Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Don't blame the pond... blame News Corp for the likes of "Ned", the craven Craven and Killer Creighton ...


Crikey (paywall) reminded the pond that the term "yellow peril" had appeared in a large paid advertisement in the lizard Oz, and even provided a reproduction which the pond has no intention of reproducing. 

What's remarkable isn't that it's a racist term deployed by a racist in celebration of an alleged war criminal, it's that the reptiles should have taken the money and run, without seeking to amend the copy.

On second thoughts, the pond is surprised that the pond is surprised, because white nationalism is always bubbling on the surface of the reptile hive mind.  

Charlie Lewis did his best to make a redeeming joke by noting that the offending advertisement ended with thanking Christ for Kerry Stokes, amazing contributor to alleged war criminals and the circulation of hookers and coke in the Lehrmann matter, by writing, "Proof, if any was needed, money can buy you a platform in the Australian media, even if it's to say 'THANK CHRIST' for a competitor".

Meanwhile, the lizards of Oz were outraged in the usual way about defence matters, the said alleged "yellow peril" being high in the bromancer's mind, what with his war on China planned to happen by next Xmas ...

It goes without saying that the ADF needs much more. Of course it's a big mistake. 

How the government could overlook the bromancer and all he has to offer defence must remain a mystery for the ages ... he's been angling for the role of Reichsmarschall for a decade or more now, and a great opportunity has been missed ...

Thanks to his fearless leadership great strides have been made and the ouroboros is now all the go, though some punters might be confused as to what now constitutes the "yellow peril" ...

Back to Wednesday business, and the pond should note that Dame Slap seems to have gone missing as the Lehrmann matter dominated the top of the digital edition, while over in the far right 'top of the lizard Oz world ma' slot, Jennings of the fifth form was also deploring the failure to promote the bromancer to his righteous role as head of the ADF ...

Keen observers will note that the bromancer is also present at the top of the digital edition celebrating the ongoing genocide, but the pond has had more than enough of that for the moment. 

The astonishing scenes of destruction in Khan Younis, as Palestinians attempt to return to their homes, bombed into rubble, and the reminder that UN: Israelis blocking more food than other aid in Gaza means the pond has less appetite than usual for reptiles of the bromancer kind defending the genocidal killing fields...

There was some relief below the fold, because while Dame Slap was missing, the great, pompous portentous bloviator had returned for another bout of blowing hard ... and while some might quibble, the pond was determined to avoid good old Shoe suggesting that the bromancer would be a natural for the ADF test of leadership ...

So it came to pass that the pond was stuck on yet another interminable "Ned" Everest climb ... perhaps the best way known to turn everybody off reading the lizard Oz ...

It's droll that a living fossil should take up the matter of big tech and blather about quelling its dangerous power, while studiously avoiding any mention of the dangerous power of News Corp, but here we are ...

Speaking of the global issue of the age that keeps pressing on us, correspondents have noted news elsewhere that you'll never find in the lizard Oz, especially as Lloydie of the Amazon has once again disappeared and hasn't been heard of since the fourteenth of March ...

There was a graph too, but the link's there, and the pond must return to the great bloviator, with the reptiles beginning a series of snaps to attempt to distract from the ennui and sense of terminal boredom ...

Just imagine you were reading about an alarming platform that some people get their news from - some even pay for the misinformation and disinformation - which routinely carries opinion that undermines democracy ... then you might be able to do a re-write of the opening par in "Ned's" next gobbet ...

The pond agrees that lead poisoning can harm your brain, but as each day reading the reptiles the pond loses at least one IQ point, is it any more dangerous than daily doses of toxic reptiles? Especially as "Ned" keeps returning to that Haidt chap ...

For some reason the pond was reminded of Cathy Young's From Intellectual Dark Web to Crank Central, and the parade of loons the pond has encountered reading the lizard Oz over the years ...

Of the IDW stars profiled in Weiss’s article, several—former Evergreen State College biology professors Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, a married couple; Canadian psychologist and bestselling guru Jordan Peterson; podcaster Joe Rogan—have devolved into full-blown cranks. In a recent podcast episode, Peterson goes full Alex Jones on COVID-19 vaccines, claiming they caused more deaths than the “so-called pandemic,” and barking his skepticism about childhood vaccination in general. Weinstein and Rogan recently used Rogan’s podcast, which has an audience of millions, to push not only the notion that mRNA vaccines, including the COVID-19 ones, are lethally dangerous but the idea that HIV isn’t the real cause of AIDS and that HIV-skeptical maverick scientist Kary Mullis’s death in 2019 may have been engineered by Dr. Anthony Fauci. The ranks of the cranks also include author and podcaster Maajid Nawaz, briefly mentioned in the original IDW piece as a “former Islamist turned anti-extremist activist”—now a vaccine and 2020 election conspiracy theorist, and most recently seen boosting the Kremlin’s efforts to link Ukraine to the ISIS terror attack in Moscow.

And so on and on, and okay, agreed, this haven for the hive mind is called loon pond, so it's hardly surprising that the loons should find shelter here ...

As for egregious lizard Oz behaviour - 'yellow peril' anyone? - and the evidence of the social harm arising from daily encounters with a genocidal climate science denying hit squad, the pond can noly note the issue and move on ...

Indeed, indeed, thanks to News Corp misinformation increases and the planet suffers, and what passes for journalism in the lizard Oz is a shocker, but the pond has reached the final gobbet and so has once again achieved peak Everest of ennui...

We can start at home? Yeah, nah, the lizard Oz, the hysterical tabloids, and Sky News after dark are irredeemable, cankers at the core, and to give an example of how wretched the impact, the craven Craven was at it again ...

The pond rarely has the slightest interest in what the contemptibly craven Craven is scribbling; rather, the pond only offers this outing as an example of how the hive mind keeps churning over the same old ground, a constant threat to the country ...

Naturally a flock of illustrations were offered as a distraction, best knocked down for a lump sum low price ...

Then the craven Craven's rant could continue unimpeded...

Apostasy? How easy the notion trips off the tongues of fundamentalist tykes ... but then in a church notable for its treatment of womyn, why would anyone expect the craven Craven to carry on in any other way?

The problem here is that when you set out on this sort of journey to prove a point - the reptile hive mind in all its predictable, repetitive, demeaning ugliness - there's a feeling that the journey must be done in full, no matter the inclination to pull up stumps at that use of the word "papabile" ... the sort of word that makes the gorge rise, the bile flood the system...

It's bad enough to be dealing with an offensively fundamentalist tyke, but to be continually reminded of it can be draining ... especially as it's clear that the notion of "womym" is offensive to tykes, it being a long time between drinks for the Pope Joans of the world ...

How can a scribbler like the craven Craven be persuaded to just shut the fuck up? 

Aye, there's the problem in a nutshell. There's never been a blather he can't resist blathering in his bid to replace "Ned" as the most odious and tedious of the reptile commentariat, but the good news - the pond almost wrote gospel, such is the way the mind parasites work - is that we're at the final gobbet ... which is just as well because a mention of Hitler while discussing the latest GG would likely send the pond screaming from the room ...

What's amusing about this steaming pile of horse manure? Why it's the way that back in the day, King Chuck the third was himself something of an activist, as might be remembered by reading "Revealed: how Prince Charles pressured ministers to change laws to benefit his estate." Nor should we forget Prince Charles's 'black spider memos' show lobbying at highest political level.

Indeed the late Liz herself wasn't above a quiet word, as noted in Queen's secret influence on laws revealed in Scottish government memo ...

Not to worry, appoint a right royal pisspot of the currish Kerr kind and the craven Craven would be delighted. He was white and had white hair, and he staggered around the race course in fine vice-regal style ... and would no doubt love to have had a dry sherry with the craven one ...

And so to the Killer bonus, it's only a short one, but there will be cartoons ...

Denies a scare campaign?

Of course Killer was scribbling before the news came down ...(paywall)

That coat hanger sure looks like a scare campaign, but you can't stop the Taliban when they get going, and it's not just back to 1864, soon enough it'll be back to the Salem witch trials - the craven Craven is slobbering at the bit -,or perhaps forward to the Stepford wives and the handmaiden's tales ...

None of this will affect Killer, he's famous for carrying his rapist's child to term, and then abandoning a promising career demonising masks, celebrating the killing fields, and promoting the cause of the orange Jesus to become a single dad living on welfare ...

The pond keeds of course, that was the task undertaken by some famous characters handily compiled in the image accompanying Killer's yarn, living on billionaire welfare or dwelling in a cult ...

The pond would have preferred a few 'toons ...

Naturally Killer saw all this as a huge win for the tangerine tyrant and the GOP Taliban ...

Killer wrapped his piece up with a splendid suggestion and excellent solution for all those complaining womyn ... hit the road Jill ... 

Yep, there's a world of self-satisfied male privilege in that last line, and if you happen to be poor, broke, living on the US's miserable minimum wage, you might take offence, but it's just another day in Taliban country for Killer Kreighton ...

Unfortunately the pond saved the infallible Pope until the end, and unfortunately he took the pond back to where the day had started ... with genocide and war crimes ...


  1. More of the same from the Reptiles, and so sadly predictable. Of course they attack the latest Defence appointments and if the opposite course of action had been taken - eg, bringing in outside expertise or otherwise shaking up the Defence establishment - they’d have been just as damning. It’s easy to imagine the headlines - “ALP wrecks our Defence forces at a time when our nation faces its gravest threats”, etc etc. As you note, DP, nothing less than a hastily arranged commission for Brigadier-General Bromancer, and perhaps a newly-appointed Departmental Secretary Jennings, would satisfy them.

    Today’s highlight for me though is buried down the page, “Gaza threatens to split ALP in flashpoint talks”, which brought a nostalgic tear to my eye. Yes, it’s not the same as the days when it would have been top of the tree-killer front page in huge type, and it’s a pretty convoluted headline in contrast to the nice simple “LABOR SPLIT LOOMS!”, but it’s a line that the Murdoch media has used umpteen times over the decades, dating right back to those halcyon 1960s days when Rupert was still just a mini-mogul, taking his first steps towards fucking the world’s media. Sadly, it’s never heralded any actual ALP splits - somehow it always seems to somehow always manage to come up with some sort of compromise and survive - but it’s still a classic, and they’ll keep on using it for as long as a Murdoch draws breath.

  2. Noodles Neddy: "They have created a new product - human attention -...creating a clientele hooked on the digital world...
    At stake is the human mind and our social order
    ." Funny, I thought that "the human mind and our social order" had been at stake in the time of the Marxist/communist/socialist revolution, and that according to some we have already lost both in this now wokest of woke worlds.

    But then I guess that the ascendency of the yellow press predated that by a century or two, and that is still being continued now.

    Ned again: "We can't just leave this to the market." Que ? Isn't that a dire anti-capitalist heresy ?

    "'There's never been anything this big that we've done to children' Haidt said." No ? I would have thought that bringing in anti-child labour laws and making child education compulsory - at least until year 8 anyway - would actually have been a much bigger thing, wouldn't you ?

    Ned quoting Haidt: "Big Tech companies were able to use their techniques 'all day long, training them like rats during their most sensitive years of brain rewiring'." Kinda reminiscent of certain religious organisations, isn't it. BTW, did you know that there are two main variants of melanin: red/yellow pheomelanin and brown/black eumelanin. Well now you do, so spread the good news via your smartphone.

    1. Isn’t human attention basically the same “product” that was exploited by all earlier mass media, from Print right up to television? All of which were also criticised for rotting or twisting minds and generally bringing about the end of civilisation as we know it.

      You don’t have to read very far into Neddy’s hysterical bleatings to realise the real concern is that older media - and News Corp in particular - are no longer getting the easy gravy from their output being recycled by Facebook and the like. I’m sure if Zuckerberg and Co. agreed to fork a few bags of cash his masters’ way then Ned’s concerns would quickly fade away .

    2. Haidt might have thought his reference to lead poisoning was a throwaway, but the near century of active promotion of lead additives to petrol was a deliberate assault on the neural development of every generation of children from the 1920s. Persons who expressed concern about the likely effects of lead released to the atmosphere, as often as not, were threatened with legal proceedings by the fuel companies. As with our attempts to move to sources of electric power that emit less carbon dioxide to that same atmosphere, Australia dragged its political feet on completely banning lead additives, and the car industry carried on in much the same way as it has lately, over further restrictions on its self-assumed 'right' to foul our air, and damage our health.

      Going to the point Haidt was trying to make; there were some careful statistical studies on possible links between high exposure to lead in the air, in congested cities, and more anti-social behaviour in those cities.

  3. Creg Graven (to insert a modicum of Spoonerism): "Many of us of a certain age have in various capacities sworn personal oaths to Queen Elizabeth." Yes, but we always kept our fingers crossed, so none of them were genuine.

    Anyway: "The results will be immediate. Externally, public respect for the institution will collapse." Indeed so, and then we can have a successful referendum and go republican !

    1. The great contradiction of defenders of the establishment such as Craven is that they proudly proclaim the strength, stability and popularity of the institutions they champion; yet they fly into a panic at the slightest deviation from whatever they consider to be the norm in those bodies, terrified that they’ll come crashing down. So are they strong? Are they weak? No idea, but a pontificating Reptile can always squeeze a couple of thousand recycled words out of the subject.

      BTW, given that King Tampon himself has previously expressed surprise at Australia’s continued ties to the Monarchy, I doubt he’d be too concerned if the next GG’s oath of allegiance is made with a few unstated provisos.

    2. Am I the only one who somehow missed that mass outpouring of grief at the death of Queen Liz cited by Craven?

      Sure, there was plenty of solemn coverage and commentary by various talking heads, the expected official pronouncements by political leaders, a widespread “end of an era….” and a lot of nostalgia amongst certain folk for past glories, but actual grief? Just as there probably weren’t too many folk who actually took glee from the demise of a very old woman, I doubt that many were actually racked with sorrow and went into deep mourning, other than a few of the aforementioned nostalgics (and quite a few Poms, but that’s a different story).

      Of course that doesn’t really fit Craven’s narrative; “polite indifference” isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement of the status quo.

    3. Well, Anony-2, can't say that Betty II drew the same emotional response as Diana, but maybe people just reckoned that she'd been around for a while, and had her time, and life and the British people had been kind to her and so just let her pass in peace.

      I wonder what they''ll do for Camilla, come her time.

  4. KillerC: "But it's Pence - who supports a national abortion ban after six weeks, when many women still don't even know they are pregnant - who is out of touch with the electorate." Maybe, but he reckons that he's at least in touch with the (now complete) Trinity who designed and made us all.

    Killer: "More than half of Americans categories themselves..." Do we reckon he meant "categorise" perhaps ? But what about "...even in red states the evangelical position isn't popular and will ultimately crumble throughout the south as religion slowly fades as a political force." Wau, does that mean KillerC reckons that "religion" will just become another 'Sunday belief' as Bertrand Russell categorised such things ? Hucoodanode.

  5. You have to admire the way that Killer never lets reality get in the way of a good argument. While the last few decades has certainly seen a gradual decline in mainstream Christian belief and practice, it’s been mirrored by a massive increase in political activity and power by once-fringe Evangelicals, who made it quite clear that their ultimate main was to control the Republican Party - which they pretty much achieved, before being devoured in turn by Trumpism. Mainstream Christianity has experienced a similar decline here in Oz - and wasn’t anywhere near as strong as in the USA in the first place - yet we’ve seen Pentecostalists and other committed god-botherers make concerted efforts to increase their power within the Liberal Party. Sadly for Killer, who really is a bear of little brain, he fails to realise that “religious belief” and “activism by religion-based organisations” aren’t the same thing.

    1. Spectacularly well framed 'nony. And impending crash between the evangelical take-over of the GOP and the Trump train is going to be glorious viewing. It's going to be like a UFC match with only one group standing.

      A shame you had to allude to Killer's cranial capacity. But alas, the observation holds. His armchair ride through the reptile media fields and pastures like so many others is very rarely held to a blowtorch of logic or reason.

  6. I'm not in the habit of turning to Annabel Crabb for pithy overviews, but this piece today on the GG appointment is quite solid gold - it brushed aside the loons like Craven Craven and Dame Slap with startling alacrity - very sharp, and an entertaining read to boot:

    1. Yeah, just a pro (Annabel) being her professional best. And I'm sure Sam Mostyn will perform likewise. But hey, a reptiles gotta hiss and bite, don't they.


  7. No doubt Nancy Pelosi will change her mind when she reads Killer, although she was a little critical this morning:
    Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) blasted former President Trump in an interview early Tuesday, saying he is trying to appear moderate on the issue of abortion and suggesting his official position does not reflect any core “belief.”

    “Well, first, let me say the issue about a woman’s right to choose, it’s a democracy issue. This is about freedom, freedom of women to make their decision, families to make their decisions,” Pelosi said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

    “So, when — what’s his name — said what he said yesterday, he either is stupid or he thinks the rest of us are stupid,” Pelosi continued, referring to Trump.
    (An aside: if you want to copy a link, in Firefox you can choose 'copy without tracking' to avoid all the rubbish after the / . Apologies if you already knew this.)

    1. I did not know that Joe, and thanks for the tip. Would be nice to not litter the pond the way I have been. Must try your suggestion next time out.

  8. Hi Dorothy,

    Completely off-topic.

    Chapeau! to MONA and Mz Kaechele.

    The reptiles have no comeback and they will choke on it.


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