe in his alternative Olympics, which suddenly made competitive events seem interesting in the pond's eyes, and with more interesting events here ...


  1. Killer - ‘Has the US suddenly entered some de-facto apartheid?’

    What a masterly grasp of the recent history of the USA and South Africa. Even as a rhetorical question, is is remarkable in its lack of awareness of how much of actual apartheid was copied from the statute books of what claims to be the, um, United states of that northern continent.

    If that statement is your thesis - in the original sense of that word - then it is no surprise that the ticker-tape of numbers does not work to a useful conclusion. We have no more than a quick dip into a convenient publication, to fill up a column for Tuesday. With ‘identity politics’ mentioned in the last paragraph, to assure the declining readership that they have not wasted the 6 minutes (14 if you have to move your lips as you make out the words with phonics) spent reading this one.

    So - did the Dame provide something with actual economic content?

    Well, she does concede that there was a ‘global financial crisis’. Seems she would claim that was triggered by ‘demand deficiency’. Perhaps we can work on that - but at least she does concede that there was a GFC.

    Which brings us to her contrasting claim (gotta have some contrast - best rhetorical practice) that this pandemic ‘led to a supply shock caused by Government restrictions imposed to manage the virus.’ Which is actually a concession that the Dame has this in common with treasury - they have not the faintest clue why the Australian economy, as shown in the agreed statistics, is running along rather well.

    The significant supply shock caused by Government - and one Government only - came from its stunning inability to get vaccines into the country, then into the arms of its citizens. There were other shortfalls in supply, down to the same Government, linked to the pandemic. We could have had several effective quarantine stations around the country several months ago, if ScoMo had a better grasp of things like the geography of southern Queensland - but they are all part of the inability to respond to the pandemic - none of which could be claimed to have been ‘imposed to manage the virus’.

    1. As to the Killer, the ignorant cannot avoid displaying their state. And Killer is a gold standard ignorante.

      But with respect to the Groan, surely that government created supply shock is the real Killer ?

  2. Is there no end to Murdoch perfidy?
    A recent software update on the android TV inserted Sky News on channel 56.
    An unwanted and shocking event that meant a frantic grab for the remote before normality was restored with channel 56 rapidly and effectively deleted from the channel list and a dram of Scotland's finest to calm the nerves.
    Shudder to think what might have happened if it went unnoticed.

    1. It must be the day for rhetorical questions, Anony. I believe we all doubt that there could be an end to Murdoch perfidy, although there are signs that the family’s capacity to think up new ways to be perfidious might be reaching its natural limits. But then, they have long known that there are people like Ailes, who will think or do anything in return for the protection and power which Rupert will bestow, for as long as you are making money for him.

      Pleased to see that you had a dram to hand. Interesting that uisge, and Murdochs, came from the same country.

    2. Et tu android? The pond rushed off to check but luckily had no need of the dram ... so it was off to the usual parritch ...

    3. Uisge but no beatha, Chad ? Then again, the Russians only call theirs 'vodka', but there is still acquavita to be had.

  3. It's when the Groaner says things such as "...overgenerous spending [by government] that will create a huge debt burden that will need to be repaid by future generations." that it becomes clear that she simply has at best a moronic understanding of both generations and of government debt (maybe really just an imbecilic understanding, but let us be generous).

    Then later she adds: "Whether our children or grandchildren will thank us for the largesse bequeathed by a government hooked on spending other people's money is uncertain."

    Well, apart from the juvenile agitprop of "other people's money" - just a fleck of froth on the daily (hourly ?) KoolAid - Groany apparently has endless problems with repaying all this debt we mostly owe to each other which will mostly fade away in maybe a decade at most and in any case "our children and grandchildren" owe us because of all "our" money that we spend on their schools and universities, and their medical and dental expenses and making new roads for their cars to drive down and maintaining and improving the infrastructure that they will use unthinkingly, she seems to have no idea at all of what a "generation" is.

    Now as we're all well aware, a 'generation' is basically defined as a 25 or 30 year period being roughly how long it takes for a bunch of kids to be born and grow up to have kids of their own. So when do we start counting from ? There's a whole bunch of younger people who have been born less than say 30 years ago who are gradually becoming "the next generation" year by year. But before most of them get to the stage of being "the next generation", the current generation - ie us - will have paid much of the so-called "debt" and much of it will have basically faded away because of the effect of inflation over a decade and more. (Yes, I don't pay income tax any longer but I do pay GST and stamp duties and so on, and if I actually earn any significant amount from my "investments" then my aged pension is reduced accordingly, so tell me how, in practical terms, that is any different from income tax).

    So, just how thick is the Groaner ? Or is it all down to having to croon the KoolAid tune every day just to earn her daily bread ?

    1. Are we always now to be tortured by this issue of the moronic, the idiotic and the imbecilic GB? Surely we can just discard obsolete medical classifications and settle for the most melodious, and a thickshake will serve as nicely as a koolaid after your analysis ...

    2. Ah, quite so, DP; one should not always be trying to revive the catatonic and I shall cease and desist forthwith. But a thickshake in place of KoolAid ? Are you sure it has the same result ?

      Especially as I have to say that I think the Groaner has been fading away ever since her payrate was publicly revealed and supposedly diminished.


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