And still the memes keep coming, this one thanks to the Harvard book store, as the paper tiger ducks a fight with Xi, and hesitates at more court action, while spawning a twitter frenzy, and the mystery of the dossier deepens ...
And meanwhile furious Frank flops into the reptiles of Oz commentary section hoping for more of the same, European style ...

Meanwhile, prattling Polonius was buried deep within the reptile digital bowels. Will he surface in due course? No matter, the pond was not to be denied its history fix ...
But the pond also likes to do segues and pivots, and what better place to pivot from than the senseless sounds of a Furedi fury?
Here's the closing bit of his latest attempt to flog his book ...
Now Furedi himself is an interesting case.
The pond is of the view that anyone who fell for dimwitted left wing student radicalism in youth is - like the late Christopher Pearson - up for any sort of mugwump nonsense in later life ... compounded by the way that Furedi, who talks in a most un-British way, was one of those who enjoyed all the benefits of porous European borders and ended up in Pommie land as a result ...
The pond is of the view that anyone who fell for dimwitted left wing student radicalism in youth is - like the late Christopher Pearson - up for any sort of mugwump nonsense in later life ... compounded by the way that Furedi, who talks in a most un-British way, was one of those who enjoyed all the benefits of porous European borders and ended up in Pommie land as a result ...
The Palinist climate denialist can be found by devoted Greg Hunters in all his assorted demented glories at his wiki here ...
But for the moment, he's just an entree, a warm-up man, the clown between the acts, as he urges us to watch the Cory space ...
Watch this space?
Well the reptiles are already in Cory space-watching mode ...
Well the reptiles are already in Cory space-watching mode ...
But that too is just an introduction to prattling Polonius pronouncing on the gutter rat Cory ...

Naturally Polonius dusts off our own dinkum Don, and if you Trove Chipp cartoons here (how the pond loves nouns as verbs), you can find all sorts of memories of lost times ...
But in the excitement of memory lane, the pond almost forgot Polonius. What fun it is to see him trash the rat Cory ...
Now the pond has its own measurement for the Cory effect.
There have been very few cartoons lampooning a man who is very easily satirised as a narcissist double dealing rat, who did over the people who voted for him and the party which favoured him.
Not that the pond is shedding any tears for any of them, but it seems nobody much cares. The rat Cory has quickly shifted down the gears to become a minor senator from a remote state which has constant black-outs ...
It's easier to call up cartoons featuring gorgeous George ...
There have been very few cartoons lampooning a man who is very easily satirised as a narcissist double dealing rat, who did over the people who voted for him and the party which favoured him.
Not that the pond is shedding any tears for any of them, but it seems nobody much cares. The rat Cory has quickly shifted down the gears to become a minor senator from a remote state which has constant black-outs ...
It's easier to call up cartoons featuring gorgeous George ...

Croy's idea of class is to turn up to a group where Larry Pickering makes jokes about tossing gays off rooftops, Daesh style. Such a wit.
Pickering has the class of a horse's arse, but it says something about the desperate company Cory now keeps ...
Would a real cartoonist pay attention to this loon like they did to renegades in the old days?
Let's face it, if the only cartoonist company you can score is a Pickering, and if you don't have a punchy slogan - how could we expect a rat fink bastard to keep the bastards honest? - then you're a lost cause ...
Take him out Polonius with the sort of dismissive sniff you're famous for ...

Meanwhile, the pond felt vaguely guilty. What about furious Frank, still dreaming of revolution, in the way utopians and delusional fundamentalists always do? Possibly because life in a provincial university is immensely dull, and Frank doesn't have the wit to write Eating People is Wrong ...

A new way of doing politics?
Is that like the new way of doing jobs?
In fact about the only sensible use of furious Frank is as an interstitial which allows for a few cartoons ...

Speaking of cartoons, as Frank seems incapable of understanding populism and populists ... is that why universities are being infantilised by dumb teaching staff?... luckily the pond had an assortment to hand ...

Well duty's done, and the pond has served up its fatuous dish of furious Frank, and others can make of it what they will, and soon enough he'll end up back where the pond started with him, celebrating the treacherous rat fink Cory as a sign of hope down under ...
It seems dreams and delusions are the most common coin in the world of fundamentalist politics ...
Yes, those nouns work really well as verbs.
And so to the venerable Pope, celebrating another Malware initiative ... which in its own way is curiously reminiscent of the American Home Shield ad that litters CNN like rat or rat fink Cory droppings, and can be see here.
It goes without saying that there is more Pope here...
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