The pond is always intrigued to compare and contrast the google splash with the splash the reptiles give their product.
This time google moderates the more general wail of the bromancer Who will protect Christians? which has the rhetorical flourish and tone of a Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
And the pond just knew the answer to that other trick question, "There is one minority group that is more persecuted than any other in the world."
There could be only one answer: moderate Islamics!
The pond knew that the bromancer's piece would run through that immense suffering.
There was the the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and then the Taliban, and then the American invasion; there's the persecutions and massacres in Pakistan, Bangladesh and so on; there was the war in Iraq, and the consequent cascading domino that took in Syria; there's the constant repression in Iran; there's the fundamentalist Wahhabism of Saudi Arabia, which does dirt on women, gays and others as well as moderates; there's assorted slaughters of moderates in any number of African countries; there's the recent events in Egypt and the current events in Turkey which have seen numerous deaths and also played havoc with a key way to make a living, the tourism game; there's Libya; and then there's Trump calling for the persecution and banishment of an entire religion from the United States and never no mind whether fundamentalist or moderate ...
The pond could go on and on ... let's not even begin to contemplate what it might be like to be a moderate Islamic in Israel ... we certainly know what it's like to see the moderates feel the lash of the Bolter in an almost daily bout of hysteria and bigotry ...
Now much of the military persecution has been conducted by western forces, but a goodly amount of the persecution has also involved Islamic on Islamic action as the civil war begun centuries ago continues to this day ...
Naturally the pond was looking forward to the bromancer's searing support for suffering moderate Islamics, who have been handled very roughly by Daesh, as well as expressing concern for other minority religious groups ...
Naturally the pond was once more revealed to be an optimistic dill ...
And the pond just knew the answer to that other trick question, "There is one minority group that is more persecuted than any other in the world."
There could be only one answer: moderate Islamics!
The pond knew that the bromancer's piece would run through that immense suffering.
There was the the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and then the Taliban, and then the American invasion; there's the persecutions and massacres in Pakistan, Bangladesh and so on; there was the war in Iraq, and the consequent cascading domino that took in Syria; there's the constant repression in Iran; there's the fundamentalist Wahhabism of Saudi Arabia, which does dirt on women, gays and others as well as moderates; there's assorted slaughters of moderates in any number of African countries; there's the recent events in Egypt and the current events in Turkey which have seen numerous deaths and also played havoc with a key way to make a living, the tourism game; there's Libya; and then there's Trump calling for the persecution and banishment of an entire religion from the United States and never no mind whether fundamentalist or moderate ...
The pond could go on and on ... let's not even begin to contemplate what it might be like to be a moderate Islamic in Israel ... we certainly know what it's like to see the moderates feel the lash of the Bolter in an almost daily bout of hysteria and bigotry ...
Now much of the military persecution has been conducted by western forces, but a goodly amount of the persecution has also involved Islamic on Islamic action as the civil war begun centuries ago continues to this day ...
Naturally the pond was looking forward to the bromancer's searing support for suffering moderate Islamics, who have been handled very roughly by Daesh, as well as expressing concern for other minority religious groups ...
Naturally the pond was once more revealed to be an optimistic dill ...

Oh dear, as usual the pond seems to have completely missed the point. Or perhaps it was the bromancer.
Still once he's in a rhetorical mood, the pond always is pleased to hand the bromancer a hammer. So many nails, so little time, and at such length too ...

The problem is of course that in the Bible there are many verses that urge kindness to others.
Jesus, Samaritans, the cheek, and so on, which seem to rule out gulags but they don't.
Of course there are also so many verses that can be used to promote fundamentalism, especially in the old testament. Eye for an eye, kill the child, slaughter the enemy, rape and enslave the women and so on and so forth.
Jesus, Samaritans, the cheek, and so on, which seem to rule out gulags but they don't.
Of course there are also so many verses that can be used to promote fundamentalism, especially in the old testament. Eye for an eye, kill the child, slaughter the enemy, rape and enslave the women and so on and so forth.
So western leaders who want to conduct idle frolics of war on false pretences, lies and distortions - think of a good Christian like Tony Bleagh - can pretend they're at the head of caring considerate Christian countries following one set of verses ...
While people who want to use the same verses to protest the war-mongering behaviour can be persecuted by using another set of fundamentalist verses which explain the benefits of mass slaughter, especially heretics, deviants and worst of all, secularists and atheists ...
Because if there's one thing the Xians and the Islamics can agree on, it's the terribleness of secularists and atheists and gays and uppity women who refuse to do their complimentary work ...
While people who want to use the same verses to protest the war-mongering behaviour can be persecuted by using another set of fundamentalist verses which explain the benefits of mass slaughter, especially heretics, deviants and worst of all, secularists and atheists ...
Because if there's one thing the Xians and the Islamics can agree on, it's the terribleness of secularists and atheists and gays and uppity women who refuse to do their complimentary work ...
Or something like that. It's always terribly confusing when in the company of bigots, and oh dear, oh lordy lordy, the pond keeps getting it fundamentally wrong.
Well it's a long slog and on we must slog ...
Well it's a long slog and on we must slog ...

Indeed, indeed, and sad to say the plight of Islamic moderates in the middle east wasn't noted in the west when it mattered.
Time to pause for a handy gobbet from The Monthly - there's much more here:
Time to pause for a handy gobbet from The Monthly - there's much more here:
And for gluttons for punishment, there's even more in the Saturday Paper's The Iraq war's coalition of the shilling:
Let me put this plainly. The leaders of the Australian war party – John Howard, Rupert Murdoch, Alexander Downer – and their most influential cheerleaders – Chris Mitchell, Andrew Bolt, Greg Sheridan – bear some responsibility for the deaths of half a million Iraqis, for the incalculable number of deaths still to come and for the unimaginable suffering that has been endured by the people of Iraq since the invasion of their country. And yet so far as I am aware – their supreme self-confidence apparently unaffected by the catastrophe they had helped unleash in Iraq – not one of these warriors of the right has expressed even one word of contrition or remorse.
Let me put this plainly. The leaders of the Australian war party – John Howard, Rupert Murdoch, Alexander Downer – and their most influential cheerleaders – Chris Mitchell, Andrew Bolt, Greg Sheridan – bear some responsibility for the deaths of half a million Iraqis, for the incalculable number of deaths still to come and for the unimaginable suffering that has been endured by the people of Iraq since the invasion of their country. And yet so far as I am aware – their supreme self-confidence apparently unaffected by the catastrophe they had helped unleash in Iraq – not one of these warriors of the right has expressed even one word of contrition or remorse.
Well indeed, that is plain-speaking, but now it's back to the hand-wringing of the cheerleader for the war criminals, the Lord Haw-Haw if you will of the down under reptiles:

Dear sweet absent lord, how these reptiles manage to sound like righteous, insufferable pricks on a daily basis... it's truly amazing.
How many times will we have to read tripe like "conformist zeitgeist prattlers" from a cheerleader for war mongers, as he pockets Murdoch's dime to shill for the chairman and for war and death and destruction?
Why a brazen trollop walking the streets of St Kilda or the Cross would be entitled to more self-respect, dignity and admiration ... at least sex workers are honest in their trade.
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