Tuesday, June 15, 2021

In which the pond decides to ghost the reptiles ...




The pond wondered when the day might come, but come this day it did. Not a single reptile column aroused the faintest whiff of pond interest ...

Let the pond recount the ways ... for up at the top of the page was the simplistic Simon ...



But surely Q had already determined that SloMo was an international leader of singular importance?

Sorry, the reptiles had this day ghosted any mention of Q, or the letter's affiliates, associates, supporters or deniers ...

So the pond turned to the middling section ...


Subs? Sorry, no sale. 

Olympics? Sorry, less than no interest. 

ABC? Sorry. Apart from McCrann being an exceptional fuckwit of the first water, who has never had any appeal to the pond, it really should have been titled New Daily diesel ute 'subsidy' story ...

Yes, there was the terrifying Kohler waving statistics and data and whatnot in the usual way in the New Daily ... making some rather obvious points as to where the government's interests lay ...


Oh it seems a pity to interrupt the flow ... do go on ...


You see? McCrann is so thick, or the reptiles so oblivious, that they lost a chance to assault that dreadful New Daily, Kohler and the ABC, all in one. And somehow the pond ended up spending more time with Kohler than McCrann ...

Must the pond begin writing reptile-speak to help out? Is blaming the ABC the only solution when there are so many other sources of heresy that the reptiles might unload on?

Clearly the reptiles need to remove the ABC mote from their eye so that they might exercise their choleric on Kohler wherever he might be found.

Well that was all a wretched dead end, with utes booming, and electric vehicles busting, so instead the pond turned to the commentary team down below the fold in the hope of finding something worth a genuine ghosting ...

Sheesh, the craven Craven talking of reviving the student business? Where's Dame Groan ranting away about pesky furriners ruining everything when she's needed? 

Ancient Troy yearning for a never never time? Sorry, pass. 

Monsieur Dupont urging Europeans to colonise Asia one more time? Yes, that'll fly ...

And to top it all off, two ... count them, two, columns from the lizard Oz editorialist, defiant in the face of a public shaming for defamatory remarks about a couple of female journalists ...

...The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance said the “status and integrity” of Milligan and Neighbour is “beyond question”.
“At a time when our focus should be on building trust and respect for our profession, having an editorial in a national newspaper launching baseless attacks on journalists is both disgraceful and destructive,” the union said.
But Weekly Beast understands Dore dug in and backed his editorial when talking to the troops at a town hall meeting on Thursday. Dore said Twitter was not a friend of the paper and journalists who spent time on it risked harming their reputation. Dore was approached for comment.
Many people have asked who wrote the editorial, but as it is meant to be the opinion of the paper, it matters not who fashioned it. (Weekly Beast)

Indeed, indeed, it matters not who writes this shit George, and come to think of it, it matters not a jot or a whit what's in it ...

And so under extreme protest and with an urgent desire simply to ghost the reptiles this day, much like ghosting any mention of Q, the pond ran with the two editorials ...

Why the pond would just as well have run with a pandering, simpering, fawning hagiographical piece from simplistic Simon, but at least it seems the war with China is now in safe hands, as we've managed to offload it onto the G7, which is something of a relief, given the state of the sub situation ...

Now perhaps a little crowing about the achievements and accomplishments in relation to climate science, what with the streets of Newtown now full of utes?


Splendid stuff. A defiant SloMo, and a reality check, and thanks to the reptiles, the planet is truly being fucked ...

But why should the pond be surprised. Here's Michael Pascoe on 8th January 2021 in a rag that routinely irritates the reptiles ... From QAnon to climate denial, Australia has a 'Ratbag Government' ...


Of course he wouldn't ... and neither will the reptiles ...


Yes, a fitting finale worthy of a Q ...

And so to the other lizard Oz editorial, which has the difficult task of mourning King Bibi's demise, while celebrating the new state of things ... but for a lizard Oz editorialist, it's easy peasy ...



Uh huh ...



Sorry, that should have read his friends Orban, Bolsonaro, the Donald and the reptiles down under ... and sorry, the rest is behind the Haaretz paywall here, unless you've fiddled with your browser ... oh perhaps just another little grab because you'll never read this sort of stuff in the lizard Oz ...



And so back to the lizard Oz editorialist, quite forgetting all about the Palestinians, and imagining already the splendors of a one state solution ...



Yep, comprehensively fucked, just like the United States, just like climate action in Australia ... and the reptiles sunk so low this day that the only scribbling on view to fill up the pond was that of an anonymous toady ... 

No bromancer, no Dame Groan, no Dame Slap, no genuine eccentric, no random loon celebrating a letter, just the ghosting of Q ...

But at least the pond has a consolation prize on offer, the chance to access immortal Rowe here, and go for an old-fashioned movie ride ...


And for anyone doubting Rowe's accuracy, they really did ride three on one horse, though with less comic effect...and with less visible horse shit to boot ...




  1. So "Ancient Troy yearning for a never never time" when, in his wondrous words: "the prime minister and opposition leader could admire and respect each other". Now here is the list of "Liberal" PMs from WWII onwards:
    Robert Menzies, Harold Holt, John Gorton, Billy McMahon, Malcolm Fraser, John Howard, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turmbull, Scott Morrison.

    Can anybody tell me which of those might actually be worthy of any admiration and respect ?

    Then Labor:
    John Curtin, Ben Joe Chifley, Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard

    Ok, which of them are worthy of "admiration and respect": Curtin a bit, Chifley some, Whitlam for a very short while and Julia Gillard for some of her time.

    Not a real set of foundations for a mutual admiration society are they. Where do reptiles get these idiotic ideas from ?

  2. Hi Dorothy,

    Certainly a lack lustre effort from the reptiles today but maybe their dismal attempts to polish the Morrison turd is due to the cold weather.

    As Ectotherms they are at great risk when the mercury starts falling (especially politically) so in an effort to conserve energy they slow their metabolism and limit their movement in a process which is called ‘brumation’.

    Often the reptiles will attempt to return to the same den or cave used in previous years for their brumation.

    Which I think is Holt Street, Surry Hills.

    This nest is called a hibernaculum and can often contain up to hundred or so of the cold blooded creatures.

    So be kind to these ‘creeping or crawling animals’ who only know how to spit venom. They are unpleasant but it is their nature, so never mind the bites.



    Still those Alpha reptiles, like the Eastern Brown Dore, can be very aggressive against former reptiles whom may have found the temerity to evolve like the Carpet Kohler or the Blue tongued Neighbour or the Frilled-neck Milligan


    1. Thank you for that excellent tutorial about the creepy crawly ectotherms of Holt St, DW.


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