Saturday, January 27, 2018

In which the pond celebrates the beginning of a year of Dame Slap clichés ...

Thank the long absent lord that's all over.

At last that day is behind us ...

Now the reptiles and the pond can get back to doing the things that matter ... you know, dinkum Aussie clean coal, oi, oi, oi; how wretched are electric cars, or what; aren't wind farms the ugliest things on the planet; why did South Australia wreck the electricity grid - are croweaters full of spite; and the latest news from Lloydie, fresh evidence that climate alarmism is alarmist ...

And there's even more fun to be had elsewhere, finding good in the Donald, and bemoaning the greenies, and salivating over the splendid insights of the forward-looking onion muncher and ....

Say what?


Sheesh, the day not one day buried in the grave, and they hold a funeral service, and every pretentious ponce in the district, or a blowhard from out of town, comes to give an oration, or keep the debate running ...

Won't someone think of the pond?

Thank the long absent lord, Dame Slap is on the prowl, and better yet, doing something that hasn't been done for quite some time, giving the filthy pervert commie can a hefty down the road ...

And even better, right there, front and centre, is the pond's favourite catch-cry for the year ...

Now some might contend it's meaningless blather, a cliché that desperate and feeble minds resort to when they can't think of any other comforting form of abuse, snatched from social media, and rehabilitated into a form of abuse like the re-treads the pond used on the old Holden ...

Oh  okay that's a Pommie ad from the 1960s, but we're all Poms on the sacred day, and see how the Dame grandly brings back another menace, the "red menace".

What happened to the good old days of armchair warrior/revolutionary, back-seat driver, champagne socialist, and limousine liberal?

Never mind, red menace it is ...

No, not that red menace, this red menace ...


Good old Republic, always the studio to watch, and now, after all that much ado about nothing, please allow the pond to slip on an old pair of battered slippers and saunter back to the good old days with Dame Slap ...

The pond knows exactly what Dame Slap is on about.

Like that fool who boldly explained how she slipped on a red cap, with a mindless slogan on it, "Make America Great Again", which seems to consist of heading off to Davos to frolic amongst the 'leets, and the crowd and Dame Slap cheering ...

How about that livewire, on the ball Steve Mnuchin ...?

Sorry, ''leets' is such and old and passé word and concept ...

We must head back to Dame Slap peddling a James Bartholomew lie how he came up with the phase virtue-signalling ... a bit like the humblebragging of the Donald about fake news ... and a sad reflection on the company the Dame keeps (why couldn't she at least do a bit of Greg Hunting before swallowing tripe?) ... and the Dame forced to do a little dissembling, because he didn't really come up with it ...

Look, if virtue signalling was simply wearing a childish, mindless, totally stupid red cape with a truly hopeless mantra, MAGA, stitched on it, the pond would understand where the Dame was coming from ...

But here's the thing. In that last gobbet, the Dame managed to sound like a strident socialist, mocking clever marketing and Whole Foods and sounding very righteous about the whole phenomenon of capitalism, market value and all the rest of it ...

Lock her up, lock her up ...

Never mind, at some point, the Dame is likely to get very defensive about her love of the Donald, and seek to deflect and turn her attention to the red menace ...

Um, actually, more likely there'd be talk of the good people roaming the streets chanting about the Jews ...

That at The Atlantic here ...

And now to continue the distraction and the deflection, it's on with more of the red menace ...


The pond has a buck or two on George Orwell being mentioned ...

Meanwhile, as Dame Slap delivers her faux history lesson of outrage, real bandits make off with the loot, and there's no need to look far to spot them ... and Dame Slap in her own humble way has done her best to MTGA ...


  1. hahaha yeah 'virtue signalling' is the latest fad isn't it? So ubiquitous on the right wing nut job sites as a catch all insult to the lefties that it has totally lost any meaning it might have had. Whatever happened to calling people who want to make the world a better place, bleeding hearts or luvvies or do-gooders?

    1. Hi Anony - I thought that term was thankfully passe but it seems to be enjoying a resurgence thanks to saturation usage by recidivistic hacks like Albrechtsen.

    2. No, no mate: if you show any sign and/or say anything they disapprove of, then ipso facto you are "virtue signalling". The point being that "signalling" is not doing !

      Now what I've always liked about Dame Slap is her great reliance on psychological projection - an extreme version of v-s where the virtue "signal" is that you can claim to be free of all the bad things you project onto others.

      So D-Slap can wear her "virtue signalling" MAGA cap in the streets of NY whilst condemning anything anybody else shows contra to that.

      But the very best instance of her "virtue signalling" was "Lord" Monkton and the United Nations plan to take over the world via the "climate change" fraud. The UN was going to impose a New World Order and a Single World Government. Monkton signalled so, and she signalled so.

      But what diid she do about it ? Did she start a campaign to get people to recognise the UN threat ? Did she use any of her political contacts to try to get government action going against the UN ?

      No, she just did her signalling via a herpetarium article and, despite the serious nature of the threat, she promptly ignored it. But oh, how much everybody else is guilty of "signalling".

    3. I beg your pardon. I offered a comment without seeing there were others, but I had nothing to add anyway.

  2. Little wonder there's nary a comment to accompany mine. It's one of Dame Slap's finest -- as as near to unreadable as anything she's done.

  3. "Virtue signalling is a modern calamity when it muddies the mind" says Dame Slap.

    So, when Slap's mind was muddied by the lies constructed by Bush cabal, and she went all "all the way into Bagdad and beyond!" in 2003, how do we view the outcome?

    Hundreds of thousands dead, the Middle East destabilised for decades, does that register as anything like the "calamity" of virtue-signalling?

    She is wholly without shame, but that's hardly news to anyone with 'alf a brain.


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