This was the sight that greeted the pond this morning as the Terrorist reptiles came out to bask in the Sydney heat (sssh, how many times must the pond ask for climate science not to be mentioned) ...
Petulant Peta was in fine form, with Malware her hapless target ...

Oh they do love to kick him, and no matter the instrument, it's all fine provided it results in blood. There must be blood ...
Actually that's probably a bit out there for Peta, she might prefer the more genteel New Yorker cover ...
Not even Malware shouting dinkum Oz coal, coal, coal for the world, oi, oi, oi could placate petulant Peta ...

It surely did ... what fun ...

Of course when Peta was in power, instead of petulantly scribbling for the Terrorists, there was a different form of high or low brow comedy doing the rounds ...
Well that would get him into trouble these days with the Donald, but it's back to the unseemly gloating ...

Now it has to be said that the pond is dumbfounded that petulant Peta is dumbfounded, since if ever there was a tone deaf internationalist, surely the onion muncher was it. But what do you know, the reptiles then decided to put Abbott and Putin in to the story ...

Which presumably means she's quite fine with the poor old onion muncher who hasn't got much to leak, but nonetheless keeps carrying on about anything and everything, pissing into the wind as if determined to show Russian hookers that he knows how to spray like a dog marking its lost turf ...
Meanwhile essence of malevolent Miranda the Devine was also top of the digital page ...

Hmm, when does the slack Devine submit her copy. Reports were whizzing around the intertubes about there being a pause in the vetting, which had forced Julie "asbestos" Bishop to emerge from hiding and issue a plausibly deniable statement:
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has denied reports that the US has delayed interviews with detainees on Nauru, amid lingering uncertainty over whether America will honour a refugee settlement deal.
Detainees applying to settle in America under the deal have reportedly had their planned second-round interview dates with US officials postponed indefinitely. But Ms Bishop told reporters in WA on Saturday that she understood interviewing and vetting was still taking place...
...Confusion around exactly what President Donald Trump meant in saying the refugees would be subject to “extreme vetting” was the reason behind postponing the interviews, according to an unnamed source in a Reuters report. Under the settlement deal, the US will take refugees currently held on Manus Island and Nauru in return for Australia accepting refugees from Central America.
Indeed, indeed, the pond understands that "understood" is one of those much loved legalese words whenever a lawyer turned politician is confronted by perplexing matters.
And who can wonder, given the average level of psychosis on parade in the nightly tweets ...

... which might help the Devine explain why there's a little agitation doing the rounds ...
Yes, the pond understands that Time magazine is a declining force in the world ... but still, there's enough in this ... (outside the paywall for the moment)
... to cause a little agitation.
Not for the Devine of course, as she and Bannon try to outdo each other as heart of American and Australian darkness ...
But now, without any attempt to prejudice proceedings, the pond should get on with the read ...

Oh yes, pity the poor Donald. And then in the usual way, the pond was distracted by the Terrorist illustration...
There seemed to be a remarkable symmetry at work ...
... but one of the joys of the pond doing petulant Peta and the marauding Devine is that there's no room for Akker Dakker's croakings ...

Yes, how dare you try to sugar pie the Devine, you humbug loser, you dropkick POW. Couldn't you have managed to die gracefully under torture, and never return to the States? Why up against the Donald's heroic service, getting almost as many deferments as he had bankruptcies, avoiding STDs while dating is some sort of personal Vietnam. Don't you try to soft soap your way out of that one McCain ...
There's a master administrator in power now ...

It was around this time that the pond realised what was happening ... the sudden inclination to obscenity, the desire to shove an icecream in the Devine's face ...
It was building to the point where the pond felt the need to run Bill Maher, who himself had been reduced to inarticulate obscenity. But at least the pond could share a laugh about the tragedy of millionaires making a fortune out of damaging each other's brains ...
It's some sort of metaphor for petulant Peta, the essence of darkness Devine, the Donald and the whole damn thing ...
"Under the settlement deal, the US will take refugees currently held on Manus Island and Nauru in return for Australia accepting refugees from Central America."
ReplyDeleteWell wadda ya know - nobody told us that, did they.