The pond is still in seasonal reflective mode, and is thinking about awards and honours for great reptile commentariat performances in 2016 ...
Now there are many distractions and the pond is always being tempted. Just this day the grant-loving Caterists are out and about, while Rebecca Urban continues her stunning form ...
Well it's probably got more chance as a novelty item than Attack of the fifty foot feminist killjoy women ...
Incidentally that led to a sequel ...
Never mind, the pond's point is that there are are many, many distractions, but the time has come to honour the best spotter of rampant Marxism for the year 2016 ...
Last Thursday saw the latest effort, at a time when the competition for attention in the reptile pages was something fierce ...
Oh yes, never mind the holyday season, the reptiles were on fire, and all the pond could do was admire from afar, as the intermittent broadband dropped in and out ...
But through it all, the steadiest hand, the most valiant spotter of Marxism stood high, head and shoulders above them all ... as he'd done for the entire year ...
And that's why the pond felt that, come the Queen's honours list, attention should be paid, and the doddering Donners should collar an award ...
Now let's cut to the chase and remember why doddering Donners should be celebrated as Marxist spotter of the year ...beginning with that Thursday outing ...
Oh yes, those fiendish radicals and their jibber jabber about climate science. How shocking it is ... and as for the rest of the socialist pinko pervert claptrap, don't get the pond or Donners started ... or we could go on and on forever, and that's a long long time ...
Now please, remember we're not just honouring Marxism spotting ... the honour also rewards any member of the reptile commentariat that mentions Gramsci ...
Oh look, the pond just left that little bikini clad temptress at the end as a reminder that in reptile la la land you won't find any of that fifty foot feminist womyn nonsense. Sex sells, and the reptiles encourage lively and civil contemplation of sweet, succulent young breasts ...
Now it's around this point that a few pedants might start to object - give doddering Donners an imperial award?
Well yes, and just to seal the deal, the pond must remind readers that Donners has a whole host of columns to his credit. Prolific isn't the word, insatiable is more Donners' style ...
And thanks to this earlier outing, celebrated at the top of this page in a splash, the pond must regard its case as closed ...

You see, as a result of that effort, the pond had one of those zen moments where it realised that Queen Victoria, her government and ministers were all damned Marxists ...
Look how these Marxists suddenly started their Marxist-inspired nonsense way back when ...

There's more here, for Greg Hunt and peck types ... just watch out for stray southern walri.
No doubt there'll be some pedants out there who want to remind the pond that Marx and his fellow traveller didn't get around to publishing The Communist Manifesto until 1848 ...
No doubt there'll be some pedants out there who want to remind the pond that Marx and his fellow traveller didn't get around to publishing The Communist Manifesto until 1848 ...
No matter. It's clear enough that Marx got his inspiration for public secular school nonsense from Queen Victoria and her ministers and the lot of them should be damned for their commie socialist feminist pinko pervert ways ... whereas Donners wants to set free private schools so that they might teach creationism, Islamic or Jewish fundamentalism, or perhaps good old L. Ron Hubbard ...
Because we can never get enough creationism or young earth science or Thetans or the banning of music and dancing and suchlike from schools because it's against the principles of fundamentalist Islam ...
After all, if you can't understand complimentary women, transubstantiation, and Trinitarianism, how can you possibly understand the world?
Yes, yes, it's time for a little blather about Judeo-Christian, and never mind the heathen Romans or the perverted Greeks ...
Now there are a few sceptics who might suggest that a writer who hangs out at the Australian Catholic University and writes frequently in praise of the Catholic education system might have a few conflicts of interest, but this sort of nonsense has never stopped doddering Donners ..
Yep, it's back to the land of the 1950s and parrot recitations ... because Newton and Einstein ...
Why just learning the Catholic catechism off by rote would take Australian schoolkids to top of the world. Just look what it did for Italy ...
And so to a final flurry of floozies ...
And so to a final flurry of floozies ...
Well if nothing else, then surely the award should be for monomaniacal ability to repeat over and over the same mantra about political correctness ... as a way of proving that learning by rote can produce an endless babble ...
Meanwhile, the pond is still catching up on old Pope, and it just so happens he has one that sheds a glimmer of light on the self-radicalisation of doddering Donners ... with newer Pope available here ...
Anyone who prattles on about our Judeo-Christian heritage hasn't really done their homework.
Because at its deepest roots, even by using the name the "new" testament as distinct from the "old" testament, christian-ism is deeply anti- (Jewish)semitic.
The use of "new" implies that the "old" Jewish testament is exactly that, namely OLD, and has now been superseded and replaced by the "new" christian bully-boys who are now in charge on the block, or the world stage.
And if you Jews dont get it on or convert to the new "religion" promoted by the christian bully-boys and their self-given imperative to convert the entire world to the "one-true-'faith'" you WILL suffer the consequences.
European his-story has provided ample blood-soaked evidence of cultural meme or intention. The Nazi holocaust being the INEVITABLE manifestation of this meme. At the time christian Europe was saturated with anti-semitism. Many christians throughout Europe were more than eager to round up and expel the Jews.
Remember too that up until a few years ago traditional "catholics" used to pray (prey) on a daily basis for the "conversion" of the Jews to the one-true-christian (especially "catholic")faith. Some ultra-"traditionalists" probably still do so.
Martin Luther via his various scribblings expressed a deep hostility towards the Jews.
But what about Calvin too. Calvinism has a very deep influence on all of the modern world, especially in the USA. His mammoth work the Institutes of the Christian Religion contains the word LOVE only FIVE times.
I would argue that most/all of the evangelical "religious" nut-jobs that endorsed the Orange one as the man/agent to re-"christianize" Amerika were the inheritors of Calvin's double minded puritannical scribblings and influence.
" ... christian-ism is deeply anti- (Jewish)semitic."
DeleteOh, ok then is it alright if I'm deeply anti-Judaic without being anti-Jewish ? Except for those who practise the deeply misogynistic, misandrist and misanthropic aspects of being "semitic", of course. It's all right to be anti-them, isn't it ?
Isn't the term just a construct of the US neocons, designed to appeal to Christian Evangelicals, Jewish conservatives and Zionists alike? "See, we really have a lot in common, and we're all in danger of having our shared values destroyed by pinko liberal Marxists....". It may have no justifiable basis in reality, but since when has that ever stoped the neocons?
DeleteThat first item in the Google search on Donners says it all: "Earth to Kevin Donnelly" - come in, Kevin - are you there?
ReplyDeleteHe's on another planet all right.
Happy New Year, Dorothy. Live long and prosper.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that you write about the start of government education funding in the 1830s, as I've just started reading The New Machiavelli by HG Wells (written in 1911). Not far into it he gives a scathing critique of what the education system had become (NB his father was a teacher), which is almost the same as the critiques given by reputable (IMHO) sources of NAPLAN in Australia today.
Once again, all the best to you and yours in 2017, and reiterating my deep, deep appreciation for your writing efforts.
Kind regards,
Jim (from Adelaide! Western suburbs born and bred)
And all the best to you Jim. The pond's partner has been reading James Gleick's Time Travel over the break, which line of story telling the immortal HG had something to do with ...
DeleteAs for Adelaide, sad to say the pond was at times a Mile End dweller, gosh darn it, another inner western suburb!
Dear Loon Pond - as they say, always good to be mentioned in dispatches and I do appreciate your sense of humour in a strange kind of way. One of my pieces had over 800 responses and the majority supported my arguments – there must be more deplorables out there than you think. And I did get a gong recently, the Order of Australia, for services to education. Just goes to show what a Broady boy can achieve in this great egalitarian nation.
ReplyDeleteGreat egalitarian nation? One was almost led to believe that it was 'students first', for 'over 30 years'; and now Turnbull et al reap the rewards of Howard's spiral curriculum.