Wednesday, January 31, 2018

In which Dame Slap does a Tomás de Torquemada ...

It will come as a shock to some that the HUNsters, the Terrorists and others in the Murdochian stables have had to resort to a promotion involving Enid Blyton, while flooding their rags with all sorts of gobbledegook and jibber jabber designed to suggest the cynical ploy was a deeply noble educational initiative.

The pond's question, driven by a quest for ideological purity, is whether the Murdochians are peddling the "revised", tamed editions, wherein such great characters as Dame Slap became Dame Snap .. or whether they've reverted to the original politically incorrect texts, because that's what reptiles who refuse to live in an Orwellian universe must do ...

The pond has its deepest, direst suspicions, and it's a question all the more potent and poignant because today is Dame Slap day at the lizard Oz ... who could imagine her going by the feeble, impotent name of Dame Snap?

Candidly speaking, isn't it about time that the reptiles of Oz got over Gillard and Clinton? The Donald remains obsessed with the election and with Clinton, and it's one of the more tedious aspects of a presidency with a limited vocabulary but with a range of narrow bigoted ideas ... though the pond admits that the Chance styling of "there is a cooling, and there's a heating" was wondrous to hear ...

Candidly speaking, how is it that a woman who lives inside a bubble which allows fantasies about UN climate conspiracies can speak of other bubble dwellers?

And with so many fresh wonders on a daily basis, why do the reptiles feel the need to brood over the past? 

Well, it's to lecture and to hector and to harangue and to provide moral guidance, and it's the perfect way to disappear into the past, as an aid to disappearing up the fundament ...

Real challenges? Ah yes, we're back in the world of unreal challenges ... but what's unreal is the way Dame Slap once again seizes on a metaphorical figure ... the Inquisitor ... 

Perhaps she imagines she's some kind of Grand Inquisitor ...

Did Dame Slap pause even for a nanosecond to think about what it might mean to invoke an "inquisitor"?

Leaving aside Frank Zappa's central scrutinizer and the nonsense of Star Wars, it puts the Dame squarely in the role of an official in the inquisition, designed to eliminate heresy and all other things contrary to the doctrines and teachings of Dame Slap ...

Would she be worried by this? Probably not, because it resonates so with the not so crypto part of the crypto-fascist mind set ...

Dame Slap probably sees El Greco ...

... while the pond reverts to the original, genuine, no substitutes accepted, Dame Slap ...

... which is why the pond will be watching very closely to see if the reptiles have gone politically correct and weak at the knees with their Enid Blyton promotion ...

And so it's on to more Dame Slapian talk of the Inquisitor conducting a grand, completely tone deaf Inquisition ...

It really is beyond the valley of the delusional, all this stuff.

Whenever the pond thinks that at last the Dame has jumped the shark and nuked the fridge and can never do any better, there she goes, shoves a shark on the barbie and nukes the back yard ...

On and on she rambles, as if trying to outdo Coleridge in the matter of opiate dreaming ...

Says the inquisitor, bringing the night to a close ....?

Only in Dame Slap land, or perhaps the more fundamentalist parts of the Catholic church, or in the Catholic Boys' and Girls' Daily ...

And how about that narcissist conclusion, whereby thanks go to the Inquisitor and Dame Slap, because the two women have been tortured to see the light and to confess their heresies and their infamy,  and so the noble Dame has passed on a "genuine legacy to the women of tomorrow" ...which can only mean a three course serving of self-serving delusionalism ...

Never mind, forget the past, and the ramblings of a reptile who seems to find it increasingly hard to say anything with a modicum of sense and relevance.

At this very moment, Malware and the poodle are intent on passing on a genuine legacy to the people of tomorrow, though you won't find Dame Slap's inquisitor to be very inquiring about the present, with nary a hint of a Grand Inquisition into present nonsense ...

That must be left to Canberra's very own Pope, back to issuing daily encyclicals here ...


  1. I would like to make a comment but find it hard to understand why slap is talking about past women who have stayed out of political comment as far I can recall. Julia Gillard has not become a commentator on politics unlike the little war criminal making comment about Bob Hawke being the best labor prime minister.

    1. I'd say it's because of the Julia and Hillary Show that they intend to put on to preach against sexism, ww.


      Just another one of those cases where herpetarium denizens just have to make pariahs of people who hold opinions contrary to theirs.

  2. Oh what a delightful rant from Dame Snap (sorry DP, I no longer thinks she rates a decent Slap). Yep, wondrous thoughts from a woman who, herself, has never done anything of the least note nor shown any sensitivity, now lectures others on what they have supposedly gotten wrong.

  3. Dame Slap to female politicians: 'leave the manufacturing to us.'

  4. The pond questions "whether the Murdochians are peddling the "revised", tamed editions" and, while I suspect DP already knows, I can provide the answer. The first screen cap says "Joe, Beth and Frannie...". As any Blytonian knows, it is authentically "Jo, Bessie and Fanny...", so it's definitely bowdlerised, sanitised Dame Snap for the mirror-world that is the Murdocracy.

    The full list of 15 titles on offer is truncated, but I'm willing to bet that even for the Orwellian, politically correct Terror, the "Three Scallywags" (a travesty of the immortal original) is flirting with lines their virtue-signalling, anti-free speech editors are unwilling to cross.

    But, really, Janet's pissweak, juvenile wish-fulfillment fantasy is what passes for op/ed these days? She didn't even have the commitment to ask for Susie Derkins's pony. Have they stopped even trying...?


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