It says something about the rabid demagogic crusading far right ways of the reptiles that yet another reptile missive about 18C - this one predictably by the notorious and vexatious Dame Slap - should have turned up high in the digital pecking order this morning ...
The whole point of incessant, hysterical frothing and foaming, and rabid repetition, is to wear down the hardest stone ...
But it was the google splash that truly put a ladder in the pond's right-wing stocking ...
But it was the google splash that truly put a ladder in the pond's right-wing stocking ...

Forget the typo. Marvel at that line about a truly liberal Australia ...
In what fantastic alternative universe does Janet on her remote Planet imagine that she and her fellow reptiles are part of a truly liberal Australia?
Does spouting paranoid hysteria about the UN using climate science to introduce world government qualify a scribbler as a true liberal?
What about routine scribbling for the Catholic Boys' Daily, intent on promoting an appalling and repressive authoritarian conservatism, that with even the wildest stretching of the imagination, has nothing to do with being truly liberal ...
In what remote valley does constant, wearing screeching, a din of intolerance and abuse, pass as an example of the liberal notion of "live and let live"?
As usual, the pond had to plunge in ...

What does that rant about Yassmin Abdel-Magied - one of dozens by the starling reptiles murmuring through the skies - have to do with abolishing 18C?
Three fifths of fuck all, as we used to say in Tamworth ...
Is there any evidence that Dame Slap is restrained in her bigotry or her willingness to smite Islamics mightily?
Not really, because the bizarre linking of 18C to growing hypersensitivity is immediately followed by another slagging off of Islamics.
There's a curious thing at work here - the desire of conservatives to outdo others in being vulgar and insulting and deliberately, provocatively offensive.
In the United States, it reached some sort of peak with Milo, as explored in a piece Why Conservatives Fell for Milo Yiannopoulos ...
Before his fall, he was much loved, and in much the same way as Dame Slap's ranting about 18C ...
Yiannopoulos’s invitation was, perhaps, the logical denouement for a cause that prioritizes provocateurs over polemicists and entertainment over substance. His appearance could be seen as a microcosm of a movement that became everything it used to hate—that defines deviancy down.
True conservatism has been replaced by a fetish for fighting political correctness. Along with a penchant for showmanship, this seems to be Yiannopoulos’s entire shtick―and it’s a good one. The enemy of your enemy is your friend, and since Yiannopoulos says horrible things about radical feminists and other annoying leftists, he is, ergo, a conservative hero. This was the initial message from Schlapp. Before rescinding Yiannopoulos’s invitation (in response to a critical tweet from conservative writer Jonah Goldberg), Schlapp said the “1st amendment is dead on campus. Conservatives should fight back. As radioactive as milo is he is fighting back.”
True conservatism has been replaced by a fetish for fighting political correctness. Along with a penchant for showmanship, this seems to be Yiannopoulos’s entire shtick―and it’s a good one. The enemy of your enemy is your friend, and since Yiannopoulos says horrible things about radical feminists and other annoying leftists, he is, ergo, a conservative hero. This was the initial message from Schlapp. Before rescinding Yiannopoulos’s invitation (in response to a critical tweet from conservative writer Jonah Goldberg), Schlapp said the “1st amendment is dead on campus. Conservatives should fight back. As radioactive as milo is he is fighting back.”
And this:
Once upon a time, conservatives used to be vaguely stuffy, and they celebrated gentility and politeness. They disapproved of vulgar words, and sniffed at what they construed as vulgar actions.
These days they want to infest the gutter ... they want to shove it to the genuinely mushy, soft, feely touchy, nice liberals. Give 'em a taste of the steel, they don't like it up 'em and so on and so forth ...
The plea to get rid of 18C is actually a plea for Dame Slap and the like to go the full Milo. To be as offensive and insulting as she can manage ... without fear of any consequences, and knowing that there'll be fuck all constraint applied by the reptiles of Oz ...
The result is surreal, and reminds the pond of the time it spent in Dame Slap's school trying to produce answers ...
Oh please Dame Slap, the pond has got some questions to add to that.
Why do the reptiles cherish the theocratic state of Israel, yet get hysterical about the theocratic state of Iran?
Why is climate science a UN conspiracy, when everyone knows it's a Chinese conspiracy?
And please Dame Slap, why do the reptiles always get agitated about Islam, with nary a cross word about the devious deeds of the Catholics? Or any of the other cults worshipping imaginary friends?
Luckily there's a crib sheet to hand for a few of the answers ...
Why is Trump's cabinet so illiberal white? So that they can jump up and down on the black board ...
Thanks Seth, and anybody who wants to catch that joke about the Trumpists can avoid the rest of Dame Slap and duck off to YouTube here ...
But there's always a few suckers willing to be dudded, so it's on with the Islamic bashing and indignation about the taxpayers, and not a single mention of the Caterists making out like bandits with a cool nigh on quarter mill each year in grants milked from the taxpayer ...

Here's the surreal absurdity of this. Not a single word of Dame Slap's meandering rabid frothing and foaming would be affected by 18C as it now operates, or if it were repealed.
The only benefit she might find if it were repealed would be the way it allowed her to go the full Milo, the full Coulter - who knows, she might even want to go the full Monty ...
The pond says this knowing that Dame Slap loves to be surreal and severe ...
Indeed, if you imagine you might be liberal, do your very best to avoid going with Dame Slap ... she's at her best impersonating the alien having a few sharp toothy words with Ripley.
The whole bizarre experience reminded the pond of that old Blake poem:
Conservatives seek only self to please
To bind another to their savage delights
Joys in another's loss of ease
And builds a Hell of personal abuse in Heaven's despite ...
Well played, Dame Slap. now its time to catch that damned clock ...or maybe torture the children a little bit more, in a liberal way of course ... well, at least by being liberal with the torture, in much the same way that Islamics and climate scientists deserve a Dame Slap torturing ...
Eek, a Dame Slap cure. That'll knock the liberal out of ya ...
And for anyone agitated about the pond maligning and traducing Blake in reptile style, here's the original ...
I would find it really interesting if somebody, somehow, could induce The Dame to actually write down - not for publication, of course, just for private witnessing - all the words she didn't write because of 18c.
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody think there'd actually be any ?
Presumably the Dame's steadfast defence of Milo Y's right to make a fortune by being as obnoxious as possible - sorry, his freedom of speech - was written and filed prior to the lad's fall from grace.
ReplyDeleteYou'd have thought that the reptile editors might have noticed, though. Or is it too much to expect them to keep abreast of what's actually happening in the world? After all, they're only running an ideological shit-sheet that pretends to be a newspaper.
"What a difference a day makes /
24 little hours"
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDeleteMaybe "Liberal n Australia" isn't actually a typo but an attempt to stop government using grammar to enslave its citizens.
Just ask "Malcolm-Ieuan: Roberts."