Wednesday, September 04, 2024

In which the pond leaves behind a stinking pile of garbage and irrelevance, and "Ned" ...


To celebrate taking an indeterminate break, the pond had hoped to be able to post a glorious example of the reason why the pond is a dedicated member of the cult reptile clique.

Foolish pond, they always disappoint. 

What form of delusion made the pond think this day would be any different from all the others that have been on display in the hive mind in the past, or are yet to come? 

Did the pond really think that it would find some treasure it could pin at the top of the page, some literary marvel that would lure visitors back to read, and then read again, as if trapped in the golden age of essayists of the Bacon or Hazlitt kind?

Did the pond think it would find the news of the day? Foolish pond.

Just two examples: the first two lead items on News Radio early this morning concerned a report about the latest atrocity by the sociopathic Vlad the Impaler. 

That was followed by news of a token gesture by the British government expressing mild alarm and displeasure at the ongoing genocide by withholding a few token weapons. Too little, way too late, incoherent and hypocritical, but still ...

Meanwhile, the might waratah, NSW's pride, has been added to the nation's threatened list, while back abroad the mango Mussolini was still lying about Arlington. Liars gotta keep lying, like sharks gotta keep swimming to avoid battery shock.

The pond had its own surreal moment with more news of the Lehrmann matter ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, first Dame Slap, now petulant Peta, why it's a veritable News Corp orgy of interference, and alleged observers becoming participants and players ...

Now just look at the dross and the drivel scattered before the pond this morning by the lizards of Oz. 

A void, or worse, a parade of reptile obsessions. What to do but weep or despair or howl to the empty heavens?

Dear sweet long absent lord, lying little Johnny at the top of the far right commentariat having a go at Jimbo? 

Okay, the reptiles only ever do the nakedly political, but the pond felt the nausea level immediately crank up to 11. 

Down below the lying rodent was Dame Slap having a go at yet another judge for the umpteenth time. At the bottom, there was Tom also having a go at Jimbo, and the pond immediately diagnosed a pathological obsession.

Elsewhere you could find the lesser member of the Kelly gang keeping the Burgess matter alive, with the bromancer chipping in to excuse Burgess and blame the PM, as if the rancid populism imported direct from the USA by Captain Spud had nothing to do with the current lack of empathy for refugees seeking shelter from the Netanyahu and Hamas storm ...

That's when the pond had a vision. The notion's not to suggest to passing stray visitors that the reptiles are worth any kind of attention at any time. 

They're losers, dropkicks outside the top 20 when it comes to news sites, and you're much better passing on by to almost any other news source ...

And what better way to prove it than to offer yet another turgid outing by nattering "Ned"? It always takes a superhuman effort to get past the first base camp gobbet, and begin the Everest climb ...

Perfect ... and even better that "Ned" was decrying populism, just as Captain Spud was still cranking up his divisive fear and loathing populism ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, suddenly minority government is the end of the world?

We've never a minority government before?

Naturally there were some terrifying visual distractions featuring this terrifying fiend ...

The problem for the reptiles, and "Ned" in particular, is that some like Captain Spud's form of fear-mongering populism as much as they like the smell emanating from a Tamworth outdoor dunny on a standard climate change heated day ... while there are any number of issues steadily mounting for the government

It's "Ned's" business to herd readers trapped in the hive mind away from Labor towards the populist Spud, without anyone doing a detour to the greenies ...

Meanwhile, in a country "Ned" doesn't live in ...

It turns out, as the pond has noted many times before, that you're much better off getting your news from the 'toons than from the reptiles ...

The pond is now dangerously radicalised, and apparently the fatuous "Ned", doing his infamous Chicken Little impression, is unaware of the way he and the rest of the bask of News Corp crocodiles have contributed to the radicalisation ...

The pond has already turned from shopping at the big two to places where prices are cheaper (when in the mighty 'Gong, visit the Fairy Meadow market), which apparently makes the pond a fellow traveller with the greenies... when in reality all the pond does is occasionally shop at Aldi because of the naked and unseemly price gouging, which any fool able to compare prices week by week can see ...

Well yes, the reptiles routinely ignore the genocide, and the current activities of the sociopathic Vlad the Impaler. The pond established that at the get go, and repeating the obvious doesn't turn the pond into a greenie...

Instead it's the reptiles who parade their obsessive desire to destroy the current government, with the current mechanism, the ongoing reptile obsession with Jimbo ...

The reptiles should be careful what they wish for. They might think they've killed the Jimbo beast, and then suddenly from the depths arises a huge whale, more green than white in colour, and for some reason, a more pleasing vision than beefy boofhead Angus "hate them wind turbines" Taylor.

All that noted, the pond thinks that "Ned's" splutterings have worked a treat. Not only will passersby ignore the pond, with a bit of luck they'll contribute to the downward spiral of the lizards of Oz by walking on by ...

The real tragedy is the lizard Oz. The real tragedy is "Ned", now well past his fear mongering prime.

When the pond took another view at "Ned's"offering, the reptiles had eventually got around to lathering up a demonic portrait, which mainly revealed how pathetic the lizard Oz's graphics department had become ...

Really, that's the best they could do. A paler shade of green and a bit of a glare? That's the beast that will do the country down?

And that last "Ned" link? 

Yes for the last time, the pond bit, and sure enough, stayed deep inside the hive mind. The link led the pond to the lizard Oz editorialist, doing a "Ned" but at a somewhat shorter length ...

And there you have it, the reptiles terrified that they might have contributed to a minority government and the greenies getting a share of the action, and yet their relentless beating of the government and their determination to elevate Captain Spud's fear mongering to a form of policy making must surely take a share of the blame, even if they are outside the top 20 influencers ...

And so for the pond, it's on to the break, and to get on the way, an infallible Pope, and truly if the pond relied on the reptiles rather than the 'toons, the pond wouldn't have a clue what's happening on the planet ...

Take it away infallible Pope ....

Aye, thar they blow, with their scientific research purposes...


  1. Enjoy your restorative break, DP.

    “A Void of Reptiles” could be a useful new collective term.

  2. A good time to take a break, Dorothy. ‘New Scientist’ for this week has interview with Kathy Willis, who is setting out the research that details the good things that happen to our brains and bodies when we interact with nature. And there is a lot of nature, offering interaction, right now.

    By contrast, yesterday Mein Gott was telling readers how - sooo graciously - he spent the weekend ‘mixing with ordinary Australians at Brisbane’s Riverfire festival.’ Where, rather than absorb the ambience of the South Bank, he thought it the time to seek community reaction to - pay rises for Qantas, and the 700-page industrial relations legislation. Wow - that is displaying the common touch, Robert (if we may be so familiar with Mein Gott - well, he did mix with ordinary Australians. Presumably in mufti; you can still see flashes of t-shirts extolling Holden or Ford at such gatherings. Wearing a footy team fan jersey could risk more mixing than is good for what is supposed to be a family outing.)

    While you are interacting with nature, the Reptiles will continue to recycle. Dame Groan will oscillate between furriners and the peculiar uglification of power lines that carry only electrons from renewable sources. ‘Presenters’ on Sky will continue the search for ‘experts’ chosen to show what a total disaster was that interview, both for Kamala, and for the network that carried it. I don’t think they have run the Tarot on any of it yet - but it would nor surprise me. Dame Slap will gnaw at revelations from the Reynolds case, and so on. ‘Ned’ will become slightly more ponderous, but that is still quite predictable; nor will our Doggie Bovverer come up with anything that is both new and interesting.

    I would say the Deja View awaits you - but that might encourage you to do the total Tootle, and never return, and we do have some real fun here at times.

    1. Indeed we do, Chad; so yes, please return reinvigorated, DP, but it really is a bit of a problem as to what to do about a Reptilia that can't even make into the top 20 now. Apart from wonder how they ever made it in the first place.

  3. You have to admire the perspicacity of the commenToryiat, amounting almost to omniscience. Yesterday the Bro was announcing that he could tell when Harris was lying (and, presumably, anyone) just by looking at her (he could have been a judge but he didn't have the Latin . Today it is Ned announcing that he can tell what will happen under the Greens policies - we'll all be rooned - no ifs, no maybes, he KNOWS, and he further shows his brilliance by declaring that the Greens, as a political party, want to win more seats! The fiends!

    The Blue Mountains is lovely at this time of the year, DP. A high tea at one of our salubrious establishments, followed by a brisk walk, will lift your spirits.

  4. Joe - yes we do have fun here, and your clip for this day was wonderful. I had forgotten about that routine; it is sooo good to watch it again.

  5. A refresh, rendered invisible to koolaid imbibers.

    "...lying little Johnny at the top of the far right commentariat having a go at Jimbo? ..." At the bottom, there was Tom also having a go at Jimbo, and the pond immediately diagnosed a pathological obsession."

    Timely pathological obsession and nausea aswagement reserve bank bashing prescription...

    Letter to The Fin...
    "Chalmers is more in touch with the economy than the RBA"

    SEPTEMBER 4, 2024

    "As the late Jack Lang famously remarked to his then-protégé Paul Keating, “you should bet on self-interest, it’s a horse that is always running”. In the current dispute, both the government and the central bank are driven by institutional self-interest. But, for the majority of Australians, their own interest are closer to those of the government than those of the central bank."

  6. Perhaps a tagline / lede DP...
    "it's a veritable News Corp orgy of interference, and alleged observers becoming participants and players"
    So concise!


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