Tuesday, June 01, 2021

In which can be found Klassic Killer, a tasty Oreo and a late burst from the Angelic one ...



Today the pond is proud to present a Klassic Killer rant ... but first a message from our sponsors. Woke folk getting you down? Tired, worn out, by the tedious business of caring for others? Have you thought about an armed insurrection as a way of sorting things out?

Yes, there's nothing like armed insurrection, and you can access that tweet at Huff Post here. Now on with Klassic Killer ranting and howling at the moon full of woke folk ...


Actually Pepe the frog isn't just about Trump. It's also a symbol for neo-Nazis and white supremacists, so much so that his creator tried to kill him off, but the pond is pleased that Killer loves Pepe. It keeps him in the right, white, neo-Nazi supremacist mind set, so that he can truly rail at the woke folk ...



The pond is always eager to please, and join this Klassic Killer outing by noting that you can read Klot Kotkin at the Claremont Institute Center for the American Way of Life ...

And just so you might better enjoy Klassic Killer, here's a little from the wiki (footnotes there) on the Klaremont Kenter ... (remember, everything goes better if you can produce a KKK mood) ...

The institute was an early defender of Donald Trump. The Daily Beast stated Claremont has "arguably has done more than any other group to build a philosophical case for Trump’s brand of conservatism."
In September 2016 the institute's Claremont Review of Books published Michael Anton's "The Flight 93 Election" editorial. The editorial, written under a pseudonym, compared the prospect of conservatives letting Trump lose to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election with passengers not charging the cockpit of the United Airlines aircraft hijacked by Al-Qaeda. The article went viral and received widespread coverage across the political spectrum. Rush Limbaugh devoted a day of his radio series to reading the entire essay. Anton would later serve as President Trump's national security advisor from 2017 to 2018.
In 2019, Trump awarded the Claremont Institute with a National Humanities Medal.
The institute caused controversy by granting a fellowship in 2019 to the Pizzagate conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec. National Review columnist Mona Charen wrote that "Claremont stands out for beclowning itself with this embrace of the smarmy underside of American politics." In 2020, Slate magazine called the institute "a racist fever swamp with deep connections to the conspiratorial alt-right", citing Posobiec's fellowship and the publication of a 2020 essay by senior fellow John Eastman that questioned Kamala Harris' eligibility for the vice presidency.
During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the institute received between $350,000 and $1 million in federally backed small business loans from Chain Bridge Bank as part of the Paycheck Protection Program. The institute stated this would allow it to retain 29 jobs.

Pizzagate! 14! 88! And so back to the Klassic Killer for a final gobbet ...


Oh indeed Marxism ... which may freely be confused with a Chinese dictatorship that most bears resemblance to the Chinese tradition of rule by emperor. The pond used to say that Mao was the last emperor, but Xi has put an end to that by becoming the new emperor. The closest we've come to all that in the west is the mindless cult worship of the Donald, as celebrated and practised by Newscorp and Killer's sources ...

Moving along, the reptiles have tried to confuse the pond by having the Oreo on a Tuesday ... and it turns out it's just another regurgitation of the current favourite in reptile mass mind think ...

What can a reformed, recovering feminist with a degree in political science offer when it comes to epidemiology? It turns out about as much as the pond, trained in y'artz ...


Of course all this idle speculation is a great distraction. But what might we want some distraction from? The infallible Pope has a suggestion ... reminding the pond of Peter Weir and its time in the y'artz ...


Meanwhile, back to more mindless speculation with the reformed, recovering feminist ...


Indeed, indeed. An unsure reformed, recovering feminist, and someone not expert in the field, and yet, still the need for some distraction from issues at hand, of the kind noted by the immortal Rowe in his expert portrait, to be found here ...


By golly, that's up there with the way Rowe used to capture the soul of the onion muncher.

 And so to a final speculative gobbet from the reformed, recovering feminist ...

Excellent stuff. The pond, as usual, has come away none the wiser. There's nothing to see, except the speculation favooured by the reptiles these past few weeks.

And it turns out that, as with climate science, there's not much point talking about the science, when there's a great debate to be had. You know, dumb the science down to the point where the pond and the reformed, recovering feminist might grasp it, while entirely missing the point of the science, and then let's have a debate, because that's what scribbling for the reptiles requires.

That said, the pond has been splendidly distracted from sordid issues at hand, of the sort hinted at by Cathy Wilcox ...


And lastly, for its bonus, the pond reverted to the weekend, and ancient Shanners, left hanging out to mature, and now with the rotten smell of matured blue vein...

The pond is always moved by reptile talk of the war on men, the suffering of men, and such like ...


Naturally our Shanners is an expert in the field ...


Indeed, indeed ... and at this point the pond should make it clear it doesn't intend to argue or debate the Angelica one, but simply display and admire her thinking, a common enough routine, frequently found in supportive complimentary women or adherents to the Katholic church. In any case, the pond prefers a gentler example of the suffering of men ...


There he was, fornicating like any number of rabbits in heat, and with two past marriages, and yet suddenly, he hasn't been married at all, and then he's married as a tyke, with all the benefits therein (confess and you make it into heaven). 

How could this be, how could you fuck, fornicate, adulterate, and so on and so forth, and end up a pure tyke cleansed of sin? Well the Katholic church does keep women in their right place, as madonnas and whores, and that avoids the likes of Shanners having to go on about the suffering of men, so there's a real plus for starters ... but go on she must, and she does ...


Unmarried women suffer more violence? Why let them become Catholic, and they will be redeemed ... above all, they should avoid becoming extinct ...


Okay, the pond is treating a serious subject with frivolity, but that's because it's heard this wretched line blaming women rather than men any number of times from the Angelic one, not to mention Miranda the Devine in her hey day, and Dame Slap on occasion ... anything to downplay the behaviour of testosterone-laden men with a Killer-like contempt for the weak, the woke and the womanly ...


That last par is, of course, pure essence of distilled Dame Slap ... it seems the reptiles can never get over the suffering of persecuted men of the Boris kind, or even, it goes without saying, the suffering of the Donald, who merely wanted to take a perve on undressed girls or grope women by the pussy ... and what's his reward for this gallantry? A witch hunt!


  1. Considering the efforts of the Cater and the Oreo, plus Sharri of course, has anybody come across some kind of description by anyone, of just how the Covid-19 virus managed to get out of the WIV and into various people at various locations around Wuhan and environs ? Did someone fill a bottle with virus and take it to spread around their favourite restaurant ?

    Can anybody point me to some kind of analysis of mechanisms for the virus's escape so that I can avoid having to scan through heaps of conspiracy theories ? Thanks in advance.

    1. Posted back in May 2020, but most of this still seems valid. Peter Hadfield picks through the misunderstandings, misinformation and conflations involved in creating a conspiracy. About 18 mins in he gives a brief explanation of how a virus would probably be engineered and why this probably isn't the case.


      Limited News looks increasingly like it has been taken over by Breibart. No facts, no method, just a bunch of competing ideas with the truth being determined by who who yells loudest.

      Here's Sharri as a bonus


    2. I think maybe all I can do, Bef, is repeat the Cater: "Bad ideas have spread rapidly, made worse by blinkered thinking uncomfortable with uncertainty." And maybe just repeat the old wisdom that "Truth is the first casualty of war" and declare that once again, for the nty-nth time we seem to be in the midst of a war of all on all. As certainly Shanners would agree.

      The couple of Peter Hadfield videos are excellent thanks Bef, and should be required viewing by absolutely everybody. But it's only weirdos like you, and now thankfully me, who will ever get to take it in.

      Just remember the useful advice: if Bolt favours it, then it's total bullshvt.

    3. Forgetting the specific crimes against reason, I am constantly baffled by the reptile approach.

      If your tribe believe something, leap immediately to it's defence. It's implicit in their approach that belief requires a consensus within an "in group". If the facts contradict that consensus the facts become the enemy.

      We often question whether they are genuinely stupid, simply lying, or choosing to believe something just as long as they need to, but in reality I don't think it matters to them at all. Only green-leftist tree huggers care about facts, the others are just engaging in a brawl, capitol riot style, doing as much damage as they can with anything that comes to hand.

    4. Yep. It's all out war, mate, and you remember the first rule of war: the enemy is totally evil and has not one single skerrick of redeeming features whereas our side is holy sainthood personified with not one single flaw.

      And they can't handle the truth, either.

  2. The angelic Shananana on being human in the 21st century: "There is a war going on in Australia, which has spread from other parts of the developed world..." Yep, just the good old-fashioned war of all on all - but only if you come from the "developed world". As we are all well aware, there's no feminism at all in the "undeveloped world" (can anybody tell me exactly where the developed/undeveloped boundary lies ? Is China still just "developing" but not yet "developed" ?)

    And its all been brought on by "a power grab by a new generation of feminists who have run out of things to be angry about". But our dear Shanners still has plenty to be angry about - like, perhaps, Boris getting married in a Catholic Church after having been twice divorced. That'd be enough to make any female anti-feminist Catholic angry, wouldn't it ?

    So: "Take for example one of the most widely accepted "facts" about domestic violence. That it is always men being violent towards women and children." That's "widely accepted", is it - by whom and since when ?

    Now don't you just love that warfare use of "always" ? And it certainly isn't "accepted" by government statistics:
    "More women than men experience family, domestic and sexual violence. Table 1 shows the proportion of people aged 18 and over who have experienced violence from a previous or current partner since the age of 15."

    But I reckon Shanners is really just following her leader, Bettina Arndt who is the leading "war on men" proselytiser. Let's just see some numbers, though: for example, the NSW Coroner's Court Domestic Violence Review Team on domestic violence homicides in NSW - though believed to be applicable to all of Australia - on all homicides from 2000-2014:

    "The report gathers information from police investigations, court proceedings and Coroner's Court inquests, so it is thoroughly investigated and produced with no agenda. NSW is our most populated state and the crime rates in NSW are not significantly different to any other state or territory so it's reasonable to assume this is a fairly good representation of what happens across the entire country.

    In the entire fourteen years not one man was killed by an abusive female partner. Not one.

    But 159 women were killed by men who abused them.

    Which is kinda probably why so many believe that it's always men being violent towards women and children."

  3. ‘Remember, 20 percent of the staff produce 80 percent of the value as a rule of thumb’. - says the Killer. I think it would be wise to forget this. I have just set off another search, using the ‘search engine of my choice’, to see if there are now some properly-conducted studies to support this, er - contention, but - nothing new.

    There are still the deservedly unknown writers of even more forgettable books on ‘business’, who state something like what the Killer has set out, and attribute it to Vilfredo Pareto. Which shows that they have not read Pareto, or, more likely, have wilfully misunderstood what he wrote to bolster their supposed management credentials.

    Passing over that part of Killer’s manual of business success, we come to -

    ‘Chief executives still are focussed on hitting profit targets’.

    Yes, of course - that is why, worldwide, they are going along with taking in cheap money to buy-in the shares of the company of which they claim to be ‘CEO’. And why investment in expanding and developing those companies has been shrinking these several years. Even the share harvest is not actually focussed on ‘profit targets’ - it is intended to boost the share price, on which the CEO’s bonus is determined.

    If ever there is a hint that the Killer might be invited on to the board of a recognised company, please publicise it, so I can warn the people who manage some of our funds to get us out of whatever company that might be.

    1. But, butt, Chad; the Chief Executives are totally focussed on hitting profit targets; their own personal profit targets that is, and they are doing a splendid job of that you must admit.

      I still recall, many years ago now, an article on CEO remuneration which reported that the GM CEO of the time was paid $500,000 per year but took home less than the Ford CEO who was paid less. But they weren't going to reduce his pay because it was a boasting point about having the world's highest paid officer.

      Wouldn't get away with that now.

  4. Admitted, GB, cheerfully admitted. They are continually proving all those sayings about self interest coming first.

    I think what you described for GM and Ford might also account for the ratcheting up of pay for what used to be called 'Town Clerk', but, from around the '80s, became 'CEO' of cities and towns. Around that time I was involved in an aspect of local government in South Australia, and spent most of one week at the state conference of the elected councillors. As you may know, Adelaide alone has multiple individual councils. During coffee breaks it was interesting to hear assorted mayors bragging about how much they were offering for their next 'CEO' - well above average - to get 'the best man' (always a man then!) as proof that they were doing the best for their ratepayers.

    This, of course, had the effect of doubling the 'going rate' within a couple of years - with absolutely no improvement in efficiency, or vision, or anything else from each or any council.

    1. It was some time after the reign of Alfred P Sloan (1923 - 1946) so I'd reckon it didn't do GM all that much good either, but it is some kind of comment on a long gone era of 'super tax' on the very highly paid. Wouldn't get away with that now either.

      But amazing how the simple stupidity that "the more you pay, the more it must be worth" appeals to so many. And I see that GM currently does have a female GM, one Mary Barra (since 1914) who apparently has "driven the company to a succession of firsts".

      So it goes.

    2. Town clerk! The pond was sent into spasms of musty yearnings for old days and lost times ... how the pond loved to talk of clerks and clarks and Clark Kent ...

      Local government as we know it today developed from reforms to the feudal management of towns, cities and regional areas in England, following the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act In 1835. Seven years later, the Parliament in England passed an Act of Parliament which declared the settlement of Sydney to be a ‘town’. (NSW did not achieve responsible government until 1856 so until then our laws were made in England) To administer this Act, it was necessary to establish a council (or corporation as it was called then) of people elected by ratepayers to represent their interests. The council was made up of elected councillors and aldermen who represented different parts of the town which were divided into wards. Council was required to appoint a salaried town clerk and treasurer to manage its business and all financial accounts and transactions were liable to an annual audit. It became the authority administering the police and took on responsibility for roads, drainage, public health and social improvement.


    3. Ah, good to see that "only the property owners shall be enfranchised" has a fine traditional history, especially in the colonies.

      And in the matter of 'responsible government' and tradition, I am pleased to note that I was born not an Australian citizen - there being no such things back then - but a true subject of the British crown. That honour ended with Curtin's Nationality and Citizenship Act of 1948 which came into effect on Invasion Day, 1949.

    4. Different electorate, but the property qualification to vote in the South Australian Legislative Council was not fully removed until 1973.

  5. Some more youngsters just for you, Chad



  6. Thank you GB. That greatly brightened my morning, even more so when it got to (around 12.20) their comments that 'if you are not enjoying it - '

    1. I especially liked the sign language interpreter up near the beginning rendering rock in signs.


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