With the end of the lotus land of January, the reptiles have returned and the pond can no longer cope with the rancid water gushing into swamp ...
But the pond would like to place on the record, albeit at end of day, the heroic work of the reptiles in the cause of 18C.
While no one else gives a flying fuck, and while the reptiles have this day been distracted by the wicked feminisation of science, the reptiles have made 18C business a daily heroic cause ...
The routine works this way. First you rope in a new dope who will write something about it. Then you report the scribbling of said roped in dope, and get a double bang, a double bunger, for your buck ...
First there's the report ...
See how it works? The dope gets his picture in the paper and a very respectful story summarising all his great insights ... or if you will, blather about fundamental decency and common sense ...
You only have to turn up in a mall to see some of that fundamental decency at work ...
He said?
Surely the report should have said "he scribbled for the reptiles of Oz"...
As for believing all Australians are hate-filled, racist bigots ...
Well no, but it's the ones that are - the shock jocks, the Bolter, cartoonists of the Bill Leak kind, and other commentariat scribblers for News Corp, and the bilious bile that flows from these circles, and then spreads out into the community, fermenting in the minds of the dullard Pauline Hanson kind and Cory Bernardi supporters that's the worry ...
It's a virtuous circle of bigoted racist echo chambers, when in reality freedom of speech in Australia isn't that hampered or constricted, unless you want to talk about dagos, wops, wogs, darkies, pesky blacks, chinks and so on and so endlessly forth ...
And if you want a dose of that any day of the week, you just have to catch a Sydney bus or train to see how widespread it all is ...
Maybe it's different in Perth, which the pond understands is pretty whitebread, full of Poms and South Africans who've fled the blacks and found comfort in a new land ...
There, see how easy it is to deliver up a bit of prejudice?
Never mind, having done the news and meditated thereon, it's now time for the scribble ...
Never mind, having done the news and meditated thereon, it's now time for the scribble ...
Sheesh, didn't we just do all that crap?
But that's the cunningness of the plan. Bore them to tears with inane, insane repetition, and it'll become a lay down misère ...

Of course you could flip this attention-seeking, publicity-garnering, lickspittle fellow travelling with the reptiles rope a dope fool's logic easily enough.
If this sort of cartoon is allowable, and publishable, where's the hampering of freedom, where's the limitation, where's the constriction of freedom of speech ...
If this sort of cartoon is allowable, and publishable, where's the hampering of freedom, where's the limitation, where's the constriction of freedom of speech ...
If you can traduce an entire culture, where's the problem?
You want more of it?
Well there's plenty plenty more ...
Oh you want Bill Leak to do domestic violence in a white setting?
Why not give him a call, it can probably be arranged ... but really it's only funny when it involves black people.
You see whites require a whole different sort of humour ...
Oh the poor man ... how funny, how sad, how witty.
No way that hapless, persecuted conservative could bash the shit out of a woman ...
No way that hapless, persecuted conservative could bash the shit out of a woman ...
And so to the rest of the rope a dope routine ...

How many years will this 18C routine drag on?
Well at least until the reptiles of Oz business plan produces the first bankruptcy or the Chairman toddles off to meet his good friends in hell ...

And now the pond would like some rich irony ladled up ...
Yes the Donald has been signing all sorts of executive gagging orders, banning domestic government information getting out into the world, and banning information about abortion ...
Come on Senator, how about it? How about a column expressing outrage at the behaviour of the Donald?
18C, you pissant lap dog, you poodle ... why it's nothing, it's a bagatelle up against real limitations on freedom of speech flowing right before your enfeebled eyes ...
Uh huh, still not feeling the rage, Senator?
Not a peep Senator? Not a moment's reflection on the way fundamentalist Islamic men and fundamentalist Xian men are just peas in the same repressive pod?
You still think 18C's the big talking point? You would, you useless dropkick rope a dope, but that's enough irony for the day, it's time for a few old cartoons and that panhandler Panahi ...
Oh to be in Melbourne now that 2017 is here: the Bolter, the Panhandler, Jeff Kennett and Tom Elliot all regularly featured in our biggest selling daily dead tree publication.
ReplyDeleteLet joy be unconfined !
Elsewise: "You can't ban abortions, you can only ban safe abortions"
How tragically, stupidly true. My beloved partner once had Bertram Wainer as her local GP - not that she ever needed his special services - but he fought the good fight against very corrupt police and politicians in his day.
Comparing his decency with the idiocy of "the war against 18c" then I have to think that public life, especially of the elected kind, has just gotten worse over the years, and no end in sight.
The pond has an enormous amount of time for Bertram Wainer and the fight he fought GB. No one likes an abortion, but anyone who's ever been touched by a backyard abortion knows the difference between a banned abortion and a safe one ...
DeleteWainer was a good guy from all reports DP (not just from my partner's admiration for him). He wasn't totally pro-choice though - he did kinda insist on having a chat with an intending abortionee to be sure about her decision. Indeed I recall that at one stage - when he was under some level of personal threat - that a union leader (sorry, can't recall his name or union) and some of his union mates took up residence in Wainer's clinic to protect him.
DeleteApparently the union leader's wife had gone to Wainer but after the obligatory chat had decided to keep the foetus which was much to the delight of the union guy and his mates. I only hope it was equally to the delight of the guy's wife but like so many of these passing incidents I never came across any later update (no Facebook in those days).
What Wainer was on about was if a woman really wanted an abortion, then it was her right to have it performed by a qualified surgeon in an appropriately established theatre. not in some dodgy back-alley room. There probably would be even now, I think, one or more women alive in Melbourne who owe that state to Wainer.
Aaargh, I hate it when this happens !
ReplyDeleteThere I was, reading the free deadwood copy of the Hair-Oiled Scum with my morning coffee when I read The Panhandlers column and I had to agree with her !! It happens about once a year with the Bolter too to my great regret.
But there was Rita, asking why 6 of 11 AOs had gone to some very ordinary politicians and pubserves (eg Gillard, Bligh, Parkinson etc.) These types, said Rita, get very good salaries and entitlements plus very generous retirement benefits etc, so why do they qualify for AOs just for doing their jobs (or, indeed, not really quite doing their jobs at all eg Anna Bligh).
It's a question I would seriously like answered too.