Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Day 78 of MUC and day 31 of MOC and the pond turns into bigot's corner thanks to the Terrorists ...

The pond knows it lowers the tone, reduces the site from a pond dedicated to loons, to a pond full of tadpole-like bigots ...

Luckily Caroline Marcus whining about whiners - why do they always whine so much, these whiners about whiners? - can be ignored.

After all, a network that specialises in street kidnappings doesn't have that much to offer mainstream debate, especially when they loan out the whiner to the Terrorists so she can come up with this standard, convoluted logic ...

Over in the US, Donald Trump supporters are routinely egged, sprayed in the eyes with pepper spray and bashed until they bleed by protesters. Whatever you think of The Don’s crazier politics, such behaviour can never be condoned. And the paradox is these protesters will ultimately be the ones with egg on their face, their special brand of violence only bolstering support for the Republican candidate. Those whingers doth protest too much.

Yes, it'll all be the fault if the protestors if the Donald gets in ... as opposed to the Republican party that put him up as a candidate and are now rallying to the cause ...

Such a stupid woman, but how splendid that she should be cheek by jowl with Mark "got a taxi driver needing his arm broken?" Latham ...

But before we move on to bigot's corner, please allow the pond to celebrate the reptiles at the lizard Oz firmly putting teh Donald in his place ...

There, done and dusted. The Donald just needs to allay concerns and all will be well ...

Gee, thanks reptiles. After that dressing down, the pond will get out a warm lettuce leaf and give itself a spanking.

And so on to bigot's corner, and naturally the first thing a bigot will do - a bit like whiners whining about whiners - is bitch about being labelled a bigot, simply for displaying some harmless bigotry ...

Yes, yes, once again Latham has been silenced ... because that's what happens when you shout from a soap box at the Daily Terror and nobody much gives a flying fuck because (a) they've heard it all before, or (b) since when has it been a slur to call a bigot revelling in their bigotry a bigot?

Is it a slur to say a pig is as happy as a pig in mud?

This sort of stuff always follows the usual logic ... you know, I'm not a bigot or a Cory Bernardi supporter, or defender, butt butt, billy goat, butt butt, let me explain how I'm a bigot and a Cory Bernardi defender and supporter ...

We all know the tedious, ineffable drill with the trolling and the baiting and the sly winks and the nudges and the say no mores...

Ah the lure of lesbos. The pond wondered when these despicable creatures, these wretched harridans would show up.

But should this be interpreted as more of the same same usual?

Of course not, the man who loves to break arms also loves the lovers of lesbos ...

Yes, it's the experts who are the bigots but please remember that calling the taxi arm breaker is a most problematic form of bigotry, completely different to those astute occasions when the bigot accuses others of bigotry.

That's because those cads are genuine bigots, and irony or self-awareness is simply not a factor ...

And so to the boofhead using his Daily Terror to settle some ancient tribal war with Albo ...

It goes on for a quite a bit, so Albo and the arm breaker must have some bad blood flowing down the creek ...

Indeed, indeed, and seig heil to all that, and once again the Daily Terrorists have done a tremendous job and with a bit of luck Pauline Hanson can win a seat in the senate and clear a path for the reformed Mark Latham ...

As for the rest, the Terrorists honoured their readers with an exceptional illustration which the pond shamefully, or shamelessly held back, because it's so delicious and everyone knows that a chocolate fudge delayed is a fudge so much more to be enjoyed ...

A leftist impression?

The Daily Terrorists have a leftist doing photoshop impressions for them?

Well the pond never knew, never even thought that they could manage this level of cleverness ... fancy thinking it was just a standard bit of digitally altered dickheadedness ... when really it was a leftist doing an impression of a leftist impression ...

Well it's easy enough to see why the Donald has done so well in the land of Murdoch's Faux Noise ... that stuff about Cory is right up there in the paranoid stakes.

Perhaps the solution Wilcox has proposed for the Donald - more Wilcox here - could also be deployed locally for the Surry Hills bunker ...

Remember if you pay for your Daily Terror columnists, you get your daily terrorist serve of a bigoted commentariat ...

Best case scenario? They build a better class of pay wall ...


  1. Talking about walls, it's been a while so I wonder how many would remember the Mad Magazine cartoon spread on Barry Goldwater back in 1964. It purportedly showed the contents of Goldwater's wallet which included a quotation for building a 10 foot high (IIRC) wall all the way around America. I think it came to about US$50 Billion or so (which was a lot back in 1964).

    So, not even original, and the best Trump can do is this wee small thing that's just along the Mexican border. And he's talking about "making America great again" ?

    1. GB, I was an avid reader of Alfred and his mates back then. Introduced by my BFF whose guardians would not let the "Communnist" magazine into their home.
      My rolled gold collection of MAD was desecrated, whilst I was doing the Europe thing, by my niece who coloured in and cut out all the interesting pieces. In a fit of pique I burnt the lot, something I have been sorry about ever since.

    2. "What, me worry ?"

      Mad was an a true avatar in its day which I enjoyed greatly - though nowadays I am intermittently surprised to discover that it's still alive.

      And I do sincerely commiserate over the loss of your collection. Such things can only ever be done once.

  2. Latham goes back to 2001? Same same.
    Stuart Littlemore - Institute Of Public Affairs - ABC TV 2001

  3. Crooked Dorothy is a fraud who has put the heart of the nation at risk by her illegal and very stupid misuse of pay walls. Many dissing!

    1. And that brought a smile, almost a chuckle, and the joy of knowing a reptile from lizard land had dropped by ...remember lizard people, the pond is on your side! When it comes to herding the common folk into the feed bins for the alien feast, spare the pond!

    2. Was that really a genuine lizard, DP ?

      I mean the total lack of sense and coherence is a bit of a giveaway I suppose - a Catallaxy fan having a day off perhaps.

      And isn't it just wonderful how completely Latham has sunk into the Murdochrat group mindset - just like he never really had a mind of his own to start with.


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