It was, of course, only a coincidence that Lyle Shelton should have turned in a furious scribbling frenzy, hawking the hate and the fear and the loathing, for the Saturday Terrorists ... at the same time as a famous candidate for President of the USA and a significant role in the free world was generating a furious frenzy of headlines (no hot links, just a screen cap, you know how to Huff):
Of course the pond immediately began to wonder and worry about the ignored consequences of heterosexual marriage.
Here's a married man, the current symbol of Republicanism, boasting of hitting on a married woman, and going the grope and otherwise indulging in sexual assault, thanks to his celebrity status ... and yet evangelicals had flogged to his banner ...
Here's a married man, the current symbol of Republicanism, boasting of hitting on a married woman, and going the grope and otherwise indulging in sexual assault, thanks to his celebrity status ... and yet evangelicals had flogged to his banner ...
Strange times indeed, and it certainly made the pond question whether Americans had really stopped to consider the consequences of heterosexual marriage ... especially when it involves someone with a serial taste for it ...
Indeed, indeed.
How pleasing that the Terrorist readership is aligned with Daesh, Uganda and sundry other prejudiced and bigoted regimes around the world. Fundamentalist Christian and Islamic principles united in homophobia? Remember to tap the paint can when saying 'sure thing.'
How pleasing that the Terrorist readership is aligned with Daesh, Uganda and sundry other prejudiced and bigoted regimes around the world. Fundamentalist Christian and Islamic principles united in homophobia? Remember to tap the paint can when saying 'sure thing.'
Of course, it was probably only a coincidence that the Terrorist reptiles should have, in the very same digital edition, run heavily with the story of a killer ...
Of course, an unscrupulous logician with no respect for logic would suggest that this the sort of ignored consequence of heterosexual marriage is exactly the sort of thing that should make Australian should begin to question the entire wobbly institution...
Of course, it was only a coincidence that around the same time, the pond read about one of the Xian churches fervently opposed to gay marriage, the angry Sydney Anglicans, in When the Anglican church can't follow its own code ...
Earlier this year 16 parishioners – including former Lord Mayor John McNaughton and former diocesan solicitor Robert Caddies – wrote to the royal commissioner expressing concerns about Thompson's grooming revelations. Their letter clearly annoyed the royal commissioner. They wrote separately to the archbishop, suggesting Thompson's silence about his own abuse was somehow cause for concern. Since then, bizarrely, one David Ould, a self-described "orthodox Anglican" Sydney rector, blogs repeatedly about Thompson, suggesting that his refusal to discipline Rod Bower for "false teachings" is "divisive" and that his response to the sexual abuse issue has generated "widespread dismay with Thompson's actions". He also highlighted a suggestion the 16 parishioners made in their letter to the archbishop that Thompson may require a "medical, psychiatric or psychological examination".
It's all part of what Mascord calls "the terrible mistreatment of people who have a different view". Mascord's interpretation of this as "an implicit admission of weakness" suggests a last-gasp-of-the-patriarchy optimism. Or you can just call it bullying.
Either way, we have a moral institution that punishes public advocates for tolerance and fairness more harshly than those who enact discrimination and abuse. As Jesus accused the Pharisees, "you strain out a gnat but swallow a camel."
Oh for students of the camel-swallowing angry Sydney Anglicans, it's a rich read, full of unXian deeds and nastiness, up there with many other cults, and full of very large motes in eye ...
And yet many angry Sydney Anglicans are hitched to their complimentary women ...
It seemed to the pond that the time had come to call for the abolition of the institution of heterosexual marriage, and give the gays a go to see if they could make some sense of all the blatherings of the camel swallowers and the mote men ...
It was around this time that the pond realised it had almost completely forgotten Lyle, apparently trapped in the Sydney catacombs in the same way as the fish lovers survived in Rome ...

Well there's nothing there in that gobbet, just an elaborate feather dance of suffering and persecution and demonisation by those filthy gays, destined to spend an eternity in hellfire for their disgusting behaviour. Burn, you heathen creatures, burn for your wickedness and sinful ways ...
Not that the pond or Lyle are in an way into demonising gays, it's just a literal biblical fact, much like fitting all those dinosaurs on Noah's Ark ....
And so to the fear and the alarm and the hysteria and the frothing and the foaming ...
Oh dear, sweet long absent lord, and brave, bold, smoke-free Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego ...
But how brave of Lyle to end with that bold note about the institution being the building block of society ...
What a fine Trumpian Tower it builds, with bonus grope and complimentary women, just like Eve ...
Luckily, around this time the pond realised that there was one last gobbet from literalist Lyle, who seems to have forgotten completely about giving unto Caesar ...
Well, it's pretty handy in terms of not paying taxes to Caesar, while moaning about the way Caesar carries on ... and sticking out the paw for a handsome tithe to finance hate speech for a good couple of months ...
... while it's the poor gays who actually have to pay taxes who get stiffed (please, no Trumpist jokes here, here no Trumpist jokes).
Never mind, it's time for some jibber jabber about the Clown Fish, and how the perky piscatorial was a massive blunder by the deity and should be wiped from the earth and along with it any actual understanding of sexuality as it exists in the real world, which rarely coincides with the Shadrachian world of Lyle...
To read all this, you might assume that the sky had fallen in Ireland, Spain, Britain, the United States and sundry other countries who refused to join Lyle and Uganda and Daesh in their quest to keep gays in their place before they end up in their hellfire home...
But actually the fuss, the noises and the fuss seem to be coming from all those amped-up angry old men ...
No problem for Trump, DP. His team of spinners is assembling a bevy of blonde, telegenic 'models' to simper that they wouldn't mind if Trump grabbed at them.
ReplyDeleteIf that doesn't send off the dogs, maybe he'll switch to being a helpless victim of a mental frailty.
"...trapped in the Sydney catacombs (Sydney not Melbourne, really? -- it's a wiki thing.) in the same way as the fish lovers survived in Rome ..."
ReplyDeleteMore R-imperial-C xtianism revisionist horseshit that.
...In contrast, the imagery from ancient Roman sarcophagi, carved in stone, is evidence of incompletely-formed Christianity in Rome late into the 4th century. This funerary imagery clearly shows the problem with interpreting the ancient Christian community solely through texts of the clergy. Christian sarcophagi have been grossly overlooked as a tool for studying early Christianity. They're much less vulnerable to being revised to alter their details or meaning to conform to current theology than are written materials ... Where we have only tiny scraps of the earliest Christian manuscripts, there is a wealth of ancient information written in stone that can be inspected first-hand by anyone with access to the world's great museums and churches. To be sure, some sarcophagi have been reworked and others are modern forgeries, but many exist, particularly in Rome, with imagery that can be solidly identified as 3rd and 4th century work. Surprisingly, the stories told by sarcophagus imagery are often different from those of the gospels ... Whether Christians were in Rome before the third century, scant archaeological evidence exists. The late third century then shows an explosion in popularity of biblical themes, probably the result of the rapid growth of Christian sects at that time. As mentioned above, ancient writings reveal a great variation in beliefs between these sects, which show gnostic and docetic elements to various degrees. Marcionism and Valentinism, against which the church fathers railed, were popular in Rome ... From the evidence of sarcophagi, it seems inescapable that for ordinary people - those buried in sarcophagi or with simple grave slabs - Jesus was first and foremost a miracle man. More interesting still, unlike his representation in the gospels, he was seen as a magician ... Of 414 total scenes, we counted 68 where Jesus or Peter use wands to perform miracles. In a few other scenes, Moses and Ezekiel also use a wand to bring water from a stone or to resurrect dry bones. Also, very rarely, Jesus carries a wand but is not using it to conduct power by contact. Nowhere in the Bible is there any indication that Jesus would use a wand...
That excellent site is currently undergoing reorganisation, but the page the above snippets are lifted from is on the wayback machine:
So, Lyle's argument against gay people marrying is that gay people will be able to marry. OK, makes sense. And I suspect we'll be hearing about the Mercure hotel for the next 50 years.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the important bit about the gays marrying which goes 'and I don't like to think about that '.
DeleteNarrow minded indoctrinated people. Not real Christians at all and reading about the weird child raising ideas some religious people who call themselves Christians have it isn't surprising that they can't think rationally.