Now those who want to duck out right away can head off to The Atlantic here, or visit Canadians in a state of agitation at the Globe and Mail here ...
For better or worse, and it's generally worse, much, much, very worse, the pond's beat consists of the reptiles of Oz.
It's obvious enough that the Donald's recipe of "only America first" means everyone else last.
No fair dibs, no share and share alike, no best buddies, just winners and losers and dropkicks ...
No fair dibs, no share and share alike, no best buddies, just winners and losers and dropkicks ...
Do the reptiles understand this? Have they got the faintest idea of how the law of the playground bully might play out on the international stage?
Well the pond has only one post in it this day, but it's going to be huge, very huge, pretty bloody big huge ... and sad, very sad, so sad, so very, very sad...
First up is that dropkick loser and epic failure, prattling lightweight panderer quisling Peta ...
The fatuity of that opening splash might be more apparent if the pond were to be allowed a little transposing: Prime Minister Abbott might now be in Canberra, but "Canberra" will not change him ...
Instead it spat him and his loser sidekick out like a bit of hard to chew meat ... and that's the way things go.
There will be an end to President Trump, but reading the delusional panderers and the quislings, it might be a little hard to imagine at the moment ... and it might all end in tears, as these things often do ... especially if you think a man who presided over six bankruptcies has the sort of business skills a nation state needs to transform its economy ...
There will be an end to President Trump, but reading the delusional panderers and the quislings, it might be a little hard to imagine at the moment ... and it might all end in tears, as these things often do ... especially if you think a man who presided over six bankruptcies has the sort of business skills a nation state needs to transform its economy ...
There it is, there's that mention of the onion muncher ...
... along with an over-estimation of the size of the crowd (and let's not mention the actual popular vote).
It might just be that the crowd the following day matches the crowd of the inauguration day ... but it's the usual way of dropkick losers to celebrate the wisdom of the crowds, at least until they become its victim ...
It might just be that the crowd the following day matches the crowd of the inauguration day ... but it's the usual way of dropkick losers to celebrate the wisdom of the crowds, at least until they become its victim ...
At the very least he means to be authentic? What, you can take authenticity to the bank, and the teller, while noting that at least you're authentic, will hand over that loan you were after?
What a stupid remark, by, it has to be said, an ineffably stupid woman ...
What a stupid remark, by, it has to be said, an ineffably stupid woman ...
But please, while the pond has arranged a few visual distractions, we must press on ...
Stand by their convictions? Surely she jests? We know what happens when stupid onion munchers stand by their convictions ...
And so to a final burst of Peta ...
Oh fuck, she really does think no one can remember and she can burble on about elites in unashamed, fashion ...
Well that's enough of a stupid woman. It's time to turn to the reptiles of Oz, and the one good thing to say about the bromancer is that he decided to be short ...
That "big question" is of course a typical bit of clickbait trolling.
A couple of days ago, over at, Gavin Fernando dared to scribble Here are the crucial policy questions Donald Trump still won't answer ...
A couple of days ago, over at, Gavin Fernando dared to scribble Here are the crucial policy questions Donald Trump still won't answer ...
They included the replacement, if any for Obamacare, how deportation might work, questions of ongoing conflicts of interest, relations with Russia and China, and the possible results of idle conflicting chatter about infrastructure ...
By way of contrast, the bromancer's big question - spoiler alert - was whether the Donald was the Donald, though in a fatuous way, he might just as well have asked if an orange is an orange, or a pipe a pipe ...
Being consistently the Donald, which is to say, rampantly, repeatedly, endlessly inconsistent, contradictory and foolish, is his chief virtue?
Almost as he scribbled it, even the bromancer must have realised the mindless mendacity of his opening gambit ...
Well as promised, the bromancer was short, and as they say about waffle, the less there is the sweeter it tastes ...
And that's the best he's got ... a dose of Trumpian paranoia about the Donald's enemies ... shades of Nixon already ...
Meanwhile, in the rest of reptile la la land, they trotted out a whole bunch of reptiles to contemplate these plus ça change times ...

Sadly, the pond could only pick a few, seeing as how one of them would have to be a dose of Paul "Ned" Kelly bloatware, which might make some punters yearn for a goodly dose of vapourware ...

Right from the get go, the pond felt the need of a bunch of New Yorker cartoons, and it's possible to get more New Yorker cartoons here, and skip the rest of the scribbling ...
Still one hardy masochist in the tent? See how well you handle this gobbet ...

Hmm, what did those squawking, squealing Canadians, cited at the very beginning, say about all this?
Well you won't read that in the reptiles of Oz, but then the Canadians are uncomfortably close to the scene of the crime and the bandit in their midst ...
Hmm, time for another cartoon ...
Well what else to do, because in his usual way, nattering "Ned" is not just mindless, so fascinated is he with the wonders of his insights, he's also endless, a one person scribbling machine wanting to chart new understandings of infinity and an endless universe of blather ...

Is this rhetorical questioning a prelude to another cartoon? So glad someone asked ...

Oh please, with the one remaining hardy masochist reader long gone, please, oh please, just let it end ... it's just too sad ...

Yawn. The pond has already jumped ship to China. If America is to be the winner, and everyone else must be losers, then better to get on board with the strongest of the losers ... and now, at last, it's time for nattering "Ned" to toddle off to the club, for a good stiff dry sherry ...

But wait, the pond promised something huge, something so sad, even if, so sadly, that means that nary a reader will be left to marvel at the speculations of the wondrous RG ...

The pond has been down this speculative path before with RG. Then it was what would happen if Trump's policies were taken up and applied to Australia ...
It's a simple matter in speculative fiction just to re-brand all the same nonsense and revert to the policies being applied in the United States and so to the world ...

The looming revolution? Well there's probably a cartoon in that ...

Now the only thing about all this is that RG's speculative fiction be retained for re-reading in a year's time. Or 200 days, whatever ...
Then we'll see how RG's powers of speculative fiction writing match up with what actually happens ...

Oh fuck, he's still blathering about draining the swamp, when in reality the Donald has re-stocked his swamp with billionaires, military men and Goldman Sachs people ... google Trump and Goldman Sachs and see how much news from the swamp there is ... six alumni, including the treasury secretary nominee, as the Goldman Sachs colossus returns to stalk the land ...
Oh okay, all it proves is that RG is shorthand for rabidly gibbering idiot, and everyone except the pond, off in the clouds of reptile la la land, already knew that ...
Sheesh, can se at least have a trash fire joke before we get to trashing the country and doing a final dash through RG's predictions ...

Yes, that'll do nicely, and now for those predictions, which the pond expects to be noted in 200 days time, or a year if you're feeling generous ...
Using the full to overflowing intertubes devices, the pond calculates that 200 days from the 21st January (well it's an American device, and so is a little behind the times), will be Wednesday, 9th August 2017 ...
How much of this nonsense will have come to pass by then?

What do you know? RG is such a thickhead and dunderer that he and his spell-checker fell into the old "bare" verses "bear" trap ...
The Donald will tell Germany, France, the UK and Italy that they will have to get naked?
Such a stupid, delusional, hyper-ventilating man, but a fitting way to end this very huge, very sad, oh so sad, Sunday piece ...
Naturally the pond has a word for all of this, and the endless mountains of analysis that will be certain to follow, before the great crash, or the clash of arms, or the impeachment hearings begin ...
Ennui ...

It certainly is a dilemma. Ennui ... as the world ends, not with a bang but a Donald ... oh, and don't forget the salivating simperings of the likes of a prattling Peta or a bullish RG, who is just waiting to be bitten by the the world going bareish...
From the LRB:
ReplyDelete"according to Barrett’s biography Trump is haunted by The Twilight Zone episode ‘A Nice Place to Visit’", about a man who wins at everything, he never loses. It's worth a look.
Hi Dorothy
ReplyDeleteYou sum up these delusional layabouts at Murdoch so well
I have to say that there's a truly exceptional lot amongst the reptiles, but I had completely forgotten just how totally idiotic* Gottliebsen can be. I really liked his pronouncement that: "We will need to be ready to show Trump's people that our US free trade agreement is in their interests."
ReplyDeleteDo we think perhaps that showing the simple truth that "our US Free Trade agreement" is totally to the profit of the US and to the loss of Australia would do ? Or would that simply show how benightedly stupid we are and inspire Trump to make a lot more "Free Trade agreements" with us until Australia goes bankrupt.
I did catch this little gem from Peta though (talking of "baring" it): "Trump will provide his critics wrong again ..." Yep, indeed I think Trump will provide his critics with steaming heaps of wrong.
* Just as a reminder:
idiot - IQ less than 26
imbecile - IQ 26 to 50
moron - IQ 51 - 75
Normal - IQ 76 - 105 (or thereabouts).
I thought Credlin was supposed to be the brains behind Abbott. Must have been someone behind her.
ReplyDeleteKelly's article wasn't so bad - at least he started to think about the implications for Australia. He's right that Trump is unprecedented. A mixture of Warren Harding, Richard Nixon and Father Coughlin, all of whom ended badly.
Harding doesn't seem to have been very corrupt himself, it's just that he let things rip while he mostly played cards. Father Coughlin had a set of populist ideas that mostly contradicted each other, until he finally settled on anti-semitism.
By the way, can you give us some Doonesbury cartoons? He's been on Trump's case for years.
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDelete“To finance its industrial revolution Trump will lower US taxes both corporate and personal so encouraging Americans to bring their money back home. My guess is that there will be an amnesty for past sins.”
That is the essence of why Wall Street is so enthusiastic about a Trump presidency. The big US multinationals have been squirrelling their profits offshore for decades. The amount is staggering;
The loss in tax revenue is why US infrastructure is in such a parlous condition.
However the downside for a multinational is that it can’t include this offshore money in its annual earnings report and therefore cannot pay out massive dividends to their shareholders especially those on the board and investors in the stock market.
Now with Trump in control all that can change and with just a tiny payment to the US government all that loot can come back to further pad the pockets of the rich. Any illegality such as money laundering will be conveniently forgotten.
As the British politician Denis Healy once said;
“The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall.”
The greedy bad behaviour of Corporate America will once again be rewarded.
Hi Dorothy,
ReplyDelete“To finance its industrial revolution Trump will lower US taxes both corporate and personal so encouraging Americans to bring their money back home. My guess is that there will be an amnesty for past sins.”
That is the essence of why Wall Street is so enthusiastic about a Trump presidency. The big US multinationals have been squirrelling their profits offshore for decades. The amount is staggering;
DeleteThe loss in tax revenue is why US infrastructure is in such a parlous condition.
However the downside for a multinational is that it can’t include this offshore money in its annual earnings report and therefore cannot pay out massive dividends to their shareholders especially those on the board and investors in the stock market.
Now with Trump in control all that can change and with just a tiny payment to the US government all that loot can come back to further pad the pockets of the rich. Any illegality such as money laundering will be conveniently forgotten.
As the British politician Denis Healy once said;
“The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall.”
The greedy bad behaviour of Corporate America will once again be rewarded.