Monday, September 16, 2024

In which the Major goes entertainment value and the Caterist goes desiccated coconut ...


As an esteemed correspondent noted, the mango Mussolini is allegedly cavorting with Laura the deeply weird Loomy, and if Bill Maher says it, it allegedly must be true, or surely a court action will follow for the entertainment of all ...

That's why the reptiles are struggling at the moment ... the entertainment, the sociopaths conducting genocides, the sociopaths indulging in war under a special operations name, are abroad and the local scene is extremely dull, and the digital edition of the lizard Oz shows it ...

Talk about parish pump politics, but it explains why the Major felt the need to get out and about, travel abroad, forget berating the ABC for once, and do a bit of sane-washing - as the fashionable term goes - for the Donald and JD, though no amount of sane-washing can sort out the deep weirdness of JD ...(if the Politico paywall bothers you, try incognito).

Major Mitchell scribbles this opening line about bubbles from within his very own bubble, and then it's on with the sane-washing and the both siderism if there's any way to explain the "eating the pets" meme outside bigotry, profound racism, a lack of care for others, and by trotting out relevant memes...

Best to slip in a little insanity before the Major's sane-washing makes the pond think the insanity should be taken seriously ...

Never mind that they were and are deplorable, and that the Major is also a deplorable. 

There's a festering level of fascism abroad in the United States at the moment that evokes memories of Father Coughlin in his hey day ... and some of this can be attributed to the barking mad behaviour of the Major's US kissing cousins at Faux Noise, always on the hunt for the most deplorable angle they can find.

The reptiles provided the Major with a couple of passingly normal snaps ...

But when you look at the stories coming out at the moment (Yahoo version), it's all beyond the valley of the deeply showbiz weird kind...

Meanwhile, the Major was intent on pretending all this was normal and that some had got the mango Mussolini wrong, while running through some standard far right memes ...

Ah, Faux Noise, of course, of course ...

But is there anything that wrong in suggesting that the mango Mussolini is in an advanced state of decline and brings out a blizzard of memes as he descends into a frothing, flailing maelstrom of his own making?

That's why it's hard to take the Major seriously. It's all show biz ... and the man is worried about his crowd sizes and his ratings, and why wouldn't he be ...

The Major does his level best to find firmer ground ...

Strange the Major should rely on the NY Times poll, when subsequent polls have slightly leaned the other way, and the only truth about US polling is that none of it can be trusted, but when you're a Major mounting a desperate defence of a mountebank, a charlatan, any poll port in a storm ...

And so to the last gobbet of sane-washing, and the pretence that this is somehow normal politics, as opposed to Liz Truss posing as a lettuce ...

How weird is the Major himself? Anyone citing Glenn Greenwald is surely living on another planet ...

And so the Major holds out hope that Faux Noise and their deplorables will save the day for the king of the deplorables, and that entertainment and cartoonists will be given refuge for the next four years, and the immortal Rowe will have the mango Mussolini as grist for his mill ...

So many details, and while some might prefer the mob on the far right, for once the pond preferred those clustered on the left ...

As for the Major's thinking, it's a cunning ploy ... give the man a final season, even if he's overstayed his welcome, the jokes are repetitive and dull, the windmills and Hannibal seen better days, the senility showing, like The Simpsons after season 12 (and never mind the 23 they've ploughed through since).

Speaking of parish pump, the pond hesitated to finish the day off with a serve of Caterism. The poor lad has gone provincial dullard, abandoned the glories of climate science denialism, and come up with an exceptionally tedious piece ...

Parish pump politics and even worse Queensland ... and even worse apparently the Caterist was unaware that the bribery has been mutual, with this story showing both are in on the act ... Queensland government and LNP promise to make 50 cent public transport fares permanent.

The opposition has matched the commitment, telling media the LNP has its own plan to improve the state's public transport offerings. 

The pond likes the idea ... one of the chief glories of a visit to Melbourne is the chance to hoon around the CBD on a tram for free ... 

Back in the day the pond would have spent the entire day on its favourite form of transport ...and there's an argument that recouping the costs of public transport via fares is a clumsy mechanism at best ... you know, academics asking All aboard! Should public transport be free for everyone?

Inter alia:

“Every member of the public should be able to use public transport regardless of their means. Nobody should be excluded because it is simply too expensive or because they have a pet,” Dr Harris says.
“Even if it’s not entirely fare-free, making public transport fares much more affordable would still improve the liveability of our cities for people and help them run more smoothly.”

But of course the Caterist is so dry he's determined to make desiccated coconut feel like a water-laden swamp ... and then came the visual distractions ...

Meanwhile the desiccated coconut was on the case ...

Presumably there are some forms of fiscal incontinence the Caterist still favours ... how else to be able to afford to have idle time to be able to comment on assorted fads of voodoo economics?

It's a pond oldie but an eternal grant goodie ... though these days the poor lad is just a fellow, a chap on the gravy train ...

Still he was in on the grant glory days and has sat at the trough ever since ... and that's how he can be incredibly severe on others sitting at the trough with him ...

Indeed, indeed, what we need is growth ...

Oh, the pond just had to slip that one in because of its nightmare vision of the Menzies Research Centre turning up with wheelbarrows to cart away the Department of Finance cash ...

And with that bit of trickery there was just one gobbet go go, and no doubt the pond's correspondents might like to have a word about the Caterist on the matter of economics ...

Can ride their trains and buses to their heart's content until February? Why if the LNP have their way, they can keep riding them until the 12th of never, which is a long, long time ...

And there you have the pond's simple solutions to help sort out the productivity crisis ... more free tram rides and more cash in paw to the Menzies Research Centre, and that'll boost productivity at the lizard Oz by all of a red cent or perhaps a crooked sixpence ... 

And with that time to shout into the ether with Kudelka ...

Oh come on Kudelka, we always had comics ...and that's how we learned Caterist economics ...


  1. "There's a festering level of fascism abroad in the United States at the moment that evokes memories of"...
    Lord - of the Flies.
    "“The world is a vicious and brutal place,” [Trump] wrote in 2007. “We think we’re civilized. In truth, it’s a cruel world and people are ruthless.”

    "In Lord of the Flies, it doesn’t start out that way. It never does. 

    1. Springfield Hatian pets exhibits Lord of the Flies psycho playbook - dispositional override of empathy...

      "In this connection, a model of the dispositional override of empathy is featured to shed light on seemingly inappropriate, malicious, if not sadistic, joyous reactions to others’ demise. Cognitive functions are further explored in the emotional effect of moral sanction."

      "Dramaturgy for Emotions From Fictional Narration"
      By Dolf Zillmann

      "Media violence and aggression
      "Researchers have found there to be a relation between excitation-transfer and the effect of media violence. This concept is explained in the sense that when media violence is observed by a viewer, the first stimulus, it will cause them to be emotionally aroused. When approached with a second stimulus soon after being aroused by the media violence, the emotional reaction to said stimulus will be far more intense because of the arousal from the initial stimulus.[7][15]"

      If they didn't repeat repeat repeat, the prior emotions and transference and excitation wouldn't occur. Hence repeat repeat repeat lies lies lies and the you have maga, teh oz and violence directed at chosen other.

    2. " doesn’t start out that way. It never does." No, because it has always been that way and always will be. Homo saps saps is just this simple animal species, you know.

    3. " doesn’t start out that way. It never does." It doesn't need to start out that way. It is, and always has been, "that way". Homo saps saps is just this basic animal species of small brain, you know.

  2. Dorothy - happy memories, thank you - of 'Lost in the Andes', and, if I recall correctly, what were called 'square' eggs. That was one of our treasured issues, along with the Christmas Eve story when Huey, Dewey and Louie wrote to Santa for wishing for a steam shovel.

    There endeth any kind of happy memory. I was amused to see that the Cater would claim that his segment on ADH tv was worth doing. That applies, only if the Menzies Research Centre thinks there is any kind of value in broadcasting to - well, some nights it doesn't get into 3 figures, and a couple of hundred is probably ADH's idea of a ratings triumph.

    What was it about productivity, again?

    1. Not sure that Cater's sojourn with ADH has anything much to do with MRC, other than maybe being the primary reason (if one was ever needed) for him only being a "Senior" Fellow now. Writing for The Australian is one thing, spruiking on tv - even with only a few hundred in his audience - is probably quite another.


  3. The Major: "legitimate doubts exist about whether Trump would support Ukraine". From the debate: When he refused to answer whether or not he'd support Ukraine in its war with Russia, she gutted him by saying that he would let Russia have Ukraine and "Putin would be sitting in Kiev with his eyes on the rest of Europe, starting with Poland. And why don’t you tell the 800,000 Polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor" (from Rude Pundit )
    I wonder how many Polish-Americans were among the 1000 Americans surveyed by the NYT in their recent poll.

    1. Well if there's 800,000 polish folks out of Pennsylvania's 13+ million population (6.15%) then maybe just a very few.


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