Tuesday, June 08, 2021

In which the pond turns to a Killer archive before offering up Dame Groan in search of rent ...



Confronted by the usual reptile carry-on ...




... the pond decided to revolt.

Of course the reptiles respond in an almost Pavlovian manner when Media Watch has rung the bell the night before ... and last night the bell rang loudly, what with the Xian Porter matter, ABC QAnon, and the parrot up to his old tricks ... and consequently, it goes without saying, gutless, toothless ACMA also up to its old tricks ...

Worst of all, this meant the pond had to waste an immortal Rowe early, though luckily there's a steady supply here ...

But then what to do, oh what to do, and dammit, despite zero public demand and zero public interest, the pond decided to plunge into the archives. 

Only back to the weekend, mind, but in a good cause, because if the reptiles like to tuck away their best, then it's the pond's duty to bring it forward again for the pleasure of all ...

Come on down, Killer and Naomi ...

Now to make things more interesting the pond thought it might do a cut and paste of the kind that William Burroughs once thought innovative (but then he thought killing his wife while aiming at an apple was also innovative). 

Here's how it works. The pond headed off to Business Insider here ...

There's more to be found there, including hot links, snaps, etc, but right from the get go, it will be seen that there's a contrast, starting with that portrait ...


Uh huh, and hey nonny no, on we go ...

Okay, but time for that cut and paste to begin ...


Well that's pretty tame, but the pond is pretty sure that things will warm up down the track ... meanwhile, back to the Killer profile ...

Uh huh, but could we now have a little bit of the other?

Ah, it's starting to become clear why the Wolf at the door and the Killer are soul mates ... why, there's only one degree of separation from Steve and Tucker ...

Now here the pond should note that Killer provided a snap of the Donald, because you can never get enough of that cane toad impression, while Business Insider offered up a snap of Alec Baldwin standing alongside Wolf at a 2008 festival ...



To get the Baldwin snap, you'll have to follow the link, because the pond had to attend to another cut and paste ...


Now things are starting to warm up, so it's back to Killer ...

Oh indeed, indeed, but that's not all, far from it ... please, another cut and paste in lieu of an apple on the head ..


Indeed, indeed, why should any loon stop being a loon? And how lucky she was to find a mask-fearing soul mate in the Killer ...


Oh indeed, indeed, and speaking of cancelling ...


Surely it's now clear why the pond had to go back. The pond occasionally has to return to its original mission statement ...

Look! Look! Oh, look, I've spotted the loons! Oh! Oh, they're so lovely.
I never saw such big loons in my life.
The loons have been calling for rain all night long. Rain! Rain! Bring us the rain!
That's what the loons said, huh.
It's a dead loon, Norman. The poor thing. Oh, it smells too.

And so to a further explanation of why the pond retreated to the recent reptile archive ...


Ancient Troy railing at comrade Dan? George urging free speech on the nation, apparently unaware that only defamation actions by certain pollies and war heroes seem to want to make it go away ...

A certain Daryl McCann discovering pure genius in the Donald and pure evil elsewhere? The lizard Oz editorialist realising that we still need to establish the best quarantine solution ... in June 2021?

But just to reassure folks that the pond will also continue business as usual, it did spare time for Dame Groan, a pond favourite, and much beloved by certain readers determined to celebrate the weird ...

The pond has noted many times Dame Groan's nativist, isolationist attitude to the world, and her sublime fear of furriners, in whatever form they present themselves, but perhaps worst of all, as inquiring students eager to understand western civilisation and the wisdom of down under folk. Where else to learn of vegemite, and Kombi vans and chunder? Not bloody here, you boofheads, Dame Groan hates ya ... why don't you git out of here, and git back to where ya belong?
You see, Dame Groan will have none of that nonsense about sharing and learning ... and all the pond needs to do is wind her up, and let her go, as the pond once did with its rubber band-powered toys ...


The paranoia is high in this one, and how refreshing it is to see the return of that old reptile favourite, "rent-seeking", driven into exile by talk of woke and cancel culture and virtue signalling and such like ... why it's almost up there with the long march through the institutions ...

Oh indeed, indeed, bloody furriners coming here and wanting to pick raspberries and depriving Dame Groan of her primary source of income ...

It's nothing new, of course, and it does remind the pond of other golden times ...




Her heart's in the right paranoid, fear and loathing, conspiratorial thinking place, innit? But now the pond's duty is done, and there's only a gobbet to go ...


Unsightly apartment buildings? Oh the rats, the vermin, why it's worse than a mouse plague ...

Now some might think the pond might have been better off noting other matters this day. 

Such as the appalling, inhumane treatment of a family of migrants on Christmas Island. Or the wilful abandoning of Afghan people who helped Australian troops while in country and now on a hiding to nothing at the hands of the Taliban (so much for sharing the bonds of cricket). Or perhaps the latest in a long line of climate reports suggesting that things will be pretty grim by 2050... (so many reports, so little time).

But the pond only attends to the reptile news, and this has nothing to do with the real world.

If the pond wants to be reminded of such matters, it always has cartoonists of the infallible papal kind to help out ...

Oh it's an oldie but a goodie ...


The deployment in Afghanistan?



Sorry folks, we've got other hapless people to persecute ... and at vast expense too ...

1 comment:

  1. That was an inspiration, DP, pulling the Killer from a back issue so that he could show his skill at wiffle piffle - and all about Naomi, too: "...the feminist author who shot to fame in the early 1990s..." and now is subject to thoughtless adulation from Creighton. Well, I guess there's not all that many who would want to praise Ms Wolf is there ?

    The thing that really gets me is Naomi having scrabbled together eight New York Times "best sellers" - though exactly how many have actually been sold isn't given. As many as J K Rowling perhaps ? So Naomi is nearly a billionaire, maybe ?

    I just find it harder and harder every year to hold out any hope for Homo Saps Saps when the population is replete with Creightons and Wolfs.


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