Choices, choices, so many choices ...
The pond could, for example, have spent some quality time on this holiday weekend with homophobic bigots of the Malware kind ...
As a reader kindly noted ...
And this in turn could have led on to a piece about the complimentary women-loving, homophobic, angry Sydney Anglicans, who have in the past also consorted with the same anti-gay African church ...
And then there's the Bolter complaining yet again about free speech, because this sort of speech apparently isn't free enough ...
Oh Bill Leak, such an inspiration, such a pace-setting example ...
And what about valiant Bob Day, stiffing his creditors and pumping up his party?
And what about valiant Bob Day, stiffing his creditors and pumping up his party?
And what about The Radicalisation of Wyatt Roy, with the beard and the consorting with terrorists?Will he be locked in the slammer the minute he returns, as he so eloquently demanded for others?
But these distractions would mean ignoring important information from Greg "walri" Hunt - careful, the pond assumes no liability for any damage caused by a stray walri wandering in to your wiki neighbourhood ...
But these distractions would mean ignoring important information from Greg "walri" Hunt - careful, the pond assumes no liability for any damage caused by a stray walri wandering in to your wiki neighbourhood ...
Now on the surface, such a bald statement in the header of "could have been avoided" might appear nonsensical, given the damage to the infrastructure, and the winds, and the yadda yadda, and given that even Josh Frydenberg in the stories noted above didn't go there ...
But the pond is onside.
Of course it could have been avoided. If they'd just installed the giant fans on the border that the pond recommended long ago, they could have re-directed the wind and the rain up north to Alice Springs, where it would have come in handy ...
No floods, no things blown over, no black out, easy peasy. The pond modestly takes no credit - it seemed the obvious solution just after the New York city blackout of 1977 ...
After that the pond hit on the idea of distributing tin foil around the city so that lightning strikes might be made to bounce back in to the sky with no damage done (you can still see this in the tin foil hats routinely modelled by the likes of Barners and the walri man).
After that the pond hit on the idea of distributing tin foil around the city so that lightning strikes might be made to bounce back in to the sky with no damage done (you can still see this in the tin foil hats routinely modelled by the likes of Barners and the walri man).
Now for an in-depth explanation of this sort of simplistic accounting of things for simpleton AFR readers, wanting to match Malware for peak stupid, we must turn to the walri man himself ...
Good old AFR, good old Greg - can anyone assemble a smoother line in cliches than the walri man? Hmmm ....
Indeed, indeed. And thanks to the walri man, the state is now assured of continuous power, and not a single weather event will ever harm a hair on its treasured fair head ...
But what if the wind blows infrastructure over daddy? What then?
Sssh, child, we're off to hunt walri deep in the southern oceans ...
How consoling it is that Malcolm Turnbull has now turned Malware on climate science ...
How consoling it is that Malcolm Turnbull has now turned Malware on climate science ...
And so to the infallible Pope, celebrating another ineffable Liberal achievement, and more Pope here ...
And for those wondering about SSM, climate science, and the whole damn thing, isn't this Rowe cartoon worth looking at again as we reach peak stupid?
A pity Rowe can't do something about the editors of the AFR running with that front page, but more Rowe here ...
I would just like to point out Dobby the House Elf's uncanny resemblance to Stuart Roberts.
What is it in Menzies hand that he is blowing on?