Saturday, January 21, 2017

In which the pond does faux fake news with prattling Polonius ...

For a moment there, the pond thought that prattling Polonius had gone dullard yet again, and wandered back to memory hall to reminisce about the glory days with B. A. Santamaria ...

But as always, the pond underestimated Polonius's thirst for relevance ... because he's on to the subject of fake news like a hornet heading for a soda can ...

Aha, fake news. Now what's the bet there'll be lots of talk about fake news on the left, but not a word on the fake climate science that litters the Murdoch press, or the fake Catholic church favouritism that bedevils the scribbling of Polonius, as he strives to avoid that fake world known as purgatory within that fake religion?

Oh dear, there he goes again, wandering through the dusty halls ... can the pond travel back in time too?

Or part pure Franco-fascist loving loon, and for more purity of loonery, go here ...

Oh wait, there's even more from the same source, this time scribbling about Polonius himself?

Oh dear, the level of delusion ... is there anything to match it?

Well as always there's more Rowe here, but somehow the pond feels the need to finish off that onion munching thought bubble, penned in celebration of prattling Polonius's famous work ...

Now around this time, the pond imagines that any valiant reader who's made it this far has completely forgotten about Polonius's piece on fake news ...

But the pond loves its ideological scribblers, and so here's the final burst of one-sided recounting of history ...

And it goes without saying that the right intelligentsia in Australia (and elsewhere), especially what might be called the Opus Dei right of the Catholic church, has an appalling record in reporting the misdeeds and grave abuse of the Catholic church ...

Whatever else might be said about the Catholic church's rampant child abuse and cover up in Australia, the defence of the Pellists by the likes of the onion muncher, Polonius and the Bolter surely compound the grievous crimes that have been slowly revealed ...

If the fake religion of Marxism has produced much Stalinist misery, let's not overlook the misery produced by assorted loons worshipping their assorted gods ...

As for there being nothing new in fabricated reporting, why you only have to read the Murdochians on climate science, or watch Faux Noise for a nanosecond working diligently on behalf of the Trumpists ...

And now it's all come together, and no doubt in due course we'll be reading the diligent Polonius explaining how what's likely to befall the world in the next four years is all the fault of the lefties and the greenies ...

Pro Nobis Ut Deus indeed ...


  1. "And left-wing academics rarely reported human rights abuses in Ho Chi Minh's Vietnam or even Pol Pot's Cambodia (before Vietnam's invasion of 1979)."
    I believe right wing academics were just as guilty of rarely reporting these abuses, I may be wrong.
    But there seems to be a fundamental flaw in the dodderer's "logic".
    How can NOT reporting events be construed as fake news?
    Fake news is, by definition, false reporting - not failure to report which Polonius as an experienced lefty hunter should know is suppression, or censorship (so beloved by the Stalinists that must infest his nightmares)

    1. I hate to repeat myself (<<- joke :-) ) but it's all just the Rights winning tactic of "changing the subject". If you can't deny, or refudiate, that the likes of Breitbart, Limbaugh, Faux Noise etc have made up 'false news' over and over again, then simply change the definition of 'false news' to something you can blame on "the left".

      Is this not bleedin' bloody obvious ? Is this not something that Trump has done repeatedly in his campaigns ? What do you think that, for instance, "Trump Tirade" means ?

      If you don't know, lLook it up here: but substitute "outright lies" for "individually-weak arguments" because Trump never actually makes arguments at all.

  2. "Polonius explaining how what's likely to befall the world in the next four years is all the fault of the lefties and the greenies "

    In the next four years ? If you read Polonius (amongst others) it would seem that just about everything - then, now and yet to come - is all down to "the Left" (really, who takes any notice of "greenies" ?).

    I just can't imagine what tragedy has befallen "the Right" that they are so feckess, gormless and impotent. Not a single thing does "the Right" do - SaintMary being just one example, and his eager successors (Polonius, the Muncher, the Bromancer etc) are equally total failures.

    But hand on, wouldn't that mean Trump is "of the Left ?"

  3. I recall that John Howard went to visit Santamaria on his deathbed. Santamaria said that he thought that at his age, he was beyond hate but he hated what Howard had done to Australia.

    Tony Abbott was another Santamaria acolyte who was once known as "Santa's little helper".

    I expect that Santamaria would have thought even worse about Abbott's contribution that he did about Howard's.

  4. You have to hand it to Polonius; analysing current semantics via criticism of the 80 year-old writings of a long-forgotten US journalist, and concluding - as ever - that it's all the fault of Teh Left.

    He continues to display his rare gift for rendering even the most potentially interesting subject dead boring. It's a rare gift you have there, Gerry - if only it were even rarer.


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