Oh dear, the pond couldn't resist this little outburst by the Devine, tacked on to the bottom of a major outburst, yet another bout of anger and hate about SSM ... and the frustration of not being able to lead the hate campaign during the plebiscite ...
The Devine aside is about the Donald of course, and the Devine is most vociferous in her condemnation ...
The pond has already wandered down the orange haired road of Trumpism this day with Dame Slap, but could this be the chance for the pond to at last find a point of agreement with the Devine?

Ducks on the pond!
And what a marvellous piece of hyperventilating outrage! After all calling the Donald a sociopath is something to see.
And what a marvellous piece of hyperventilating outrage! After all calling the Donald a sociopath is something to see.
At the same time, the Devine is rightly appalled by all the hyperventilating going down, all the mock outrage from these so-called right-wing beltway Republican types ...
Indeed, indeed, spare the pond from the mock outrage of the very hyperventilating very people who have helped destroy female modesty and coarsened society to the point where a President Trump is even possible!
At last the pond and the Devine can agree. Damn you right wing beltway Republican types, damn you to eternal Devine Catholic hell ...
Cop that, wretched hyper-ventilating George Will ...
Say what?
Trump is a marvelously efficient acid bath, stripping away his supporters’ surfaces, exposing their skeletal essences. Consider Mike Pence, a favorite of what Republicans devoutly praise as America’s “faith community.” Some of its representatives, their crucifixes glittering in the television lights, are still earnestly explaining the urgency of giving to Trump, who agreed that his daughter is “a piece of ass,” the task of improving America’s coarsened culture.
Trump is a marvelously efficient acid bath, stripping away his supporters’ surfaces, exposing their skeletal essences. Consider Mike Pence, a favorite of what Republicans devoutly praise as America’s “faith community.” Some of its representatives, their crucifixes glittering in the television lights, are still earnestly explaining the urgency of giving to Trump, who agreed that his daughter is “a piece of ass,” the task of improving America’s coarsened culture.
Oh fie, gadzooks sir, that's far too rich ...
...Trump should stay atop the ticket, for four reasons. First, he will give the nation the pleasure of seeing him join the one cohort, of the many cohorts he disdains, that he most despises — “losers.” Second, by continuing to campaign in the spirit of St. Louis, he can remind the nation of the useful axiom that there is no such thing as rock bottom. Third, by persevering through Nov. 8 he can simplify the GOP’s quadrennial exercise of writing its post-campaign autopsy, which this year can be published Nov. 9 in one sentence: “Perhaps it is imprudent to nominate a venomous charlatan.” Fourth, Trump is the GOP’s chemotherapy, a nauseating but, if carried through to completion, perhaps a curative experience.
Oh no, sir, didn't you once call yourself some kind of jeans-hating conservative?
Well there's much more of your hyperventilation and mock outrage at the WP here, if anyone wants further evidence on why the Devine was so right to deplore your right-wing conservative jeans-hating kind.
And speaking of your kind, sir, the pond must draw your attention to another rogue and vagabond let loose on the internet...
The essential loneliness? Oh you prattling coxcomb and right wing type, with your hyperventilating mock outrage ...
Trump continues to display the symptoms of narcissistic alexithymia, the inability to understand or describe the emotions in the self. Unable to know themselves, sufferers are unable to understand, relate or attach to others.
To prove their own existence, they hunger for endless attention from outside. Lacking internal measures of their own worth, they rely on external but insecure criteria like wealth, beauty, fame and others’ submission. In this way, Trump seems to be denied all the pleasures that go with friendship and cooperation. Women could be sources of love and affection, but in his disordered state he can only hate and demean them. His attempts at intimacy are gruesome parodies, lunging at women as if they were pieces of meat.
Most of us derive a warm satisfaction when we feel our lives are aligned with ultimate values. But Trump lives in an alternative, amoral Howard Stern universe where he cannot enjoy the sweetness that altruism and community service can occasionally bring.
Bullies only experience peace when they are cruel. Their blood pressure drops the moment they beat the kid on the playground. Imagine you are Trump. You are trying to bluff your way through a debate. You’re running for an office you’re completely unqualified for. You are chasing some glimmer of validation that recedes ever further from view. Your only rest comes when you are insulting somebody, when you are threatening to throw your opponent in jail, when you are looming over her menacingly like a mafioso thug on the precipice of a hit, when you are bellowing that she has “tremendous hate in her heart” when it is clear to everyone you are only projecting what is in your own.
Trump continues to display the symptoms of narcissistic alexithymia, the inability to understand or describe the emotions in the self. Unable to know themselves, sufferers are unable to understand, relate or attach to others.
To prove their own existence, they hunger for endless attention from outside. Lacking internal measures of their own worth, they rely on external but insecure criteria like wealth, beauty, fame and others’ submission. In this way, Trump seems to be denied all the pleasures that go with friendship and cooperation. Women could be sources of love and affection, but in his disordered state he can only hate and demean them. His attempts at intimacy are gruesome parodies, lunging at women as if they were pieces of meat.
Most of us derive a warm satisfaction when we feel our lives are aligned with ultimate values. But Trump lives in an alternative, amoral Howard Stern universe where he cannot enjoy the sweetness that altruism and community service can occasionally bring.
Bullies only experience peace when they are cruel. Their blood pressure drops the moment they beat the kid on the playground. Imagine you are Trump. You are trying to bluff your way through a debate. You’re running for an office you’re completely unqualified for. You are chasing some glimmer of validation that recedes ever further from view. Your only rest comes when you are insulting somebody, when you are threatening to throw your opponent in jail, when you are looming over her menacingly like a mafioso thug on the precipice of a hit, when you are bellowing that she has “tremendous hate in her heart” when it is clear to everyone you are only projecting what is in your own.
And so on and so forth - the pond can't stand the shame of quoting any more from someone who once pretended to be a decent conservative and a proper Republican, but there's more at the NY Times here for anyone wanting the Devine thesis proven ...
Oh wait, on re-reading the text, it seems the pond's old dyslexia kicked in.
The pond has made a dreadful mistake.
Where the pond read "right-wing beltway Republican types" the Devine was actually scribbling about "left-wing Hollywood types."
This plunges the pond into some considerable consternation. Have we just wasted valuable space on hyperventilating right-wing outrage?
Could it be that some people are inclined to hyperventilating outrage without benefit of childish simpleton, Devinish divisions of the world into black and white, 1 and 0?
If that's the case, perhaps the Devine should have just limited herself to the hyperventilating mock outrage in the first gobbet of her aside ...
Never mind.
Gentlemen, Mr Will and Mr Brooks, please consider yourselves well and truly Devined. It seems you are no better than left-wing Hollywood types ...
Now splash yourself with some eau de cologne of the Devine kind, and pray for your redemption ...
Oh wait, on re-reading the text, it seems the pond's old dyslexia kicked in.
The pond has made a dreadful mistake.
Where the pond read "right-wing beltway Republican types" the Devine was actually scribbling about "left-wing Hollywood types."
This plunges the pond into some considerable consternation. Have we just wasted valuable space on hyperventilating right-wing outrage?
Could it be that some people are inclined to hyperventilating outrage without benefit of childish simpleton, Devinish divisions of the world into black and white, 1 and 0?
If that's the case, perhaps the Devine should have just limited herself to the hyperventilating mock outrage in the first gobbet of her aside ...
Never mind.
Gentlemen, Mr Will and Mr Brooks, please consider yourselves well and truly Devined. It seems you are no better than left-wing Hollywood types ...
Now splash yourself with some eau de cologne of the Devine kind, and pray for your redemption ...
Actually, I've heard much worse than Trump's remarks about women in 'locker room' situations.
ReplyDeleteMiranda Devine knows nothing about men, and she should thank her lucky stars.
Either the Devine One just says whatever shit suits her argument or the men she knows are liars.
DeleteOr both...