The great thing about an Oreo at lunch is that the pond can simply kick back, lounge around, and enjoy the feast.
There's no need for analysis or response, just a licking of the lips and a sensuous rolling around of the Oreo on the tongue.
The question "is the Oreo barking mad?" was answered long ago in the affirmative, and now the accumulation of evidence is just the job of the archivist.
The job reminds the pond of biccies and tea served from the tea trolley the brief time it spent in the basement amongst the dusty music scores kept by the ABC, tending them and serving them up to the SSO, which is only a segue to note the moving on of the most excellent Dene Olding ...
Now it's back to the Oreo, which is to say, simply, the barking mad, in full fury howling at the moon as it soars into view ...
There is of course nothing to say about this as analysis.
Trump, because ... Islam can hardly be considered analysis, just the usual rantings of the paranoid Oreo, and delightful in its own way ... and in due course, the pond looks forward to the Oreo doing, Trump ... because ... Putin ...
It does however allow the pond to do a detour into a couple of other items of note ... for example, this delicious header in the NY Times ...
It quite restored the pond's faith in the art of the sub (and isn't that little use of the bracket in the sardonic, sneering aside quite artful? Heal divisions and sue his accusers, the pond savoured it for days ...)
And then there was the cover of the current The New Yorker pre-empting the Oreo...
It's by Barry Blitt, who has had quite a line in Trump covers ...
But enough of these pleasures, it's time to return for the rest of the snack, because one bite of an Oreo is never enough ...
Poor old Oreo, she was too late or too slow or just too silly to pick up on the rates of pay the Clinton Foundation offered to women ...
Really, when you're such a doofus, and can't argue your case with any coherence, is it any wonder you set yourself up for a lesser Baldwin satire? (Of course the better Baldwin is off with the Trumpists).
Now usually the pond likes to point out to devourers of Oreos that in the process they invariably consume a lot of high fructose paranoia ...
Did you know that Kraft foods peddles halal certified food? Is the Oreo herself a front for suspect, tainted halal goods?
Can she name the senior Republican that hasn't done a deal with Saudi Arabian or similar regime? Is she resigning forthwith because she can no longer work for a vile owner who consorts with dodgy middle eastern figures?
Can she name the senior Republican that hasn't done a deal with Saudi Arabian or similar regime? Is she resigning forthwith because she can no longer work for a vile owner who consorts with dodgy middle eastern figures?
Is there a single Islamic at work in the reptile press assisting in the production of the lizard Oz? If so, the pond advises mothers to lock up their children and hide the mad uncle in the attic with any stray packs of Oreos in their possession ...
But with the health warning out of the way - no, Oreo's aren't safe for coeliacs - the pond would like to revert to a previous note about a profound reptile obsession, the deep affection the lizards have for coal ...
As the pond explained, coal is a potent erotic symbol for the dear things, and then a kindly reader drew the pond's attention to this tweet ...
Being of a Snopes' frame of mind, the pond was immediately suspicious.
But look what the ever so useful Trove turned up - damn you to hell, Trove-denying-funding Malware government and your minion scrooge minister servants of Sauron ...
It was syndicated and turned up even in good old Braidwood in the most excellent Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal... back in the day when mining was a thing and the town hadn't been infested by a plague of hippies ...
Who'd have thought Braidwood was insolently provoking the Bolter over a century ago? Now how about some more funding for Trove, you pathetic bunch of luddite scrooges ...
And now because the pond has run out of time for the day, we can only afford one minor mention of the squawking of the major Mitchell and his wonderful plumage display, but please do indulge the pond so that it can conclude with a Dickensian tear jerker moment up there with Little Nell.
Most of the major Mitchell's time was spent berating that dreadful Triggs woman, but the concluding pars in the lizard Oz this day allowed the pond to shed copious tears of despair and delight...
Yes, it's all about the right of racists and bigots to go on being racist and bigoted ...
Oh, it's a full and rich life reading the reptiles of Oz ... and as for Freedom Boy ... we all know he's just a member of the SS (M division)...
Look, there's Freedom Boy, second from the right, with the moustache and beard a half-hearted attempt at a disguise ...
Of course there were a few people who got the wrong idea ...
But in the marketplace of ideas, nothing is sacred and the pond understands that Bill Leak is noq working on an hilarious cartoon celebrating the gassing of the Jews ...
And the major Mitchell is standing by to explain how a cartoon about the Holocaust is just another joyous example of the marketplace of ideas at splendid work ...
It seems poor Alice is a HUNster, but working in some parallel universe to the Oreo ...
The Oreo: Like Breitbart, only in Australia.
ReplyDeleteI know she's the most intelligent being in the history of the universe but is that a deliberate (but piss-poor) attempt to conflate "Islamist states" with "Islamic State"?
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, almost forgot, the Daily Caller would be the ones to quote if you're after accurate, reliable and unbiased info re Clinton/Dems.
DeleteDoesn't Madam Genius realise there's this intertubes thingy out there?
That Trove contributor, yelnod, seems to be doing his/her best to promote 'global warming hysteria'
ReplyDeleteThat Trove contributor, yelnod, seems to be doing his/her best to promote 'global warming hysteria'
ReplyDeleteThat Trove contributor Yelnod, along with the idiots Bob Trenwith and Gato are a triumvirate of moronic dipshits.