Of all the commentariat the pond ignored over the holyday break, the least missed by the pond was the screeching, bilious, generally barking mad Miranda the Devine ...
But she was diligently at work while the pond played in the sand, and for that she deserves respect.
There she was demanding answers and cultivating conspiracy theories, though it turned out on closer reading that she had no actual evidence. Just deep suspicions and a large chunk of paranoia.
The pond quickly developed its own conspiracy theory.
Why was the conspiracy theory dated January 3rd on one Terrorist splash, as above, and yet dated January 1st in the actual Terrorist story? As here ...
Why was the conspiracy theory dated January 3rd on one Terrorist splash, as above, and yet dated January 1st in the actual Terrorist story? As here ...
Well mystery surrounds the Daily Terror dating system, or could it be that they just want to keep the conspiracy theory at the top of the page?
Whatever, perhaps they could give the pond a call when they have more than deep suspicions, and match the cops by talking to the man who did the explosion...
As a result, the pond preferred to dig back into that other story wherein the Devine flayed the onion muncher alive - flaying alive being a favourite technique of the Inquisition and fundamentalist Catholics of a certain mindset ...
As a result, the pond preferred to dig back into that other story wherein the Devine flayed the onion muncher alive - flaying alive being a favourite technique of the Inquisition and fundamentalist Catholics of a certain mindset ...
In these Trumpist times, the pond can't get enough of the onion muncher, and the commentariat turning on their onetime erstwhile hero ...
As usual with the Terror it's the illustrations that count, and what a shifty, furtive looking onion-muncher he is ... pursed lips, sinister downward look, contempt lurking on those condescending, arrogant, sullen features ...
And so to the onion muncher's thought crimes and policy failures ... not the usual ones of course, but the sort a barking mad member of the reptile commentariat might hold against the onion muncher for his weakling, pandering ways ...
Damn you, disgusting wets, damn you to hell ...
Actually 'cuckservative' is what American alt right, close to fascism, 4chan fuckwits of the first water call their political opponents, but somehow it feels very right and true to the Devine mindset ... the point being, in typical Devine way, that the onion muncher is a limp dick, a soft cock, and only capable of sexual intercourse using the Chidley method ...

How is it that whenever the pond reads the Devine, the mind races off into all sorts of Chidleian weirdnesses?
Never mind, best to finish off quickly ...
Indeed, indeed, but that talk of Chidley fed the pond's appetite for more of the Devine, and luckily, she came through in her usual Wednesday way.
Now there will be many in the class putting up their hands and pleading that they feel sick, and of course the pond understands that they are feeling overwhelmed and may leave immediately ... while the hardy types who stay can laugh at and mock these readers for their wetness and their weakness and possibly even their climate alarmism, because everything's for the best in the Devine's scientific world, and it's dinkum coal, coal, coal for the woorrrlllddd ...
Oh yes, it's Miranda channelling Rebecca Urban ...
And so on (google for the rest).
Or perhaps the Devine is following that other great lizard Oz worrier about hapless, useless men who routinely need her help, the incredibly caring Bettina Arndt ...
But before making the usual trek down the road of sympathy for persecuted men, please allow the pond to pause for a refreshing cartoon ...
That's better ... it puts the pond in the right frame of mind ...
Indeed, ugh, indeed. Imagine what they, or Miranda the Devine, might say about the notion of gay folk wanting to indulge in gay marriage ...
Ah that feels better, and so on the pond plods ...
Gentle rational men?
Well perhaps the Devine doesn't do much reading, but others can head off to Buzzfeed's How Men's Rights Leader Paul Elam turned being a deadbeat dad into a moneymaking movement.
Let's not worry about Elam's woeful relationship to his past lives, let's just sample the gentle:
Let's not worry about Elam's woeful relationship to his past lives, let's just sample the gentle:
Projects like these are why Elam and his website have become known less for political or policy advocacy than for his abrasive approach to debate. In one post, Elam wrote that “all the PC demands to get huffy and point out how nothing justifies or excuses rape won’t change the fact that there are a lot of women who get pummeled and pumped because they are stupid (and often arrogant) enough to walk [through] life with the equivalent of a I’M A STUPID, CONNIVING BITCH – PLEASE RAPE ME neon sign glowing above their empty little narcissistic heads.”
As for Warren Farrell, why not have a read of Mother Jones' Inside the Men's Rights Movement - and the Army of Misogynists and Trolls It Spawned.
The confused Farrell flew too close to the sun, and as usual, the Devine failed to mention the interesting part of the story ...
The following year, he and his wife, who was the primary breadwinner, divorced. Farrell says he still remembers the conversation that led to their split: He asked her who she would marry if he were to die—somebody like him or the type of man she worked with? "She said, 'I feel I'd have a lot more in common with another IBM executive,'" he recalls. "And I took a big, deep breath."
A few years later Ursula did marry a fellow IBM executive, while Farrell, who would not remarry for two decades, came out swinging against feminism. By 1988 he had collected his evolving views into his book Why Men Are the Way They Are, depicting a world where women—particularly female executives—wield vast influence. Even those women who are less successful have "enormous sexual leverage over men" and "can use the power to get external rewards," he wrote. Men, on the other hand, have been reduced to "success objects," judged solely by their status and earning potential.
Uh huh, well here's a tip for men. If you're so insecure you have to ask your wife whether she might prefer another man, please don't hang around for the answer. You should remember the old saw ... never ask a question or initiate an inquiry if you don't already know the answer.
But hey nonny no, on we must go, with just a cartoon break for refreshment ...
The confused Farrell flew too close to the sun, and as usual, the Devine failed to mention the interesting part of the story ...
The following year, he and his wife, who was the primary breadwinner, divorced. Farrell says he still remembers the conversation that led to their split: He asked her who she would marry if he were to die—somebody like him or the type of man she worked with? "She said, 'I feel I'd have a lot more in common with another IBM executive,'" he recalls. "And I took a big, deep breath."
A few years later Ursula did marry a fellow IBM executive, while Farrell, who would not remarry for two decades, came out swinging against feminism. By 1988 he had collected his evolving views into his book Why Men Are the Way They Are, depicting a world where women—particularly female executives—wield vast influence. Even those women who are less successful have "enormous sexual leverage over men" and "can use the power to get external rewards," he wrote. Men, on the other hand, have been reduced to "success objects," judged solely by their status and earning potential.
Uh huh, well here's a tip for men. If you're so insecure you have to ask your wife whether she might prefer another man, please don't hang around for the answer. You should remember the old saw ... never ask a question or initiate an inquiry if you don't already know the answer.
But hey nonny no, on we must go, with just a cartoon break for refreshment ...

Oh indeed, indeed, it's all a great success, and now we have a pussy grabber in a position of ultimate power.
As usual, there was the odd problematic comment in response to being Devined ...

Of course they entirely missed the point.
The pond can immediately think of one weak man who needs Miranda's protection. The weak-kneed, lily-livered, soft cock, limp dick cuckservative politician known around the world as an onion muncher ...
Good luck with that saviour onion muncher.
You see, you gutless pandering wet monger, you've been Devined ... just so the pond could enjoy the rich irony of the Devine wasting acres of bits and bytes moaning about the way feminist women treat men ... while de-ballsing the onion muncher and turning him into a political eunuch right in front of the Terrorist readership, as a Tamworth farmer might treat a useless ram ...
Oh yes, there's an irony in there, or at least a really good perfume ...
Oh how good it feels to plunge back into the heart of darkness, and then to round things out with an infallible Pope cartoon, and more Pope here ...
"pursed lips, sinister downward look, contempt lurking on those condescending, arrogant, sullen features ..."
ReplyDeleteSure he's not just impersonating Lou Reed, DP? Doo-do-doo, doo-do-doo-do-do-doo-do-doo, doo-do-doo-do-do-doooooo!"