Screen caps, no hot links, google the story as you care, because this is TGIF day, and it's time to kick up the heels and relax and enjoy a good military parade ...

Oh the pond probably should get a little serious ...
You see the reptiles are wildly excited, and naturally the first thing they do is rip off the WSJ ... here's another screen cap, and if only Colbert knew the word of the day is chaos ...
Yes, it's disciplined parades and chaos, and a truly bizarre piece of speculative nonsense the pond will get to in due course ... and meanwhile, on with the WSJ making the reptiles of Oz sound grate again ...
Well all that's tremendously reassuring. That'd be the style a zillion pundits implored him to drop and another zillion said would be changed by the gravitas of the White House ...
Please, do go on ...
All this and military parades too ...?
Because we can never get enough military parades, and they're even more fun and a better distraction than an Olympic games ... please, do go on ...
Oh yes, there's tremendous excitement and military parades, and they always lead on to splendid things ...

But you know, now the pond is hungering for a comedy item, a kind of 'what if' speculative fiction sort of show, and we can't Jennifer Lawrence, how about RG in the lizard Oz?
So that's what jumping the shark and nuking the fridge really means? The pond was never quite sure, but thanks RG ...
Hey, RG, just before we do those 10 actions, have you sold the idea to a movie producer yet?
The pond reckons we could whip up a spec movie and there'd be a military parade too ... we could stream it, and old fashioned hipsters might even want it as part of their disc millstone around the neck collection ...
Okay, the pond's ready now RG, sock it to us ...
Great RG, and that bit about climate science ... really tremendous ... great you and the Donald have got it all sorted ... oh yes ...
And to think we could just be like Paris, and there'd be parades too ...
Who wouldn't want their grandkids to enjoy all the excitement?
Naturally, it being the United States, someone has already taken to the idea of a top cheerleader ...
And now, after all of that, as we settle back to enjoy TGIF, is there a long absent lord in the house?
Someone who doesn't mind breaking Godwin's Law and is happy to play the role invoked when people pray 'god save America'?
Someone who doesn't mind breaking Godwin's Law and is happy to play the role invoked when people pray 'god save America'?
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDelete"Mr Trump had vowed more than a dozen actions on day one..."
However day one isn't necessarily day one. Over to you Donald;
“I mean my day one is gonna be Monday because I don’t want to be signing and get it mixed up with lots of celebration,”
Well hey, he's President innie ? Surely he can set his own flexitime arrangements, can't he ?
DeleteBesides, we all remember Calvin Coolidge, don't we (he was Andrew Kehoe's President, too, so who will come for Trump ?)
One thing that shits me about online history discussions is the tendency of people to weigh in with their weird adolescent fantasies about what might have been...What if the Germans had won the battle of Stalingrad, what if the Nazi's had developed the atomic bomb, all that sort of crap...
ReplyDeleteNow it seems that sort of wanking can pass as news, as long as some dreary geriatric who should have given it up 20 years ago is on the byline. This "article" has nothing to do with Trump, it's nothing more than RG's masturbatory fantasies about what he would do if he ran the zoo. And I say that, even though I agree with at least one of those ideas.
Just a fancy, counterfactual sort of 'pundit's fallacy' then, you reckon.
DeleteBut don't keep us wondering, which idea(s) do you share with RG (if not actually with Trump) ?