There is of course a rich and wonderful irony anytime the Major Mitchell talks about focussing on the truth ... it always calls to mind the days when the Major Mitchell pursued a vendetta against leftie historian Manning Clark with a venom in inverse proportion to the evidence available ...
In fact there's probably more evidence evoking the Major's connection to the parrot family bearing his name ...

Now of course right at this moment, the world has seen where talk of alternative facts and groupthink and Fox News have led the United States, and so the world ...
But the dear old Major Mitchell keeps banging on about the usual suspects, seemingly incapable of appreciating that of all the false narratives and fake news, his time presenting climate denialists and far right bizarros has to count as the time when only the best and purest kool aid was served to lizard of Oz customers ...
It was possible to feel a little tremor run through the reptiles at the news that the NY Times might be coming to town (as in the splash above).
Little local clout? Isn't the idea to report fearlessly and truthfully? Why the obsession with bully boy clout, as opposed to a useful role for readers and the larger community.?
Well we all know the reason for that, and it's shown in the scribbling of the parrot responsible for much parrot food and a propensity to use his rag as a bully pulpit:

Spike the groupthink, focus on the true?
Well there's nothing more for the pond to say. The irony is complete. Cranked up to 11, even as the fetid stench of hypocrisy clogs the nostrils.
And it goes without saying that it would be sans Trump.
Wandering down memory lane is a very handy way of blowing away any talk about all the untruths and porkies Trump and his team have tweeted or told ...
Speaking of memory lane, was it only this morning that the reptiles were trying to breath life into the political corpse of the onion muncher?
How did that work out? Did anyone care? Did anyone notice?

Two retweets and one like. By golly, the congregation's getting smaller and smaller, a bit like the reptile business plan ...
Meanwhile, can we have just one moment of Trumpism?

Oh and as the alternative is more Major Mitchell, please allow the pond to celebrate this use of bananas and what looks like good old Adelaide fritz ...

Sob, sadly it's time to head back to the Major Mitchell for another rhetorical flourish. Sssh, don't mention the Donald, and lordy doesn't he manage to go on and on about Fairfax and climate:

Now the irony of the Major Mitchell talking about the spin on truth, and subjectivity, at a time when the reptiles of Oz put the onion muncher top of the digital news cycle and also top of the opinion page - albeit briefly, until sanity prevailed - is the sort of nonsense that's guaranteed to get the pond rolling Jaffas down the aisle ...
Oh and contemplating the role of the Chairman bringing the Donald to power, pausing for a Donald joke ...

But duty calls, and by golly, it really is a duty, as the Major Mitchell is now starting to scribble at nattering "Ned" Kelly length:

The point of all this?
It seems to be that Tony Abbott coulda, woulda, shoulda, and the Catholic Boys' Daily would have got him across the line ... on and we shouldn't talk about the Donald, because he's democratically elected and in the job for only a week, and hasn't it been a spiffing good week ... thanks be unto the Chairman and Fox Noise and the GOP ...
And then there's that last joke about "brand credibility." What a card, what a set of comedy stylings ...
No wonder each week the pond feels compelled to award the Major Mitchell bar after bar to add to his original Order of Lenin ...
There's no end to it, is there. So far we have Mitchell, "Ned" and Polonius doing the "I was always right about everything, and I simply can't remember any time when it was otherwise" routine.
ReplyDeleteWhat will they, and the others yet to come, do when The Australian is no more ?