Tuesday, January 16, 2018

In which the pond turns to the Caterists to save it from the cloacal kiss ...

With the pond desperate to get away from a cloacal presidency - the cloacal kiss is best left to the birds - the pond held out high hopes for the Caterists this day ...

After all, there was the Urban, relieved of anxiety about persecution of Xians and the hideous gay agenda in all its rainbow forms, spending her time worrying about the cost of a private schooling. 

Perhaps the Caterists could deny climate change yet again, or berate green energy, or wind farms, or crow eaters, or the greenies or ...

Well, it's not the greatest change of pace ... the Caterist might just as easily have written "Why Malware is no politician", or "Why Malware is no Bob Menzies", or even with just a little tongue in cheek, "Why Malware is no Billy McMahon" ...

It's true the pond doesn't have much fondness for Comrade Bill, and it's also true that he isn't an epic pisspot drinker routinely getting on the turps, like Bob in his heyday ...

16 seconds? Pathetic. What we need is a boozing, schmoozing charmer ...but any port in a cloacal presidency storm ...

Pace the Pom's pathetic dissing, let it be recorded here that the pond loves the Hay plain. 

Driving across it once, the pond saw the best plague of locusts to grace the planet since biblical times, and rather than flat, monotonous and featureless, it has a remarkable beauty in its singularity ...


It is, in fact, one of the great Australian landscapes ... and perhaps only a visiting Pom, still imagining they're somewhere near Essex, could fail to appreciate its charms ...

Every time the pond has driven across the Hay plain, it has presented a different and beguiling face, and it remains a great driving experience, one of the few reasons to want to cling to the old motoring age. The pond also has a soft spot for Hay itself, though it's a fair bet that the old post office isn't what it once was ...

The pond can't think of higher praise than to say Hay isn't far from Tamworth, in a metaphysical, metaphorical sense at least ...

But okay, the Caterist is just being paid to sing for his supper, and his hatred, fear and loathing of Australia and decent rural folks was perhaps just a form of mis-speaking, and there are many other ways of piling on to Comrade Bill, so what's he got?

The NBN?

The pond's ever so pleased that got raised. You see, not so long ago, an actual tree-killing edition of the Herald Sun landed in the house, and the pond couldn't help but notice a story by one James Campbell.

Campbell was springboarding off the comical tale of a wretched, persecuted Telstra victim, who staged a sit-in at Telstra's Marrickville store ...and the noble role the coppers played in sorting it out ...

By golly, that was in the HUN? People make up their minds based on their own experience, and right at this moment, the pond's broadband drops out every five minutes or so? And as for Centrelink ...

Please, tell the pond more ...

Actually the pond can pick the difference between Telstra HFC and the new NBN Telstra HFC, but not in a good way, and yes, things have moved beyond that now ...

Indeed, indeed. Well might it be explained why "Malware is no Billy McMahon" or "Malware is no Harold Holt" ... because back in the day, Malware spent an enormous amount of time and energy owning the new fixed NBN, until he decided it had all been a terrible mistake ...

The delusional promises he made are still etched in the pond's mind as if it was a bit of granite from the local stoneworks.

Here's the start of another piece by the AFR's Paul Smith, back in December last year, which can be googled for a full hit of the Malware follies ...

On and on Smith went, reminding us that Malware did for the NBN what the prattling Pom had done for the Hay plain ...

A long-term HFC advocate? Indeed, indeed ...

What a comprehensive dumbo. Well might it be noted, Why Malware isn't Bill Gates' shoelace ...

As for the rest, it's just a matter of mopping up the last of the Caterist dripping with a bit of stale bread ...

... and refuse to make that link to the MRC a hot one, and hand out the cash reward for services rendered ...

... and then move on to the Pope of the day, celebrating Malware's feeble enthusiasm for invasion day, with more papal pleasures here ...


  1. 3rd March (1986)

    Goosebumps Cater: "Hawke was an intellectual in the Australian tradition ..."

    Really ? Well it takes one to know one, I guess. Though I'm not sure if Goosebumps actually qualifies - doesn't an intellectual have to have an intellect ?

  2. Did you notice the appalling headline at the top of the reptilian editorial column today re the quite reasonable proposal both question the nature of Australia day and to change its date. It was titled the Politics of Hate.

    Have you ever noticed that the only people that ever refer to and dramatize the politics of hate are on the right side of the culture wars divide. People who,for very obvious reasons, disliked or loathed the lying rodent and the onion-muncher were called haters.
    But people who really did hate Julia and (perhaps) Kevin Rudd were never called haters by the reptiles. And of course the onion-muncher was one of the principal loud mouths who promoted this hate campaign.
    It could also be said that the reptiles are now involved in a hate campaign against Bill Shorten (kill Bill), and any and everyone on the green side of politics.

  3. I’d call the right wing brain dead shit thick alcoholics who comprise the Murdoch media, hypocrites, but to be a REAL hypocrite, you need to have a functioning intellect higher than that of a Minties wrapper. Clearly they fail at this.


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