Okay, the challenge was on to scribble over the Mona Lisa, and courtesy Duchamp - you can Greg Hunt the work here - the pond was up to the challenge ...
The pond is feeling in an anarchist mood this lunchtime, ready for some censoring and some banning.
The very last traces of "the Optus the" have been removed from the house - let us never speak of in German of "die Optus die" again, and Mike Baird has decided to bugger off, expunging himself as NSW premier ...
What a happy banning that one is ...
Oh he's done all the right things, dropped lots of luscious contracts into the hands of developer mates - and lo Barangaroo became a vision - but don't you worry about little Mikey, he'll be taken care of...
And what a tragedy, thanks to big Eddie Obeid that now as an opposition leader we have Luke Foley, who hasn't had to do anything except sit there and watch Baird stumble into the bushes ...
Well the pond will remember WestConnex as the Baird legacy, just as the pond thinks of Paul Keating and Bob Hawke each time a third runway plane flies in overhead ... but banning is the business of the day, and thanks to the reptiles, there's a prime loon ready to join the fray ...

Now the thing about an attention-seeking narcissist of the Leyonhjelm kind is that there's no reward in encouraging him. Like Pauline getting herself invited to the Trump fest, or Malcolm Roberts on climate change, their loonery is its own reward.
Leyonhjelm fancies himself as a fancy-free twitterer up there with the Donald ...

So trying to pan or ban him or stabilise him is simply no solution ... instead it's time for a little faux outrage of the wretched kind ...

Actually, the pond notices plenty of mouthing-off by idiots - Leyonhjelm provides plenty of examples just by himself - and not too much action taken in the courts.
But it was when the pond came to this that it really began to wonder what sort of pills the Senator might be popping ...

Where to start? Well, let's not go into what's turning up, if you know where to look, on YouTube, whether seeking porn, full-length movies or pirating of live TV feeds ...(The Independent, here).
Instead there are hundreds of suppliers - from Imagefap to Redtube and so on and endlessly on - of all sorts of sexual activity for fans of same, available 24/7/12/365/366 on the full to overflowing intertubes ...
Why call it "weird sex"? That reveals plenty about the Senator's dirty state of mind. Any of the mainstream sites ban child porn, but pretty much anything else goes. The good Senator might still be stuck back in the days of visiting XXX shops in a raincoat, but the reality is that the law has lagged far behind the way the internet has changed, and is changing, the world ...
Now the pond doesn't worry about this sort of stuff, and runs a blog designed to be SFW rather than NSFW, and something the family could take a look at together - though the notion that children should be exposed to Leyonhjelm or the reptiles of Oz is a concept that the pond finds vaguely appalling and frightening ... it makes the natural loving coupling of people seem quite human and endearing.
But the reason that no one else is banging on about censorship or "weird sex" or "sadomasochism" is because that debate is done and dusted (and if it isn't, you can just get a proxy and then it's done and dusted).
That's not to say that there aren't an abundance of prudes in our midst. Every so often the pond drops in on Crikey, which is desperately trying to generate hits and maintain some sort of relevance by making short pieces available for free, as here ...

Rooting? That's about as quaint and as vulgar and as revealing - why not fucking? - as the good Senator blathering about "weird sex", which presumably encompasses anything beyond the missionary position.
No matter, the pond bit on the link, and discovered the sort of "rooting" that still gets Xians agitated:

Of course all the usual clickbait suspects - Huff Post, the Fairfaxians and so on - picked up on it, and the ad agency was noted in all the trades (just google to see) and people wondered about the age of the models and no doubt Volley felt pleased with itself, though as usual, it wasn't about freedom and love, it was about flogging stuff ... and it had about as much chance of the pond forking out for Volleys as reading Leyonhjelm made the pond feel libertarian ...
But it did make the pond wonder what else that epic fuddy duddy might be saying ... not just about people being denied their serve of "weird sex" but about other onerous examples of persecution ...

The truth invariably comes out on top? What a stupid, stupid man.
Go tell that to North Korea, the Chinese Communist party, Vlad the impaler, Mike Baird, Malcolm Roberts, or in due climate change course, the Trumpists ...
Never mind, the pond will raise a glass in honour of the good Senator's chatter about Anzac Day ...
And then there was this ...
Pond tip for women ... rate your breasts at 11, and you'll win the tickets and the good Senator will approve ... or at least put your balls on Twitter ...
As for the rest, the pond strangely hasn't noted that it's been banned from using the word Anzac, so much as turning a profit off its use - and as VB showed, that's pretty loose and contingent on the sort of heavy-hitting mates you have in an RSL which is notoriously foot loose and fancy free with the loot it scores ...
If anyone cares to say, without intending to profit from it, that some aspects of Anzac Day can be seen as endorsing idiotic war mongering, they remain free to do so ...
And thus far, there seems to be nothing to stop the pond repeating its notion that David Leyonhjelm is a really stupid, stupid man ...
And so, since the mood has turned rather hysterical at the pond, and we started off with a Greg Hunt reference, why not end with a papal insight, and as always there are more infallible papal pronouncements here ...

Oh and there's more Rowe here too ...suggesting that if Leyonhjelm tried a little cartoon wit, he might be able to say much about many things, though with more of a rapier than his patented use of thick-brained cudgel ...
I am entirely offended by how idiotic that man's repetitive blathering about free speech is.
ReplyDeleteI am entirely offended by the notion he might be able to achieve something of value on the wages I help pay him that isn't obsessing about a nonsense subject that is being enabled and perpetuated by The Australian.
Right, who do I see about enforcing my rights then?
You should use the Tudge=o=matic approach, Via. Send him a this-is-not-a-debt-notice, asking him to prove that he's not a complete waste of space. Then when he doesn't respond, it's time to go after them thumbies with a lump hammer.
DeleteFor all the blathering, the man clearly hates free speech for anyone but himself - if you didn't see him pwned by the Chasers last year, its worth three minutes of your time.
Hmmm, well maybe scribbling on the Mona Lisa can improve things after all.