Why not start with a meme, especially when the alternative is to start with a Johns ...
Yes, it's the far right seeking to normalise even the most aberrant and abhorrent expressions of far right values ...
Now why "Johns" felt the need to put inverted commas around "Asians" and not "Aborigines" must remain a mystery.
But then some might think it's also a mystery why "Johns" would celebrate the "barking mad" Malcolm Roberts, failing to understand that when one climate denialist loon howls at the moon, others have an irresistible yearning to do the same ...
But it's a tad unfair to drag Antony Green into the mess. Context please, and what he actually said is here, way back when ...
But how can an Oz reptile columnist get away with shamelessly recycling ABC data and analysis, and calling it their own kind of insight?
Because that's what the reptiles do, while at the same time frequently berating the ABC ...
Never mind the contradictions, let's get on with the looting and the cherry picking ...
Well that last par is a wonder of confusion. Hopefully if politicians have any brains, they'll work out what Johns actually meant ...
Meanwhile, speaking of reactionary contributions, the Terrorists produced this bit of anarchy this day ...
Meanwhile, speaking of reactionary contributions, the Terrorists produced this bit of anarchy this day ...
Naturally they also had a clown at the top of the opinion section.
Well you might leave the circus in disgrace as a failure and a flop and a fraud, but you will stay a clown ...
Well you might leave the circus in disgrace as a failure and a flop and a fraud, but you will stay a clown ...
Hmm, that "feedback about the result" offers the chance to dob in the Terrorists, vile enemies of the people, for peddling fake news and alternative facts ... and Mark Latham ...
Whenever the arm-breaker hovers into view, and taxi drivers head off into hiding, the pond fondly recalls Pope's evocation of the untreated effluent spilling from the mouth ...
Of course a few delusionals might think that Latham is conducting a clever covert operation, whereby his enthusiastic support for the onion muncher undermines Malware, and so facilitates the return to power of the Labor party ...
Unfortunately for this theory, splendid though it is, the arm breaker is somewhere to the right of the onion muncher, and perhaps even Genghis Khan, and has a deep and abiding hostility to Bill Shorten ...
Nope, he just loves destruction and mayhem and confusion and chaos, and the more it can be dressed up as mindless male strutting macho mojo, the better ...
Nope, he just loves destruction and mayhem and confusion and chaos, and the more it can be dressed up as mindless male strutting macho mojo, the better ...
Why is it that the Terrorists favour that snap of the smirking onion muncher as their go to pic whenever its commentariat is doing a hagiographic homage to the wrecker, sniper and underminer?
Who knows, because on we must go into the morass of blather about identity politics and cultural Marxism ... and the Oreo-like need to teach the benefits of Western civilisation in our schools and universities.
How else are the kids going to learn to break a taxi-driver's arm with skill and with pride? And the fascist capacity for deportation based on thought crimes ...
Hmm, is it possible to deport the arm-breaker for preaching hate?
It was around this point that the pond noted that Vegemite was advertising in a hate rag.
It was around this point that the pond noted that Vegemite was advertising in a hate rag.
In the US, they're managing a very nice campaign to make Breitbart suffer - here in the Independent is a story a couple of days old about a further 100 companies pulling advertising ...
Watch out for the sleeping giants, Vegemite, as we head back to the Terror for another snap of the onion muncher ... together with an entirely wrong, delusional and misleading blaming of immigration for the death of the Great Australian Dream of home ownership ...
The pond can understand the onion muncher peddling this sort of mischievous misinformation, but just think ... here's a former leader of the ALP returning to the days of the White Australia Policy ...
But then came the pond's special treat - there's always a special treat in unfiltered sewage and waste disposal water - and it came in this short chunk ...
Remember the talk of the suffering young? Cue talk of the outer suburbs battlers ...
Outer suburb battlers?
Roseville golf club?
Say what?
Yes, the long suffering larrikin outer suburbs battlers lurk on the north shore at the Rosevill Golf Club ... oh see their suffering and shed tears of woe. Don sackcloth and ashes, wail and sing lamentations for their affliction and despair ...
Roseville golf club?
Say what?
Yes, the long suffering larrikin outer suburbs battlers lurk on the north shore at the Rosevill Golf Club ... oh see their suffering and shed tears of woe. Don sackcloth and ashes, wail and sing lamentations for their affliction and despair ...
Oh the suffering and the unhappiness ... and look, such is this tale of woe that they've had to offer a deal ...
Amazing savings, and only $25 green fee for pikers who want a five day membership!
Frankly the pond was staggered at the way that life on the upper north shore of Sydney had been reduced to such a tragic state. No wonder these north shore larrikins are up in arms.
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons!
Sauvez votre club de golf!
Well there was just one final gobbet in this battle to save western civilisation and prevent the financial collapse of golf clubs in Sydney ... and especially Roseville ...

Ah the good old inner city 'leets, as frequently mentioned in a rag produced from a bunker in Surry Hills, the home of the best baristas in the land ...
Thank the long absent lord that the honest burghers of the upper north shore will have nothing to do with these fiendish inner city traitors ...
Let us have no more talk of fibros and silvertails. The north shore is the heart of the larrikin masses.
Let us have no more talk of fibros and silvertails. The north shore is the heart of the larrikin masses.
And there you have the rich absurdity of the day, even better than the Donald discovering health might be tricky ...
It's the arm breaker heading off to Roseville - median house price $2,266,000, median unit price $882,500 - while blathering about inner city 'leets?
It's the arm breaker heading off to Roseville - median house price $2,266,000, median unit price $882,500 - while blathering about inner city 'leets?
This could only be managed in that most fuckwitted rag, the Terror, dedicated as it is to the celebration of clowns still doing their tricks long after they'd left one circus for another ...
Now around this time, the pond would usually wrap up proceedings with a Rowe cartoon, with a pointed reminder that more excellent Rowe could always be found here ...

Under God! And there's that damned atheist toad from the north defying his God and going off on his own.
Finally, for a touch of nostalgia, the pond really should run that full Pope cartoon which featured the regurgitator. It turned up in the infallible Pope's twitter feed here ...
Finally, for a touch of nostalgia, the pond really should run that full Pope cartoon which featured the regurgitator. It turned up in the infallible Pope's twitter feed here ...