The pond is long over the Donald, but for some curious, strange, perhaps mystical reason, the sight of a delusional Dame Slap remains delectable...
It's a tribute to the power of really strong kool aid that the Dame could celebrate the arrival of billionaires, generals and Goldman Sachs as a reclaiming of Washington from the political elite ... when all that's happened is that one set of alligators has replaced another ...
Being close to the scene doesn't guarantee any special insights, or indeed, it being Dame Slap, anything noteworthy at all ... except perhaps for the use of the words "True Believers", which once used to be applied to people who looked to the light on the hill, or maintained a perverted, unhealthy interest in the St Kilda football club ...
Now the Dame has always been stark raving mad, besotted by tales of the UN using climate change to install a world government, but she seems to have cranked it up to eleven again ...
It seems that the Donald has become the subject of yet another grand passion ... or to use the style of mockery favoured by the Donald, a grand mal ...
Indeed, and luckily the pond had a photographer on the spot, who just happened to catch Dame Slap in the crowd, worshipping the pure Trump ...
Oh well, that's the obligatory Godwin's Law fine in the swear jar out of the way, but for some reason, there's something about the Dame that makes the fine seem like a modest and reasonable stipend ...
After all, there's a peculiar form of bitchery, essence of cat fight, in demeaning Hillary Clinton as the wife of Bill Clinton.
So much for conservative notions of the joys of the marital state as a foundational rock of civilisation ...
Simple messages for simpletons, and it goes without saying, Dame Slap. And then Goldman Sachs and the billionaires moved in.
Luckily Dame Slap was too busy to notice ...
Even the real meaning of that jocular reference to a filthy rich businessman throwing expensive bits of clothing out the window passed over Dame Slap ...
Your average Tom Ford piece might go for five grand (not the humble sunglasses that might go for $300, or the mass produced stuff you might pick up for a cool thou or so).
Fuck the pond dead, if draining the swamp means being able to throw away designer clothes, what's the bet that the punters in Milltown USA or Coaltown Virginia are going to return to being rich as Croesus?
Five grand and you just chuck it out the window?
And we're talking about reclaiming the swamp for the little people? The little people who can afford to throw a Tom Ford out the window?
While doing a quiet boycott? Because a noisy boycott would be too vulgar and might ruffle feathers in Toorak and Vaucluse?
What else to do than howl at the moon with laughter?
Well please allow the pond to spend up big on swear jar fines ...
Fifty cents. and worth every penny of it ... and now, just in case you think the pond might be exaggerating, we must now turn to the hysterical, baying crowd, and there's the Dame loving it, all the hate, and the fear, and the loathing and the chanting ...
Up yours Washington elites?
Up yours billionaires, generals and Goldman Sachs alumni?
What if they like having it stuffed up them? I mean, they might need something to replace all those lost Tom Fords ...
Well here's the thing. Dame Slap is herself part of a Murdochian elite, a handsomely paid hack, given the chance to travel and file reports on the corporate dime ...
When the next revolution comes, Dame Slap might want to throw a few nervous looks over her shoulder.
Or she might just start to worry about a business model which is going to take a bit of a tumble if the Donald doesn't deliver the goods ...
Or she might just prefer to get high with the drug-addled ramblings of that drug fiend Rush "Oxycodone" "Hydrocodone" Dimblah ...
Well it's going to be a great four years for kool aid drinkers and cartoonists, but it's hard to figure out who else is going to benefit from the Taxi Driver Nation ... and more Pope here ...
And now as requested, a few Doonesbury cartoons, though for anyone who's interested, there's a book looking at his 30 years of coverage of the Donald ...
The trouble is, the Donald really liked Doonesbury. This was a favourite ...
It is in fact impossible to satirise the Donald. Everything redounds to the glory of his ego ...
Doonesbury and the Donald even made it into Snopes here ...
Nothing can deter the likes of Dame Slap from lining up to imbibe the kool aid.
There will, in due course, be a Jonestown massacre at least on a metaphorical level, down there with the slaughter of Tom Ford clothing in Toorak and Vaucluse ...
The best we can hope is that not too many innocent bystanders get caught up in the slaughter as the delusional behaviour becomes apparent, and takes the world close to, or perhaps over, the precipice ...
Meanwhile, we have entered yet another new world, a world where there are alternative realities and alternative facts ...
There will, in due course, be a Jonestown massacre at least on a metaphorical level, down there with the slaughter of Tom Ford clothing in Toorak and Vaucluse ...
The best we can hope is that not too many innocent bystanders get caught up in the slaughter as the delusional behaviour becomes apparent, and takes the world close to, or perhaps over, the precipice ...
Meanwhile, we have entered yet another new world, a world where there are alternative realities and alternative facts ...
"alternative facts" can be filed in the folder Examples of Fatuity and will join "core and non-core promises"
ReplyDeleteCalling things "alternative facts" is just - how can I express this ? - just "changing the subject". A tactic that has served the wingnuts well for many decades.
ReplyDeleteLimbaugh, Breitbart, Faux Noise and others - have they been dealing with non-alternate facts all these years ? This has been going on for a very long time and have any of the "non-alternate facts" networks ever called any of them out on their rampant lies ? No ? Well maybe that's why nobody is calling out Trump and his epigones and everybody is just swallowing "alternate facts".
Yes ?
That Dame Slap article.....wow. She sounds as though she's a little....errrr.... over-stimulated.
ReplyDeleteAh, if only George Grosz, who so insightfully depicted Weimar Germany and the rise of Nazism,
were still around to illustrate the Dame's fever-dream, and the Trump years to come..... https://www.google.com.au/search?q=george+grosz+caricatures&biw=1920&bih=983&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiCuczywdfRAhVKHZQKHfF2C8UQsAQIGA&dpr=1
To Peta and Janet, the impending disaster of a Trump presidency matters little. What's most important is sticking it to the left. Fuck they are weird.
ReplyDeleteA bit off topic but still very relevant to the deluded rantings of dame slap.
ReplyDeleteRemember how she quite often promotes the idea that those on the left politicize and/or use the law to further their "social engineering" agendas.
Well the abuser-in-chief is now using Twitter to openly abuse the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.
I never thought Planet Janet would embrace protectionist policies! I think the reason the Neolibs love Donald is because he drives the Left crazy, not because they think he's any good