Thursday, August 05, 2021

In which the pond yet again cuts petulant Peta dead, goes Travel + Luxury reefing, and finally after avoiding a trudge with the Tudge, settles on the bromancer ...



This is the day that the pond takes great pleasure in cutting petulant Peta dead ... extending the little finger so to speak.

Just in case there's anyone out there who isn't up on the book of snobs and how to be a snob .....



So what is the pond cutting dead this day?



At this point the pond would usually run a snap of petulant Peta berating the onion muncher or some other minion, as a reminder of the good old days when she helped fuck the country ... but she's being such a mindless moron (please, the pond likes the sound, not the scale of stupidity), it's perhaps more useful to remind the world of the company petulant Peta keeps, thanks to a reader and the Graudian ...





Responsible, informed coverage? You see petulant Peta, if the pond wants moronic stupidity, it can just turn to shamelessly stupid Sharri doing a Tucker ...

As for that allegedly informed coverage, please Graudian, another burst ...


Oh and there was the Bolter too ...

A video featuring Andrew Bolt speaking to Australian gastroenterologist Prof Thomas Borody about ivermectin use in treating Covid was also taken down ...

The pond supposes it could go off to the Nine rags to see if the savvy Savva has turned up, but the pond long ago turned on the both siderist rag, and its willingness to offer comfort to loons of the magic water man kind ... so the pond must stick with its field of expertise, the study of the reptiles in their natural Murdochian habitat ... and speaking of that, the pond is reminded of that good news story about the reef that the reptiles offered up alongside petulant Peta ....

Usually this would be the turf of the Riddster ...



Say what? We're now doing science by running a lot of snaps of a happy reef? And then ending up this way ...


That's it? Science by snaps, and oh, it could all be taken out this summer?

In danger? ran the questioning headline, and the answer "all of that could be taken out this summer".

And that's meant to make us all feel reassured that we can head up to the reef and take some happy snaps of sea creatures and coral, and all this fine?

Who was responsible for this drivel? 

The pond is glad you asked, because instead of the Riddster, it was put together by ... the Travel + Luxury writer for the lizard Oz ...


What an impeccable set of scientific credentials ...

And so the pond returned to finish off that bit from the prof in the Graudian ...



Forget it prof, the reptiles are in thrall to that orange gibbon, that born liar and Elmer Gantry con man, as celebrated and promoted by chairman Rupert and his minions ...

Speaking of born liars, so what else is to reptile claw that might be used to bolster an admittedly scattered pond posting ...




Tudge? The Tudge trudges out to run that old crap about Zionism?

Well the pond will give the tedious Tudge one thing ... the funniest thing the pond saw on the telly in the past few days was the way that his gears were caught turning over, and he hesitated before plunging into a shameless, bald-faced lie ...

Yep, your blathering bald-faced Tudge is a liar of the first water ... and a completely inept one at that ...




In the old days, he would have been considered a useful idiot, ready to earn his thirty shekels while the cock crowed three times ... but at least this Wilcox catches a whiff of the Tudge style ...

Yes, you too can be a drudge of the Xian or Tudge style ...

And so to the bonus for the day, with the pond retreating to the bromancer, as the pond often does ...



Now the pond should note at the start that the bromancer has often tried to be the sensible reptile on the matter of the virus ...

No defending the indefensible from him, no nonsense about useless drugs, or carrying on about masks and lockdowns in the Killer Creighton manner ... and yet at some point, the pond is sure that the bromancer's mask will slip and will reveal the strange new world the reptiles have devised ...


The bromancer speaks of authority in the vitriolic and hyper-partisan world of reptile delusions? Can the pond have an infallible Pope doughnut to go with that?



Ah, back to some semblance of normalcy thanks to the infallible Pope, do go on bromancer, remind the pond of the reptiles' love of authority ...


Brexit? But Brexit has been a comprehensive dud ... and the pond can't begin to count the number of horror stories emanating from old Blighty ...this is just one ...



And  then there are other horror stories all over the Graudian shop ...

Yes, things are grim for the stuck in the rut mob, but the pond must get back to the bromancer trying to sound sensible ... and claiming some authority, in the authoritarian reptile way ...

Florida? Never mind the muppet English mop top, we're talking Ron DeSantis? But, billy goat bromancer, butt,  Florida Doctors Think Ron DeSantis Is A National Embarrassment ...


You see? Who needs a petulant Peta when the bromancer is always on hand to provide some entertainment?


Yes, indeed, the reptiles can't wait to begin killing off their aged customers ... 

 Isn't the bromancer a class act? "Big cultural adjustments"? He means the Bart the, or if you will, Die, reptile readers, die ...

Yes, he hopes you're up to dying and going to live above the clouds with his imaginary friend ...

Ah, another great example of the reptile dreaming, but the pond must now end with an alternative Olympics competition which features some splendid performers, including the trudging Tudge ... (with more competition always to hand thanks to the immortal Rowe here)


  1. "Say what? We're now doing science by running a lot of snaps of a happy reef?

    Reef? What reef? That looks like a snap of an apparently healthy sea turtle on the sandy bottom. Not a coral in sight!

    1. Oh come on, Merc, that's all the "science" tat a reptile will ever be able to grasp. Just think of those leading scientific intellects, Lloydie and Bjorn-again.

    2. To be fair Merc, there were a number of clap happy snaps of the reef as well, but a wave of nausea saw the pond cut them out and cut to the Travel + Luxury chase ...

  2. "...Katherine Gelber, said the right to free speech carried with it certain responsibilities."

    Or, as a one-time First Lady had it:
    Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect.

  3. "You see petulant Peta, if the pond wants moronic stupidity, it can just turn to shamelessly stupid Sharri doing a Tucker ..."

    Indeed so, though there's a whole lot of reptiles running her a very close second. But we all love just how easy it is for the Thickshake Thunkers to stage a juvenile tantrum whenever somebody else comes even marginally close to doing what they do every day ... and claim total righteousness for doing it.

  4. Don't you just love the ways that reptiles distort and 'weaponise' words: the use of "alarmist" as a prime example. After you've labelled someone or something as "alarmist" there's nothing else that needs to be said; all's done and dusted. But I do love her quoting the Bolter: "Of course it's in danger, he said. Every coral reef in the world is in danger ... the question is how much danger and what are we doing to address the major threats."

    Wau, such perspicacity. But it's just a bit like Killer Creighton's view of the lives of the old and vulnerable: they're all in danger, but we really needn't do anything about it because they're all going to die soon anyway. Every human being dies eventually, so there's no point ever doing anything to prevent it, is there. And in order to demonstrate that point, the Killer faction quote QALYs at us and tell us how few the oldies have left.

    So how about the GBR - how many QALYs does it have left ?

    1. Some situations are genuinely alarming and you are more than little stupid if you don't do something. The realities of climate change are always going to look alarmist to people who have a default position that every day will be more or less like the proceeding.

    2. Talking of "a little stupid" it appears Golden Gladys has finally conceded reality, but not before cases have sprayed out as far as Tasmania.

      Good luck with only a week of lockdown because other measures alone may take some time to show results

      It's like there's a plan to put the most incompetant people in the most critical jobs.

      Because you like numbers

      So another case of not Western civilisation.

    3. It's only the "stupid ones" that can be talked into doing the impossible jobs, Bef.

      As for Mt Hodgson's request for Melbourne-Sydney lockdown differences, how about Go early, go hard and keep it up until it works ?

      As to the 'Pythagorean triples' they were known to several different peoples, the Egyptians used the 3,4,5 triple to get the corners of pyramids precise. What the Greeks did was to incorporate the 'triples' into a mathematical geometry where "Pythagoras' theorem" could be precisely stated and logically proved which pointed to an 'infinite' number of 'triples'. And nobody did that before they did. And all that maths and logic and stuff is why people are happy to claim the Greeks as "Western" (with a capital W) even though they hate the maths and the logic.

      Far better to be Romans and invent a great concrete - everybody loves a great concrete.

  5. And while we're on music, how about:

    50 years since Mike Oldfield began writing Tubular Bells: the pioneering album that changed the sound of music


  6. Oh dear - Scotty will be back in hiding!

    1. And about effing time, too. At least they got in before he died of old age.

      But where is his invisible friend and why isn't he being protected ... or maybe he is and nothing much will actually happen to him.

    2. The pond couldn't resist BF ...


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