The pond doesn't know what planet Lillian Saleh lives on - somewhere 45 kms from Sydney perhaps - and inevitably her self-congratulatory word of advice - given away for free by the reptiles on the basis that this is what it's worth - produced the comment "and they try to tell us mass immigration improves our standard of living" ...
But the pond enjoyed the Saleh piece, smug as it was with it's "I'm alright Jack through hard work and self-sacrifice and the rest of you can join me in my smugness or sod off", if only because Saleh indirectly Saleh branded Peta a snob as Peta scribbled the column next to hers for the Sunday Terrorists ...
Peta produced yet another one of those rambling "I still call Australia home, Tenterfield saddler, Tamworth home of country music" pieces sobbing into her empty beer glass about what a lucky country it is ...
No doubt this was just before somewhere a reptile began sharpening a quill to write a column deploring the way we all live like grasshoppers and don't work nearly hard enough and rely far too much on living in a lucky country ...
Meanwhile, Peta dropped a little postcode snobbery clanger in the ear of Saleh ...
Peta produced yet another one of those rambling "I still call Australia home, Tenterfield saddler, Tamworth home of country music" pieces sobbing into her empty beer glass about what a lucky country it is ...
No doubt this was just before somewhere a reptile began sharpening a quill to write a column deploring the way we all live like grasshoppers and don't work nearly hard enough and rely far too much on living in a lucky country ...
Meanwhile, Peta dropped a little postcode snobbery clanger in the ear of Saleh ...
There you go, the classic indication of a snob ... "if you can see the water, there's no better city in the world."
Of course a whole world of real estate stupidity and snobbery has been built out of harbour glimpses, and the pond is exceptionally pleased that Saleh called out Peta as the vacuous snob she undoubtedly is ...
But all this is very lightweight banter, fluff in the navel of the emerald city, and it made the pond realise that a rigorous diet of unleavened Murdochian reptile could leave the mind unhinged ...
As this is a Sunday meditation, what better than to take a little time off from the Murdochians - the Devine's vile perfumed bile will return soon enough - and see how things are going in other outfits ...
Now it has to be said that The Spectator is also showing all the signs of a humid slumbering summer - if the pond might be so bold, "summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells", and some dull opiate or hemlock has produced a drowsy numbness in the rag's pages ...
But still it was time to stand amid the alien corn, and experience a vision or perhaps a waking dream ... and lo, one deplorable poetical Michael Davis hovered into view ...
The pond immediately knew it was in a safe place and off to a good start.
A toilet joke, lavatory humour, with bonus roses and the Kenyan Islamic socialist ... what better company than this sort of elevated mind?
And there was something about the style that made the pond wonder if, at last, the late lamented Christopher Pearson had been re-born and was slouching back towards Bethlehem ...
Guns and drugs? Nope, it's all fuelled by fanatical leftists ... because gangs care so much about ideology, as opposed to cash in the paw and a snort in the nose and a jab in the arm ...
But the pond liked the cut of this Davis's jib. Here was a new hope, one who might travel far in reptile la la land ...
And then the opening line in the next gobbet sealed the deal ...
Ed West wrote a fascinating piece for Mummy ...
After the deep, rich satisfying Freudian convulsions about writing for Mummy, the pond settled ...
Here was a loon who had scribbled in celebration of the narcissist Donald and his speech, a Donald who exudes intolerance at every pore, then going on to get agitated people daring to disagree with the Donald ...
There was also a fairly rich tone of condescension and superiority, in the way of talking about kids chucking temper tanties.
Now before moving on, albeit in passing, the pond should honour that Ed writing for Mummy, just so we can place him in the firmament ...
Catholic Herald and groupthink? He sounds just right for the pond - lo, look how he stares at the camera like a startled, traumatised cod, transfixed by the world ...
The pond suspects that West's connection with actual physical labour has been distant, though perhaps he routinely heads out into the field as part of his prep for his work on medieval history, so he can imagine himself at one with the serfs ...sssh, he's not to know the three fields system will ruine everything ...
But that brings us back to Michael Davis, who it turns out is also a dab hand at history ...
An unctuous, hand-wringing, grovelling courtier, happy to survive on the bread crumbs that fell from the royal table
No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be;
Am an attendant lord, one that will do
To swell a progress, start a scene or two,
Scribble a little nonsense about Obama's 'loo
Advise the prince Donald; no doubt, an easy tool,
Deferential, glad to be of use,
Impolitic, never cautious, and rarely meticulous;
Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse;
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous—
Almost, at times, the Fool.
It explains why self-satisfied, smugly complacent frat boy can join in singing ...
God save Donald the Emperor, our good pussy grabbing Emperor Donald
Long live Donald the Emperor in the brightest splendor of bliss!
May laurel branches bloom for him, wherever he goes, as a wreath of honor.
May dowdy housewives experience a moment of orgasmic bliss.
God save Donald the Emperor, our good Emperor Donald!
It was around this point that the pond wanted a photograph, to see if our VB-drinking, Newtown street-sauntering frat boy had the same cod-like pose as the Catholic Herald-loving Ed West ...
Oh a serious, sombre four eyes with a LinkedIn listing here ...offering up The Free Mind, which is to say Essays and Poems in Honour of "witch doctor, Abo lover, appalling minx, Chinky-poos, Mussies, fatsoes, bogan" Barry Spurr ...
It turned out that Davis popped up in all sorts of odd places ...
Now for anyone wanting to click on, and help, the "imaginative conservatives" preserve the good pussy-grabbing, the true banning of everyone in sight, and the beautiful joy of hating everyone different and other, sadly the pond must report that this is a screen cap, and so it isn't possible ...
But it is possible to find plenty of four-eyed (well if using chinky-poo is a sign of a free mind, where's the harm in celebrating the pond's comradely journey through life with other four eyes?) contributions of this kind ...
That bit about crossing the Tiber immediately recalled the late lamented Christopher Pearson - no doubt at some point in the future Davis will cross the Tiber again - though not before he can scribble nonsense about being a monarchical Republican, when really he's clearly much more interested in emperor and Tsar worship, and in China would have had a handy role as the sort of eunuch the dowager empress loved to surround herself with ...
There's no doubt that Davis is the future, and he will be the rich source of much fascinating material for a future pond scribbler, long after the current pond has expired ...
After all, as frat boys and their emperor fuck over the world, what fun there will be ... especially for those frat boys who seem interested in poetry and medieval history, as opposed to crawling in the belly of an F-111 fuel tank, or going down in coal mine with canary, or doing hard yards imitating a robot on a factory assembly line ...
It reminded the pond of another recent young contender, hot for a moment, but a flash in the pan ...

Another four eyes, and with profoundly suspect sartorial tendencies ...
Of course Caleb at the time advertised and promoted himself as "Australia's youngest political commentator", a rather short-lived gambit, because there's always a younger gun ...
Back in the day Caleb gone done over by Chris Dore, as reported by Amanda Meade in The Graudian here, becoming the youngest political commentator ever to be axed by the Terrorists, but the pond is pleased to note that he's recently returned to the Terrorist fold for Australia Day ...
It goes without saying that weedy four eyes are always strong on rhetoric about being strong ...
How long will it take for Australia to drop out of the top 20?
Certain teachers, supported by their union, are turning schools into impotent beings unable to serve their purpose.
Caleb boasted about having been out of school for only a year, but the pond had to wonder what school had made him think that schools are some kind of "impotent being", some spectral mystical incarnation of a creature, albeit one riddled with impotence ...
Schools as beings? No doubt Nietzsche would approve ...
But then it was on with being strong ...
But then it was on with being strong ...
They’re being set up to execute political agendas rather than teach students.
Everyone is special, apparently. Every student deserves a shot.
But that shot should not come at the expense of everyone else.
Logic? Don't worry, ET is going home, and we should get on with being strong ...
If you can’t make the mark you should be encouraged to work harder, not have the curriculum changed to suit you.
And in an era when valuable class time is being taken away to undertake the Safe Schools program and put children through assemblies celebrating gay rights, we can’t afford to water our schools down any further.
Without a strong education system, you will not have strong people. And without strong people, you will not have a strong nation.
The chances of my generation should not be sold out to appease a group of softie, left-wing teachers and industry heads.
Of course this sort of talk always gets the pond into Godwin's Law trouble and plenty of roubles in the swear jar ...
Truly, this earth is a trophy cup for the industrious man. And this rightly so, in the service of natural selection. He who does not possess the force to secure his Lebensraum in this world, and, if necessary, to enlarge it, does not deserve to possess the necessities of life. He must step aside and allow stronger peoples to pass him by....
This Jewish bolshevist annihilation of nations and its western European and American procurers can be met only in one way: by using every ounce of strength with the extreme fanaticism and stubborn steadfastness that merciful God gives to men in hard times for the defense of their own lives...
We have suffered so much that it only steels us to fanatical resolve to hate our enemies a thousand times more and to regard them for what they are destroyers of an eternal culture and annihilators of humanity.
Out of this hate a holy will is born to oppose these destroyers of our existence with all the strength that God has given us and to crush them in the end.
During its 2,000-year history our people has survived so many terrible times that we have no doubt that we will also master our present plight...
If the war is lost, the nation will also perish. This fate is inevitable. There is no necessity to take into consideration the basis which the people will need to continue even a most primitive existence. On the contrary, it will be better to destroy these things ourselves, because this nation will have proved to be the weaker one and the future will belong solely to the stronger eastern nation (Russia)...
Besides, those who will remain after the battle are only the inferior ones, for the good ones have all been killed.
Hmm, seems Caleb and Michael and other four eyes can look forward to exciting times ...
But in all the excitement, the pond kinda forgot - well do you feel lucky four-eyed punk, do ya? - that we hadn't quite finished with the original strong man 's piece for the Spectator... so here's that last gobbet, and it's everything it started out to become ...
College buddies ... the boys are back in town? Them wild-eyed boys that had been away? Them crazy cats and duct tape?
Good old Yankee thrift. We sure could use more of it? Because six bankruptcies weren't enough?
Oh yes, they're re-stocking the swamp alright, but will these young guns get the opportunities they so richly deserve?
Meanwhile, how's it going in the land of the good, the true, the beautiful, and above all, the free ...
The good the true and the beautiful as promoted by right-wing christians in one stark image:
And this too: the producer of which is now Donald the Ripper's principal media adviser.
If people could believe that Menachem Schneerson was "the annointed one" (aka messiah) then it's clear that they can believe anything - even in an ascendant Trump.
DeleteYour Torchbearer trailer link says it all.Ta.....reaches for Valium!
DeleteGreat Sunday meditation as always DP.
Well I have to say that Michael Davis et alia caused me to revive a word I haven't used in years: supercilious.
ReplyDeleteBut yair, DP, a bit of a relief-full change from the "banality" of The Devine (with acknowledgements to Hanna A).
Trump and the preservation or restoration of beauty, oh puleez!
ReplyDeleteMore like an in your face manifestation and purveyor of the politics and culture of the archetypal Ugly American or the scenario described in The Air Conditioned Nightmare by Henry Miller or Where the Wasteland Ends by Theodore Roszak,
or a manifestation of what Kurt Vonnegut was pointing too in his prophetic observation that "there is a shit-storm coming".
Its amazing isn't it the liar-in-chief doesn't have a Christian, religious, ethical or moral bone in his body and yet all these conservative Christians are falling over themselves in their praise and adulation of him.'s working out very nicely?