No, the pond hasn't decided to go off to observe some intelligent writing.
That would be unwise, a complete betrayal of the pond's loyalty to the reptiles of Oz ... think of it more as a way of announcing that the bromancer is once again on hand to give the world his splendid insights into American politics ...

Yes, it's another does of equivalence. Hillary is just like teh Donald, so what's the difference and why bother ...

You can't take the fat-shaming bigotry out of the fundamentalist tyke, can you?
What the fuck has nude photos got to do with fat-shaming?
Well that's the art of the equivalencer and the distracter ... and suddenly Trump is a hero for persecuting a woman and making her lose weight and saving her job.
Presumably the bromancer wrote his copy before the unhinged Trump went into a midnight hour tweeting meltdown, but that's the way it goes. He should have expected teh Donald to triple down before he tried it on with the equivalence ...(As America Sleeps, Donald Trump Seethes on Twitter).
Presumably the bromancer wrote his copy before the unhinged Trump went into a midnight hour tweeting meltdown, but that's the way it goes. He should have expected teh Donald to triple down before he tried it on with the equivalence ...(As America Sleeps, Donald Trump Seethes on Twitter).
So Bill Clinton can get into trouble for, not the blow job, but lying about the blow job, and Trump and his spokespeople - the pond hates the word 'surrogate' - can just roll on by, lying about everything in sight in relation to just about everything?
Never mind that the man is technically obese himself, he's a serial adulterer, bankrupt and formidable bully.
Never mind that the man is technically obese himself, he's a serial adulterer, bankrupt and formidable bully.
The disputed weight, the notion of a weight clause in her contract (all the evidence suggests there was none), Trump a knight in shining armour riding to her rescue, and all the other attempts to soften the essential bullying ... right down to women daring to publish nude photos ...

Yes, there's the moral high ground for you, and so the pond must return to trudge on with the wretched bromancer ...

The capacity of the bromancer to repeat himself is almost infinite - if the pond might borrow a News 24 scientific concept - but that reference to The American Interest is perhaps the most revealing of recent bromancer revelations ...
It helps explain why the bromancer pronounced the first debate a draw ...

And so back to the bromancer repeating himself yet again, and so getting closer and closer to almost infinite repetitions ...
You have to hand it to the bromancer.
Not a mention of Fox News, or Hannity, who has now gone well beyond patsy host to sublimely surreal Trump spruiker, to the point where even Megyn Kelly found time to make a joke of it ...
Kelly said, “”We’ve got Trump speaking to our own Sean Hannity. We’ll see whether he speaks to the journalists in this room after that interview.” Get it? Hannity isn’t a journalist? (here).
As for the general ruination of debate and political argument in the United States, others try to keep track of the pernicious Murdochian poison ...
Not a mention of Fox News, or Hannity, who has now gone well beyond patsy host to sublimely surreal Trump spruiker, to the point where even Megyn Kelly found time to make a joke of it ...
Kelly said, “”We’ve got Trump speaking to our own Sean Hannity. We’ll see whether he speaks to the journalists in this room after that interview.” Get it? Hannity isn’t a journalist? (here).
As for the general ruination of debate and political argument in the United States, others try to keep track of the pernicious Murdochian poison ...
More here.
You won't find the reptiles there or here reflecting on this, gazing at their navel, perhaps experiencing a little shame at their ideological zealotry, and doing a little fluff removal, or brooding about the way that almost single-handedly, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Aisles, Fox News and their kool aid drinkers in and out of the office have driven the nation to the outer valleys of the lunar hard right, such that intelligence and an ability to move beyond creationism must be treated as some kind of national crime ...
Instead you'll get apologists like the bromancer doing his best at a little equivalence, and never once mentioning in all those grand sociological factors the sort of fact-free hysteria cultivated by Fox and others in the Murdoch stable in relation to climate science, birtherism and so on and so forth ...
It goes without saying that the the bromancer is part of the problem rather than the solution, and confronted by his ineffable stupidity, there's nothing the pond can do except get agitated, wave hands in air, and run some more New Yorker cartoons, with a reminder that the magazine is online here, where some scribbling and analysis worth paying for can be found ...
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDeleteHow unsurprising to find that Sheridan's favourite read, 'The American Interest' was set up by Francis Fukuyama. A man well loved by the Neo-Cons and whose fame rests completely on writing a political essay that turned out to be totally and utterly wrong.
Much like Sheridan himself.
Now, now DW, get the facts right: Fukuyama wrote a superbly crafted example of the "self defeating prophesy" - a truly polished form of rhetoric much beloved by Right Wingnuts.
DeleteEspecially the bromance, the dog botherer, Ned, the Essence, the bouffant one ... (too many to type) ... oh, and Dame Slap. May we always remember Dame Slap.
Women posing nude for a female candidate is something even Sheridan's wildest dreams couldn't conjure. Oh wait...
ReplyDeleteFaaaarrrkkk, is the Bro still going on? How many columns is he going to milk out of watching 90 minutes of television>
ReplyDeleteNever mind that Trump is a nihilist all the way down, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing but a lot of very toxic hot air.
ReplyDeleteEven worse he is channelling and appealing to the very worst elements of the collective American psyche. Elements which are full of murderously reasonable intentions which are actively seeking scapegoat targets upon which to vent their hell-deep reservoir of collective anger.
An apt description of the chump.
The Chump is a hog who has no problem killing the other pigs at the trough and then eating them. Hilary seems to prove that she at at least has some qualms about this particular form of gluttony.