Monday, October 10, 2016

In which the pond heads down the rabbit hole with Thurber for a realist Oreo treat ...

A kindly reader reminded the pond of James Thurber and his character Jack Smurch, with a link to a story in the LA Times here, and for those who wonder how the copyright laws benefit the long dead Thurber, these doubters and sceptics can find a pdf of Thurber's short story The Greatest Man in the World here.

Duty done and with a tip of the hat to people with a sense of humour, the pond must now plunge, like a rabbit, down the hole with Alice, sure in the knowledge that an Oreo or two will make the journey fun ...

Look, early in the day, the reptiles placed her above the major Mitchell, such is the significance of what she has to say ...

What makes this piquant for the pond is the bizarre notion that the Oreo has the slightest, the foggiest, the faintest, grasp of reality, realism, or realists, when surely her major strength is paranoia, surrealism and a capacity to assert that everyone looks like leftist rabbits ... or perhaps Islamic rabbits ...

Yes, there's a hearty dose of black helicopter paranoia, which manages to skate over the Republican infatuation and deal-making with Saudi Arabia over the decades ...

Oh and we almost forgot the chairman himself ...

And now back to the Oreo, with this important reminder ...

Actually there's not much point suggesting the Oreo refresh her memory. 2003 is but a distant dream as she thunders and readers chunder in the back of their Kombi ...

Indeed, indeed. The pond holds the politically correct, political Islamic policies of George Bush and the Republican party and war criminals John Howard and Tony Blair directly responsible for all that's gone down in Syria and Afghanistan (and never mind the credit that Russia claims for helping create the scrambled eggs in both countries).

Oh Islamic, Shishlamic, Crusader, call it what you will ... it doesn't matter what you label the bunging on of a do, provided a do is bunged on ...

Clearly until we remove the political Islam that's tainted the Liberal, Labor and Republican parties of the world, there will be no peace for the Oreo ...

Now some might see this petulant Oreo outburst as just another childish tantrum in which all the faults of the world are heaped on the alien and the other, and the righteous wander around in clean white suits without a speck of mud ...and this is somehow transformed magically by the Oreo into a Realist Land at the top of the Faraway Tree ...

But that, in a nutshell, is the Oreo's contribution to world peace and order ... and here an important point must be made ...

Now usually at this point, the pond would hand out a nut-free Oreo or three to anyone who made it to the bitter end, but that reader got the pond on to a Thurber jag, seeing seals and tiny minds everywhere ...


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