The pond has been deep in the grip of the logarithms of late ...
It started innocently enough.
A little Colbert here, a little Fox News there, a little MSNBC - if only to see the truly weird Morning Joe writhe, a little PBS - if only to see David Brooks flap his mouth like a stunned catfish, and then up pops some classical music and the next thing you know the cunning, fiendish algies are delivering recommendation after recommendation and the pond is hooked.
Of course it's mind control, there's no way mathematics should determine and exploit the pond, but they do, they do, and the tin foil can't stop it ...
A little Colbert here, a little Fox News there, a little MSNBC - if only to see the truly weird Morning Joe writhe, a little PBS - if only to see David Brooks flap his mouth like a stunned catfish, and then up pops some classical music and the next thing you know the cunning, fiendish algies are delivering recommendation after recommendation and the pond is hooked.
Of course it's mind control, there's no way mathematics should determine and exploit the pond, but they do, they do, and the tin foil can't stop it ...
Many of the pieces are played by student bands - the FranzLisztweimar have their own channel - and while they're a little stiff and underdone, they're not shabby at all, the pond settles down with the proud parents, and then there are oodles of old and exotic classics for the maths to discover and recommend, all easier to watch since silly time limits were abandoned, and with better picture and sound (well the pond does have an ostentatious eight speakers hanging off the amp for no real reason, thank you Krix) ...
And it all seems so much better than fundamentalist religions that deplore music, dancing, the visual and the plastic arts, the human body, and almost anything else that provides pleasure in the world, forsaking all that's in the here and now for delusions about imaginary friends offering imaginary eternal delights ...
Well that's the upside of the cunning logarithms, as they're fondly known at the pond...
But it shows the dangers of becoming entranced by the Donald show, and the endless grotesque transformations and the talk that the Donald is ultimately aiming for a television network that will make Fox seem like a Marxist channel ...
The fear is palpable everywhere and at every level, as the likes of Ben Shapiro scribbles for WP The Breitbart alt-right just took over the GOP - If Republicans aren't careful, they'll soon see true conservatism banished from their party ...
But it shows the dangers of becoming entranced by the Donald show, and the endless grotesque transformations and the talk that the Donald is ultimately aiming for a television network that will make Fox seem like a Marxist channel ...
The fear is palpable everywhere and at every level, as the likes of Ben Shapiro scribbles for WP The Breitbart alt-right just took over the GOP - If Republicans aren't careful, they'll soon see true conservatism banished from their party ...
What does this mean for Trump’s campaign?
It means that like Breitbart, Trump will continue to tacitly embrace the alt-right, hoping, presumably, that adherents of its worldview will propel his campaign in the same way it has boosted Breitbart’s traffic by millions of monthly page views. Trump lives in a Breitbart fantasy world, and he’s now invited Bannon to personally decorate that world for him. The GOP establishment, too weak and cowardly to oust Trump earlier, risks displacing the true, constitutional conservatives for whom the party has been a natural political home, and now it looks prepared to ride the Trump train, next to alt-righters, all the way into the electoral ravine.
And so on and so forth - the United States is currently in an extremist frenzy and melt-down, and the only way to outdo the extremists is to become more extreme and embrace extremity, and so naturally the pond sought the assistance of the fat owl of the remove, the Daily Terror's very own Billy Bunter, to understand the phenomenon ...
What exactly is the upside to a proto-fascism now aided by a former Goldman Sachs banker and a man sacked from his previous position as a result of sundry sex scandals?

Bannon already has some ideas of his own. He believes that Fox News is drifting away from its core conservative viewers, and that, with Murdoch’s sons, James and Lachlan, increasingly calling some of the shots at Fox’s parent company, this process is likely to continue. “The Murdoch sons, aka the Minor Murdochs, think Fox is too conservative, too Roger Ailes-like, too Middle American,” Bannon wrote in his column. “And they have a plan to fix that.”
We can be assured that a TBN (Trump Breitbart News) Network wouldn’t shy away from the conservative, or even the “alt-conservative,” label. It would be nationalistic, xenophobic, and conspiratorial. If it featured regular appearances by Trump, and if it managed to poach some of the Fox News stars who are friendly toward him, such as Sean Hannity, it might even make money. And that, we all know, is something Trump has always been interested in. But, as I said up top, it’s only a conspiracy theory.

What exactly is the upside to a proto-fascism now aided by a former Goldman Sachs banker and a man sacked from his previous position as a result of sundry sex scandals?
Thank the long absent lord, Akker Dakker still holds out hopes. The angels are whispering in the Donald's ears ...

Indeed, and whatever you do, don't mention Roger Aisles' connection to Fox and to the Chairman. Just hang out a roadside sign saying "go proto-fascists, go ... anything but a touchy feely librul" ...
Now it's true that the campaign has denied formal involvement for Aisles (New Yorker here), but they haven't denied Trump meeting with the mauler, and what fun that's been for all concerned ...
But the real fear, no doubt for Fox, the Murdochians, and others, is all the chatter about a new post-election media empire, as noted in that New Yorker story ..
But the real fear, no doubt for Fox, the Murdochians, and others, is all the chatter about a new post-election media empire, as noted in that New Yorker story ..
We can be assured that a TBN (Trump Breitbart News) Network wouldn’t shy away from the conservative, or even the “alt-conservative,” label. It would be nationalistic, xenophobic, and conspiratorial. If it featured regular appearances by Trump, and if it managed to poach some of the Fox News stars who are friendly toward him, such as Sean Hannity, it might even make money. And that, we all know, is something Trump has always been interested in. But, as I said up top, it’s only a conspiracy theory.
Thank the long absent lord it's only a conspiracy theory and Akker Dakker is supremely confident ...though the overt anti-semitism that's started to pop up at Breitbart isn't imaginary ...
Over at The Atlantic, Conor Friedersdorf tried to make light of of the Trump News Channel here ...
Over at The Atlantic, Conor Friedersdorf tried to make light of of the Trump News Channel here ...
Yes, it's the sort of unifying rhetoric that appeals to an Akker Dakker ...
And then there are all the other fantastic policy initiatives and explanations for the current situation ...
And so to the final burst of Akker Dakker's high, enduring hopes, and the invitation to offer an opinion, though "think" is perhaps a far too high bar when it comes to this subject matter ...
What does the pond think?
Well there's nothing like anti-semitic white nationalism as a legitimate grievance, and Akker Dakker's trolling scored the perfect response ...
Well there's nothing like anti-semitic white nationalism as a legitimate grievance, and Akker Dakker's trolling scored the perfect response ...
Oh and there was another comment that probably made Akker Dakker sob and sigh with pleasure ...

Yes, all credit to News Corp down under and their children, Malcolm Roberts, Pauline Hanson, and the like, for bringing science to a new level ...
And so to a few final cartoons in this montage of fine Sunday fun ...
And after all that, is it any wonder that the logarithms have got hold of the pond ...
Between this ...
... and this, there's really not much choice ...
And if you tire of the students, good on 'em, what fun to see people create rather than destroy, there's always Solti ...
Speaking of Trump and religious fundamentalists the situation is even more bat shit crazy all the way down, as described in the Alternet essay by Peter Montgomery: Stretching To Make God's Guy 25 Religious Right Justifications For Backing Donald Trump.
ReplyDeleteMust admit, I was enjoying the students, they were doing a fine job - then I switched to Solti, and it was like hitting the turbo-charger. Thanks for a great start to Sunday Dot.
ReplyDeleteOh, I ignored anything to do with the Tele-tubby altogether. Sorry about that.
How can one be an apologist for Donald Trump without recognizing that his supporters have been dispossessed by the very neo-liberal ideology that one espouses.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that certain media 'commentators' are in a vortex of cognitive confusion.
Miss pp
Nice to have you back Miss pp
DeleteYou and logarithms, DP ? I'm beginning to wonder if that word means what I think it does: tables of exponents of 10 and/or e which allow for rapid, though accuracy limited, multiplication and division of 'rational' numbers ?
ReplyDeleteVery kinky given that e is a 'transcendental' number for which there is no 'real' representation.
However, the music, I get. But tell us, how did a Tamworth country gal get to fall in love with European 'classic' music ? Wasn't Country AND Western seared into your genome ?