Friday, January 05, 2018

In which the pond must confess to musing about a very disappointing Friday ...

Say what? Sharri of the Terror is on a break and they send in some second eleven person to scribble about social media for the zillionth time?

Is it any wonder that tending to the reptiles makes the pond stupid, anxious and unhappy?

Desperate on a Friday, the pond went looking for more reliable loonery, but it wasn't any better over at the Speccie...

Musings? As soon as the pond reads something like "New Year's musings", it's plunged back into a 1950s void of quaintness, antimacassars and the aspidistra on the what-not ...

Oh sure there was Giles Auty, deep in his dotage and still fighting the cultural wars, and plucky Kev delivering a diaphoretic, diuretic, diarrhetic diary set in Dharamsala ... 

But what could be done with bon mots like this, as Kev celebrated a taxpayer-funded junket?

Or this?

The pond felt in urgent need of a bucket, but not for the reasons plucky travelling Kev suggested. Besides, the pond has been there many times before ...


Talk about suffering the musings ...

None of the Speccie offerings had the faintness chance of passing the pond's rigorous quality control standards, and so in a state of deep desperation, the pond turned back to the lizards of Oz, and what an ongoing disappointment, that a week that could start with the Oreo and Moorice in tandem could end with such a whimper ...

The old hits were still being recycled ...

Percy and the whips and the dog botherer turning up to win a dispute about a traffic fine was amongst the best of 2017? No wonder 2017 was fucked ...

Oh sure, the reptiles for a moment seemed to be announcing that Foxtel was now officially dead after delivering a surfeit of tedium, while Netflix and others had ridden to our rescue ...

Thanks to Netflix and no thanks to Foxtel? Oh wash out your keyboard, Justin Burke ...

As for the big story of the day, the reptiles were largely missing in action. For a brief moment yesterday they felt compelled to make some Donald hay ...

But today they were distracted by bill shock and the mutton Dutton ...

But where was the Chairman?

More to the point, where were the denials? 

Fucking idiot? Of course the sweet-tongued, honeyed chairman is just one of a long conga line of abusers detailed in the book, but the pond was desperate for a denial, a refutation, and it seemed deliverance might be at hand ...

Well indeed, Wolff's past can't be ignored, so how did the fucking idiots allow him to have such free and easy access to the campaign and the administration and for so long?

And when the pond actually cut to the cut and paste chase, what a disappointment it turned out to be ...

Say what? The savagely satirical Cut and Paste cut one of its pastes?

“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”

If you take out all the bad shit, you miss the best bits ...

Ailes mocks Trump’s servility to Vladimir Putin. After Bannon proposes that Ailes suggest to Trump that Murdoch is going senile, Ailes suggests that might not work: 
“Trump would jump through hoops for Murdoch,” he reportedly said. “Like for Putin. Sucks up and shits down. I just worry about who’s jerking whose chain.” (here)

Come on Murdochians, hit the pond with an elaborate, convincing denial ...

The reptiles are quoting Slate, that useless loser liberal rag, and then revert to a Nigerian joke and an old Getup! routine?

There wasn't a full-blown, full-blooded denial to be found?

It's quite possible that the Donald is, in the immortal words of the Chairman, a fucking idiot? or possibly a fucking moron? Or stuck on the fourth amendment? Or had been post-ironically Ivanka'd about his pate and his hair?

Never mind, what a bummer Friday, but speaking of baldness, who is the bald thuggish white lout jumping up and down on the cop car featured in the immortal Pope's cartoon this day? (With more sound papal guidance to be found here).


  1. The Dog botherer I think is on Sydney radio replacing the christmas party misbehaver over summer.So the harbor city has its own lord haw haw

  2. I just did a search on head-up-his-butt "conservative" Giles Auty. he is even worse than I suspected.
    Seems as though he supports the ultra-reactionary back-to-the-past outfit which publishes the Oriens Journal - which features all the usual suspects in their pretentious fancy dress "religious" drag.
    He is of course also a fellow of the opus dei aligned Campion College.

  3. I'm looking forward to Altered Carbon, but in won't start getting dropped to Netflix until a week into February. So Rupert's organ is illustrating a story about how Netflix is ending the dullness of non-ratings TV with a promo still from a show which doesn't start on Netflix until after the non-ratings period has ended.

    Fake news or just to stupid to get it right? Who can tell anymore?


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