Wednesday, June 23, 2021

In which the pond asks what would Lloydie do, celebrates the Country Party, and politely suggests Dame Slap bugger off and make room for a manly man ...



The pond must congratulate the reptiles for their top of the page effort early this morning. 
A snipe a NIMBY Malware, nattering "Ned" beavering away at the war with China, and best of all a promise of a net zero coalition deal, though when the pond last checked there wasn't an actual Liberal government net zero commitment and action plan visible anywhere on the planet, though perhaps it has been spoken about in tongues to imaginary friends ...

Then there was the splendid EXCLUSIVE by Shanners promising to bring on the nukes, and so vital is it to blame China for everything, the reptiles held over the EXCLUSIVE news that the GBF affair was all the fault of the deviant Chinese...

The pond was torn, so many hares, so many rabbit holes to go down, to mix metaphors just a little, but then when the pond checked below the fold it became clear ...


Yes, there was only one lead to consider. WWLT, or to be more explicit, what would Lloydie, saviour of the Amazon, think? This is sometimes connected to WWLD?



Is it a spoiler to suggest that Lloydie doesn't think that much?


But, billy goat butt, the comments below our Lloydie were all about the devious, Machiavellian plot by the Chinese. What is this talk about the push to put the GBR on the in-danger list for more than a decade?

Maurice - was it the real Moorice or just a pretender, a poseur trading on a great brand name? - put the case eloquently ...

The Chinese are making it clear to those whose ears can hear and whose eyes can see, that they are not our friends. As for the Labor/Green coalition, once again they side with the enemy.

 Others knew the game and spoke eloquently, and none were talking about a decade old putsch ...

The push by UNESCO to "safeguard" the Reef is obviously directed by China. Will China then build a naval base on it in order to protect the Reef from Australia?

Maybe China and UNESCO can give us several $billion to "rescue" the reef?  If they are so concerned, let them pay for what they want to do.  That would be the last we ever hear of the matter...

But if Lloydie was a tad confused, some brave souls knew there was a solution to hand, a saviour, the mighty Riddster himself ...

Oh,  what timing!
The latest ruling on the Peter Ridd (who suggested that the GBR science could be a bit syspect) case is due to be repported today ...

Perhaps this might prompt someone to check the historical data against Peter Ridd’s claims to prove the reef is not in danger after all?

Sorry, but the pond does insist on preserving the completely unique * (* ABC approved) spelling deployed by lizard Oz contributors, and now to Lloydie suddenly discovering the wonders of Malware pissing cash against the wall to help out mates ...



Oh fuck it Lloydie, please stop. We all know it's China's fault, and there you go again with tommyrot and tripe: "The draft decision to place the GBR on the in-danger list is based on information by Australia."

Information by Australia? What vast global conspiracy is this?

Of course anyone outside the reptile ecosystem, full of fuckwits and climate science denialist loons, would know the entire planet is on its way to being comprehensively fucked, and so might expect the GBR to be included in the package deal ...




But that's another set of rabbit holes.

Here, have an infallible Pope to celebrate ...



By golly that's good, especially that evocation of ... what? Can coral fish look like stunned mullets?



Never mind, the whole thing reminds the pond of spirits of coal past ...




Oh what a frabjous sight, callooh, callay, he chortled in his joy. Twas brillig, and the slithy tove has returned to the front bench ... and given all that, the pond had only one choice, though it rarely turns to politicians hiding behind the reptile paywall ...



Never mind the pond's cognitive dissonance at those two wildly different illustrations; never mind that the pond's grandmother was a Bridget and known as Bid in the family. Instead let us see what this Bid has to say ...


Um, say what? "My party, the Country Party"? Surely must be a typo, surely must have meant "My party, Gina's mob, the party of Big Mining," the party that manages to ignore suggestions from farmers ...

...the dismay that Joyce’s return has provoked among agriculture groups isn’t surprising. The National Farmers’ Federation backed a net zero 2050 target, including agriculture, nearly a year ago. Meat and Livestock Australia is pursuing net zero by 2030 in a sector that is one of our biggest sources of emissions. The dairy sector, also a major contributor, long ago committed to 30% reduction by 2030, which is more ambitious than the Morrison government’s Paris commitment. The federal Nationals are fundamentally at odds with mainstream agricultural interests. (Crikey, here, paywall still down).

Never mind, do go on Bid ... but perhaps start with a billy goat but butt, on the one hand, on the other hand ...


Ah yes, more flip flops than might be found on Bondi beach, with that "neverthless" pike to an eternal devotion to dinkum, innocent, clean, virginal Oz coal a genuine marvel ...

And now perhaps to end, the ritual blaming of China, it's all their fault, and nothing to do with Oz living off those exported lumps of coal ...



Indeed, indeed, all that dreadful dirtier lower quality coal, up against the wondrous dinkum clean innocent virginal Oz coal we all love so well ... made fabulously clean by technology that seems to be just a few years away, but travelling, as the 3rd AD said to Tom Cruise, eyes fixed on the floor ...

Together with a return to the 1960s - what happened to the 1950s, what's wrong with them, what has Bid got against picket fences? - it's a completely admirable outing, and a reminder that the reef, the country, indeed the planet is in safe hands so long as the party of big mining is here to help ...

 And so to the final pond chore for the day ...

Has the pond ever mentioned how shitty the reptile illustrations are these days? Of course it has, and modestly the pond will admit to making such remarks a number of times.
Does the pond ever get tired of noting shitty reptile illustrations? Never, it's a perpetual pleasure, and it has the bonus of delaying the moment when the pond must turn to the thoughts of Dame Slap, blathering on in the usual way ...


Uh huh. Well the pond is always leery of discussing matters before a court, but the pond can understand the situation and has a couple of suggestions ...

Firstly Dame Slap should resign as chairman of the IPA. After all, there are aspirational men who can more legitimately claim to be chairmen ... as opposed to a chairwoman pretending to be a chairman.

Secondly, there are many conservative loons eager to scribble for the lizard Oz, and surely their loonacy can be a match for anything Dame Slap can bring to a knife fight. She should stand down as a columnist, and let men have a go ... it's the only right and proper thing to do ...

Now did the pond mention the really shitty reptile illustrations now routinely deployed in stories? It did? Well cop another one for your reptile troubles and pains... no doubt an echo of the trouble and strife that has ruined many a man's  life ...


The pond knew it wouldn't be long before Dame Slap embarked on a litany of complaints, all driven by her deep compassion and love for unfairly treated men, from BHP executives to Queensland plods ... and yet here she is, still scribbling away, still chairman of the IPA? How fair is that? Who was responsible for this unfairness, these poor hiring decisions? And just how did she get a gig on the ABC board, when she herself has admitted she was entirely useless the entire time she was there?

Not to worry, on with the rant and talk of golden skirts and the suffering of men ...


But hang on, it clearly does produce manifestly discriminatory and unfair results. Just look at the space Dame Slap hogs in the lizard Oz, and look at her, top of Gina's mob, and doing her level best for dinkum clean Oz coal and climate science denialism, as if there weren't perfectly good men qualified to do her jobs ...

What about the Riddster as a replacement? Just a humble suggestion in these troubled times ...


Hang on, hang on. The venerable Dean said that? But surely a man wouldn't be so glib, surely a man would spend time on sources when constructing a column? Surely a man would know how to dither about in a manly way ... 

Matthew 13:13
Therefore I speak to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand
Jeremiah 5:21
Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:
Isaiah 6:9-10
And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear you indeed, but understand not; and see indeed, but perceive not.
Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.
Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996). Mr. Titelman agrees that this saying has its roots in the Bible, specifically Jer. 5:21 (King James version): "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not."'

"There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. The proverb has been traced back in English to 1546 (John Heywood), and resembles the Biblical verse quoted (above). In 1738, it was used by Jonathan Swift in his 'Polite Conversation,' and is first attested in the United States in the 1713 'Works of Thomas Chalkley'..." (here)

That's why we need a manly man doing Dame Slap's job. Perhaps our Henry could double up and answer the call? Perhaps the reptiles might turn to the Speccie mob ... 

Who knows, the pond just hopes that someone at the lizard oz will note that Dame Slap is clearly an undeserving gender beneficiary, token window dressing for an organisation which wishes deeply that it could remain an all-male institution dedicated to destroying the reef, celebrating clean Oz coal, and perhaps, oh be still fast beating heart, with a chance yet to nuke the country ...

And so to a celebratory Rowe ... which just so happens to feature a hapless woman ... with more Rowe celebrations here ...


  1. DP - The Source did not offer me any comment on 'Killer's' column from yesterday, so I asked her if/how he managed to insert any of that economic comment he is supposed to provide, into his column filler. The Source said that on a quick scan he seemed to have sunk to the same intellectual level as Sharri, and wondered if the two of them were about to reveal, XCLUSIVE!, that Pyramid Power had been found highly effective against Covid, but had been blocked by Big Pharm.

    1. That headline was a bit of a tease suggesting he has moved from knowing nothing about economics to knowing nothing about epidemiology.

      What's next?

    2. The Killer has "sunk to the same level as Sharri" ? No, no surely you mean "risen to the same level as Sharri".

    3. Thanks for the update Chadders, the pond felt a deep guilt at not acknowledging the Killer's work, but surely he'll return soon to ravage Gladys ... all the mask wearing going down at the moment must have him in profound Freudian distress ...

  2. GB - that was the assessment of My Source. I could not disagree with that, but also thought the reference to Pyramid Power was quite apt. As I'm sure you recall, Pyramid Power was given a big boost by Martin Gardner in the 1970s - quite inadvertently, given that it was in his annual 'hoax' version of 'Mathematical Games'. In short time, all manner of crazies claimed to have found evidence, and ancient manuscripts, that supposedly proved the effect and that it had been known for millennia. And that was well before 'social media' and Sky 'News'.

    1. Very hard to tell the direction sometimes: up, down or sideways. But oh my, Pyramid Power: I haven't encountered anything much about that since my early days as an Australian Skeptic - about 40 years ago. And Martin Gardner was mostly a fairly rational kind of guy, and he may never have thought that the mere mention of nonsense - eg PP - would be enough to set off a 'pandemic of crazies' throughout the land.

      The fact is though, that old nonsenses never die, do they. Just consider the incredible longevity of religions - and still going strong. Not to mention neoliberalism which is known to cure all possible social ills. Even one of my old comic book favourites, the Rosicrucians, are still out in force.

  3. Wau, it seems that being tucked away in the world centre for unprevented and untreated COVID-19 has discombobulated LLoydie - he's just not imbibing the right spirit and the approved words - perhaps the pandemic has cut off his source of Roopie and Lachie approved Cool Aid. Otherwise, how could he possibly say - against all reason and the testimony of Ridd - that "...despite many positive achievements by Australia, progress has been insufficient in meeting key targets." Like keeping the Reef and its inhabitants alive and even marginally well ?

    But what tragedy comes: "Australia now risks losing control over management of its greatest environmental asset." Yeah like "they" are going to come out to Australia and close off the rivers so that we don't pour seriously polluted and toxic water into the reef environment any longer. But surely, 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd ?

    1. Even worse, GB, the lizard Oz editorialist also committed the same sorts of thought crimes, what with lines such as "The reality is UNESCO has held grave concerns about the status of and outlook for the Great Barrier Reef for more than a decade."

      But surely the reef will be saved by a salve of reptile logic, and a bandaging with dinkum clean virginal Oz coal ...

    2. Don't forget that Xi Jinping has been around and in charge of the CCP for nearly all of that decade, DP, so it's all China's doing. Just think of all those money-paying Chinese tourists who came to gawk at the GBF.

      And how Xi Zhongxun learned all about it from Australia.

      Jealousy is a curse, isn't it.

  4. Oh dear, Dame Slap has a real problem: " what if a company the size of BHP makes a few hundred decisions each year to promote women who are not as well qualified as as a male candidate ?" Yep, it's just appalling, isn't it, when a "company the size of BHP" does to males what for centuries (millenia ?) has been done to women. Oh tsk, tsk, what an awful thing to do. However, it might be asked just what she means by "qualified" - does she mean academically ? does she mean having more 'time on the job (aka 'experience')' ? And by whom, and how, has this 'qualification' been determined ?

    But what did raise some considerations was the bits about women being "...appointed to their first managerial roles at 42 while men had to wait until they were, on average, 51." together with "According to BHP's latest annual report, 26.5 per cent of its employees are women, up from 17 per cent in 2016."

    Shocking, ennit. Women are only about a quarter of BHP employees, but those who actually do get promoted - how many is that ? - get promoted younger. And what do they get promoted to ? All those touchy feely positions in personnel and staffing, staff training etc etc or to the big time 'managing a major mine' positions. Slappy doesn't say because maybe it's never occurred to her that in a company the size of BHP there are many different "management" positions, some number of which men generally do not want.

    And she's never apparently considered this: that with a large work force that is mainly (about 3/4rs) male, there is nearly a 'population standard distribution' of male intelligence and ability, and many more males to compete with for all the positions males might desire. But with only about 1/4 women, and that recently boosted, and all those old 'women's positions' - tea ladies, typists, base grade clerks etc - mainly gone, then women are being employed based on their current qualifications (mainly education achieved) and therefore there's a greater selectivity in the apparent abilities of the women now being recruited. Yes ?

    But don't ask Slappy about any of those considerations because she won't have thought about, or investigated, any of them. Just the old line that doing to males now what has been done to women for eons is just absolutely, unforgivably terrible.


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